Saturday, November 26, 2005 @ 8:17 AM
today ish my sch open house~~
i did sound duty.. but mainly did nothing.. hahaha.. went home on the bus wif emily chimmy guen n lijune.. there was this guy.. his eyes very nice lor.. too bad it doesnt fit his face.. wahaha~~ im evil~~ [[我不是你的谁 可是你是我的谁]] |
Friday, November 25, 2005 @ 2:37 PM
i changed the song by the side!! haha~~ u muz be going.. "finally~~" this time it's landy's 能不能 found in both 恶作剧之吻 OST and her album 爱回温 i found some nice mvs.. shall put it here.. jay chou's 珊瑚海 S.H.E's 不想长大 林俊杰 流行主教 Jay Chou's 浪漫手机 [inside can hear Jay say some cantonese] |
Wednesday, November 23, 2005 @ 8:58 AM
觉得他是个很感性的人啊 读了一些文章有感而发 [[这世界太混乱了 太多人太多事 太复杂了 静静的坐在房里 回想起以前的时光 当人们都还那么的天真 不禁感叹 这世界变得真快 真想念那些无忧无虑的日子 那些没有恐怖分子的日子 那些没有战争的日子 难道人们就不能和平的在一起吗? 何必为了一些话而伤了感情 人的生活里 就必须度过一段世界混乱的日子吗? 不是战争就是宗族和谐的问题 真的搞不懂 也不想懂]] 呵呵 上面的好像有点离题 我的好朋友要从国外回来了! 倒数5天 |
Saturday, November 19, 2005 @ 10:13 AM
today i went to watch harry potter!!
it was nice!! nicer than i expected it to.. cedric died lah!!! n he died so suddenly!! so fast died liao.. the book not like that one right?? cedric is shuai man.. too bad can only see him for one movie.. viktor looks er.. haha.. old.. he is old.. harry and ron seriously needs a hair cut.. fred n george n ron needs to get tanned.. they look so white.. "ppl change" -- hehe.. [[这一个早上,生命中的骑士和王子,都离开了我。我开始一个人的漫长等待,等待有一天,许下承诺保护我的骑士和王子,再度与我相遇。]] |
Friday, November 18, 2005 @ 11:31 AM
那里的规则好多哦 讲话都要很小心 还有人说那里很好。。 元畅的飞梦就不同了 里面的人超热情的 你乱乱发贴也会有人回帖 不像乔杰立那里 马上给你扣分 还说什么回帖要至少十个字 还是飞梦好 因为是老大管的吗 如果是粉丝管的话可能会出现和乔杰立那里一样的情形。。 想念老大嘞! 乔杰立那里的哈拉区就不同了 那里的人比较好 规定好像也没那么多 还有这个绿光森林的区 里面有一个贴是绿光森林里的经典句 有好多哦 我会每天在这里放一个 =) 不知道大家有没有看[好爱她好像他]的mv 里面那些有影子的镜头我都好喜欢 很有感觉。。 [[人长大以后,记忆最深的是什么?,难过悲伤的事,还是快乐欢喜的事。]] |
Thursday, November 17, 2005 @ 12:32 PM
刚刚的我在读台湾的PLAY杂志 是八月份的 有说林俊杰的事 说什么他的msn名称是 [浓汤] 而他在找他的 [玉米] 就能变成 [玉米浓汤] 还放框框说什么读者不要偷偷把msn名称改成 [玉米] 我本身是喜欢俊杰啦 不过为什么要是玉米? 我本身不喜欢玉米浓汤。。 总觉得味道不好 为什么不是蘑菇浓汤? 我认为比较好喝阿。。 不会吗? 还有。。 台风有访问 说个爱情故事 我偏爱小村的 是关于他自己的故事 一个他小学时喜欢的女生 现在又和他联络上了 希望他们有美好的结局! |
Wednesday, November 16, 2005 @ 9:52 AM
到了五月天的讨论区 发现了一件事 原来 “金多虾”[台语] 是“真多谢” 哈哈。。。 我好慢哦 现在才发现 突然觉得原来“金多虾”这首歌其实不错嘛~ |
@ 3:16 AM
yo peepo~~
yesterday i went kbox!! sang for sho long.. 3pm to 7pm.. damn happy.. n there was 7F's songs!!! the newest one should be 谁最漂亮 but then hor.. it is not considered a new song leh.. made me very puzzled.. got S.H.E 真命天女 sound track songs.. i luv selina's 管不着!! we sang 我只想要 [7朵花] 闭上眼默念三遍 [183 俱乐部 7朵花] 摩天轮 [S.H.E - Hebe] 我要的幸福 [孙燕姿] 距离 [林俊杰] 害怕 [林俊杰] 让我心动的女孩 [林俊杰] 简简单单 [林俊杰] 我挺你 [Linda] 此刻,你心里想起谁 [王力宏] 你不在 [王力宏] 星光 [S.H.E] 牙关 [五月天] 知足 [五月天] 恋爱ing [五月天] 孤单芭蕾 [许慧欣] 还有很多 i love sho many songs~~ sho i decided to put the song of the day to song of the week.. or songs for recommandation.. haha.. i can smell my neighours lunch frm my room.. which is particularly the furthest room away frm the kitchen.. my my.. smells sho nice.. cant find that smell in my house.. my mum is very health consious.. o yar.. my blog look very plain hor.. i oso dunno wat to do wif it.. |
Tuesday, November 15, 2005 @ 3:48 PM
haha.. i long wanted to le.. juz that my mum noes that i would drop out half way so she didnt let me join the class
Monday, November 14, 2005 @ 9:11 AM
刚才上飞梦 发现老大在线上 哈哈 好像是考完试就上来了吧 不然就是卦网或考试前来疏解压力 我再飞梦找到了一个东西: 1,首先大家伸出兩手,將中指向下彎曲,對靠在一起,就是中指的背跟背靠在一起。 2,然後將其它的4個手指分別指尖對碰。 3,在開始遊戲的正題之前,請確保以下過程中,5個手指只允許一對手指分開。下面開始遊戲的正題。 4,請張開你們那對大母指,大母指代表我們的父母,能夠張開,每個人都會有生老病死,父母也會有一天離我們而去。 5,請大家合上大母指,再張開食指,食指代表兄弟姐妹,他們也都會有自己的家世,也會離開我們。 6,請大家合上食指,再張開小母指,小母指代表子女,子女長大後,遲早有一天,會有自己的家庭生活,也會離開我們。 7,那麼,請大家合上小母指,再試著張開無名指。這個時候,大家會驚奇的發現無名指怎麼也張不開,因為無名指代表夫妻,是一輩子不分離的。真正的愛,粘在一起後,是永生永世都分不開的。 好准哦 挺感人的 |
Saturday, November 12, 2005 @ 3:51 PM
inspired by 元畅的飞梦 -- 【转帖(转自百度元暢贴吧)】 活在今天
1。 今天,我要活得没烦恼。 因为“烦恼事自己找的,要当个心智成熟的人,不要选择伤害自己。” 2。今天,我要活得快乐。 因为我不知道还有没有明天。 3。今天, 我要活得充实。因为人生苦短,不该浪费活着的时间。 4。今天,我要帮助人。 因为看到别人开心, 我也开心。 5。今天,我要为自己在假期里定个目标。因为每天这样混,也不是办法。 6。今天,我要睡得足够。因为有了足够的睡眠,才能好好地迎接明天。 7。今天,我要轻轻松松。因为烦恼并不能解决问题。 8。今天,我要快乐。因为我希望每个人都能和我一样快快乐乐,世界就会更美好。 9。今天,我要感谢让我拥有现在的所有的[他]。因为我从来都没有感谢过[他],也不知道以后有没有机会。 10。今天,我要珍惜我身边的每一个人。因为谁也不知道谁会突然地消失。 这就是我的今天 你的呢? |
Tuesday, November 08, 2005 @ 5:45 PM
yo peepo~~
haven been posting.. cos.. i hav been busy wif da choral nite! 31st octoba ish fund raising.. sister class 2o2 performed!! 2nd novemba ish our classie's performance.. i think it was okay only lor.. cos i dun think that was our best.. o yar.. huiqing's softball frens.. thanks arh! 4th novemba ish choral nite duty -- photo i carry the cam until i muscle ache.. haha.. not used to da dslr.. at first was okay de.. but the nxt morning wake up pain like siao.. o yar.. thursday -- 3rd novemba.. mi cuzzies came.. they came for dinner.. talk talk talk.. then left.. my dad actually asked me to go to the living room n sit wif them.. after the meal they sat at the sofa.. surrounding me!! n i was totally clueless abt wateva they r saying!! they talk in hokkien n i dun understand!! n i was made to sit in the middle!! cannot ta-han liao then go play com.. sat went to watch movie.. sky high.. min ying they all say very nice.. but i think the plot line is similar to any other hero show.. later jie qi explain to me wat was actually the nice part of the movie.. it is abt the sch.. the hero class n sidekick class that one.. juz like EM1 n EM3 classes.. n sky high itself.. it is like a prestigous sch.. n everyone wans to go there.. if u get in.. ur parents will put alot of hope on u.. then ppl will start feeling stressed.. sun went to see watoto.. i was quite bored out by the church thing.. the whole thing was to ask ppl to join their church!! i mean.. this is watoto concert right?? or izzit a seminar to promote ur church?? i came to support the children not the church.. so church.. get that thought into you! thinking that sending ppl out on the streets is not enough n still wanting to tke time out of ppl's concert.. n to say that u r a church! bac to topic today ish choral nite duty -- lights.. feel so relieved now after the duty.. i can relax le!! thanks for those hu encouraged me.. like debbie.. shumei.. lijune.. n especially emily.. n oso gen! hu did duty wif me cos suxiang had fever n went home.. n dear mr tang.. told me to blog abt it.. so here it is! o yar.. n gen is called wat the person hu is the best in lights... okay... i hav nothing to say.. |
Friday, November 04, 2005 @ 5:46 AM
boo peepo!!
i m bac frm choral nite performance!! woohoo~~ yea~~ i was ah ma.. haha.. my sis say she heard ppl going "加油ah ma! 加油 ah ma!" so many many lines down my forehead.. haha.. it was so fun!! we shared the "dressing room" wif 207.. n our dear "dressing room" was the LT quite a nice place to run abt though.. n the seniors... they were playing 王子变青蛙OST n they actually took the mic to sing 我只想要 omg.. it was damn off tune.. sigh sigh sigh.. n we were doing our make up at the bac.. haha.. i looked funny.. the last time that i put on make up was like during p4.. when there was a choir performance.. soooooooo long le.. 2o7's eng performance was nice!! an incident similar to the nkf that incident.. [in the show] got one guy.. called mr. yuandebunena had a golden tap.. n he called for a golden sink.. then later he go call n he heard the price.. it was $5000 then he said "so cheap! like peanuts!" haha.. then the end hor got this very nice part.. "I am the new CEO of L S S [liver society of Singapore]. This, is my golden toiletbowl! [sat down on the toiletbowl] ahhh~~[relieved feeling] 爽[dialect] ah!" haha.. so cute~~ everyone in our class knows that part already lor.. n we were saying it all the way home.. hahaha.. 江直树ish cute!! small small that time even cuter.. girl girl.. haha.. the mama so bad.. make him into girl girl.. o yar.. 七朵花's 好爱她 好想他 ish very nice!! i shall put it in my friendster! go n listen bah! |
Tuesday, November 01, 2005 @ 4:49 AM
刚刚在回家的路上 收听933 听到张智成上弦歌记忆 他好幽默! 在跟开玩笑 我听到关于男朋友的那一部分 张智成说什么“你一定喜欢那种高高,壮壮的男生。” 嘉惠就讲:“不是,我叫男朋友的条件就是他一定要幽默。” 张智成:“那我们交往吧!” 嘉惠:“但是高一点的会比较好。” 哈哈哈哈哈哈 好伤张智成哦。。 不过他很可爱! 很幽默! 我从来不知道他是这样的人 挺好相处的 还有还有 说到他那一首[[很想你]] 说什么是维健唱红那首歌的 张智成:“是哦。感谢他。他一定很帅。” 嘉惠:“他有点可爱啦。现在在当兵,理了个光头。” 好像是这样啦 不懂讲到什么 嘉惠就说:“不要伤心啦。人家点的是你的版本” 还有。。 说录一个新年的节目 去泡汤 然后露点 哈哈 嘉惠就狂笑 也忘了发生什么事 当张智成在讲解的时候 就在后面狂笑 哈哈。。。 有当场听才会好笑 现在讲好像效果没那么好 总而言之 张智成好可爱! [[哈哈。。老大也很可爱啦。最近很晚睡耶。老大,身体要看好!]] |
SEE Yihui. monkey. 28nov.
proudly Singaporean. chaolaoshu. lurenjia. huizz. nyav. tankfc. chengho. 7duohua. 黃城夜韻. Operation Smile. S-SIX-BEE. ♥ LOVES NEWS. Tamamori Yuta. 蘇打綠. Kis-My-Ft2. Kato Shigeaki. Nishikido Ryo *WISHES Trip to Japan/Taiwan. Work in Esplanade. Perform on stage. Currently watching Lady~Saigo no Hanzai Profiling. Control. My Princess. worth $1,212,030. |
Saturday, November 26, 2005 @ 8:17 AM
today ish my sch open house~~
i did sound duty.. but mainly did nothing.. hahaha.. went home on the bus wif emily chimmy guen n lijune.. there was this guy.. his eyes very nice lor.. too bad it doesnt fit his face.. wahaha~~ im evil~~ [[我不是你的谁 可是你是我的谁]] |
Friday, November 25, 2005 @ 2:37 PM
i changed the song by the side!! haha~~ u muz be going.. "finally~~" this time it's landy's 能不能 found in both 恶作剧之吻 OST and her album 爱回温 i found some nice mvs.. shall put it here.. jay chou's 珊瑚海 S.H.E's 不想长大 林俊杰 流行主教 Jay Chou's 浪漫手机 [inside can hear Jay say some cantonese] |
Wednesday, November 23, 2005 @ 8:58 AM
觉得他是个很感性的人啊 读了一些文章有感而发 [[这世界太混乱了 太多人太多事 太复杂了 静静的坐在房里 回想起以前的时光 当人们都还那么的天真 不禁感叹 这世界变得真快 真想念那些无忧无虑的日子 那些没有恐怖分子的日子 那些没有战争的日子 难道人们就不能和平的在一起吗? 何必为了一些话而伤了感情 人的生活里 就必须度过一段世界混乱的日子吗? 不是战争就是宗族和谐的问题 真的搞不懂 也不想懂]] 呵呵 上面的好像有点离题 我的好朋友要从国外回来了! 倒数5天 |
Saturday, November 19, 2005 @ 10:13 AM
today i went to watch harry potter!!
it was nice!! nicer than i expected it to.. cedric died lah!!! n he died so suddenly!! so fast died liao.. the book not like that one right?? cedric is shuai man.. too bad can only see him for one movie.. viktor looks er.. haha.. old.. he is old.. harry and ron seriously needs a hair cut.. fred n george n ron needs to get tanned.. they look so white.. "ppl change" -- hehe.. [[这一个早上,生命中的骑士和王子,都离开了我。我开始一个人的漫长等待,等待有一天,许下承诺保护我的骑士和王子,再度与我相遇。]] |
Friday, November 18, 2005 @ 11:31 AM
那里的规则好多哦 讲话都要很小心 还有人说那里很好。。 元畅的飞梦就不同了 里面的人超热情的 你乱乱发贴也会有人回帖 不像乔杰立那里 马上给你扣分 还说什么回帖要至少十个字 还是飞梦好 因为是老大管的吗 如果是粉丝管的话可能会出现和乔杰立那里一样的情形。。 想念老大嘞! 乔杰立那里的哈拉区就不同了 那里的人比较好 规定好像也没那么多 还有这个绿光森林的区 里面有一个贴是绿光森林里的经典句 有好多哦 我会每天在这里放一个 =) 不知道大家有没有看[好爱她好像他]的mv 里面那些有影子的镜头我都好喜欢 很有感觉。。 [[人长大以后,记忆最深的是什么?,难过悲伤的事,还是快乐欢喜的事。]] |
Thursday, November 17, 2005 @ 12:32 PM
刚刚的我在读台湾的PLAY杂志 是八月份的 有说林俊杰的事 说什么他的msn名称是 [浓汤] 而他在找他的 [玉米] 就能变成 [玉米浓汤] 还放框框说什么读者不要偷偷把msn名称改成 [玉米] 我本身是喜欢俊杰啦 不过为什么要是玉米? 我本身不喜欢玉米浓汤。。 总觉得味道不好 为什么不是蘑菇浓汤? 我认为比较好喝阿。。 不会吗? 还有。。 台风有访问 说个爱情故事 我偏爱小村的 是关于他自己的故事 一个他小学时喜欢的女生 现在又和他联络上了 希望他们有美好的结局! |
Wednesday, November 16, 2005 @ 9:52 AM
到了五月天的讨论区 发现了一件事 原来 “金多虾”[台语] 是“真多谢” 哈哈。。。 我好慢哦 现在才发现 突然觉得原来“金多虾”这首歌其实不错嘛~ |
@ 3:16 AM
yo peepo~~
yesterday i went kbox!! sang for sho long.. 3pm to 7pm.. damn happy.. n there was 7F's songs!!! the newest one should be 谁最漂亮 but then hor.. it is not considered a new song leh.. made me very puzzled.. got S.H.E 真命天女 sound track songs.. i luv selina's 管不着!! we sang 我只想要 [7朵花] 闭上眼默念三遍 [183 俱乐部 7朵花] 摩天轮 [S.H.E - Hebe] 我要的幸福 [孙燕姿] 距离 [林俊杰] 害怕 [林俊杰] 让我心动的女孩 [林俊杰] 简简单单 [林俊杰] 我挺你 [Linda] 此刻,你心里想起谁 [王力宏] 你不在 [王力宏] 星光 [S.H.E] 牙关 [五月天] 知足 [五月天] 恋爱ing [五月天] 孤单芭蕾 [许慧欣] 还有很多 i love sho many songs~~ sho i decided to put the song of the day to song of the week.. or songs for recommandation.. haha.. i can smell my neighours lunch frm my room.. which is particularly the furthest room away frm the kitchen.. my my.. smells sho nice.. cant find that smell in my house.. my mum is very health consious.. o yar.. my blog look very plain hor.. i oso dunno wat to do wif it.. |
Tuesday, November 15, 2005 @ 3:48 PM
haha.. i long wanted to le.. juz that my mum noes that i would drop out half way so she didnt let me join the class
Monday, November 14, 2005 @ 9:11 AM
刚才上飞梦 发现老大在线上 哈哈 好像是考完试就上来了吧 不然就是卦网或考试前来疏解压力 我再飞梦找到了一个东西: 1,首先大家伸出兩手,將中指向下彎曲,對靠在一起,就是中指的背跟背靠在一起。 2,然後將其它的4個手指分別指尖對碰。 3,在開始遊戲的正題之前,請確保以下過程中,5個手指只允許一對手指分開。下面開始遊戲的正題。 4,請張開你們那對大母指,大母指代表我們的父母,能夠張開,每個人都會有生老病死,父母也會有一天離我們而去。 5,請大家合上大母指,再張開食指,食指代表兄弟姐妹,他們也都會有自己的家世,也會離開我們。 6,請大家合上食指,再張開小母指,小母指代表子女,子女長大後,遲早有一天,會有自己的家庭生活,也會離開我們。 7,那麼,請大家合上小母指,再試著張開無名指。這個時候,大家會驚奇的發現無名指怎麼也張不開,因為無名指代表夫妻,是一輩子不分離的。真正的愛,粘在一起後,是永生永世都分不開的。 好准哦 挺感人的 |
Saturday, November 12, 2005 @ 3:51 PM
inspired by 元畅的飞梦 -- 【转帖(转自百度元暢贴吧)】 活在今天
1。 今天,我要活得没烦恼。 因为“烦恼事自己找的,要当个心智成熟的人,不要选择伤害自己。” 2。今天,我要活得快乐。 因为我不知道还有没有明天。 3。今天, 我要活得充实。因为人生苦短,不该浪费活着的时间。 4。今天,我要帮助人。 因为看到别人开心, 我也开心。 5。今天,我要为自己在假期里定个目标。因为每天这样混,也不是办法。 6。今天,我要睡得足够。因为有了足够的睡眠,才能好好地迎接明天。 7。今天,我要轻轻松松。因为烦恼并不能解决问题。 8。今天,我要快乐。因为我希望每个人都能和我一样快快乐乐,世界就会更美好。 9。今天,我要感谢让我拥有现在的所有的[他]。因为我从来都没有感谢过[他],也不知道以后有没有机会。 10。今天,我要珍惜我身边的每一个人。因为谁也不知道谁会突然地消失。 这就是我的今天 你的呢? |
Tuesday, November 08, 2005 @ 5:45 PM
yo peepo~~
haven been posting.. cos.. i hav been busy wif da choral nite! 31st octoba ish fund raising.. sister class 2o2 performed!! 2nd novemba ish our classie's performance.. i think it was okay only lor.. cos i dun think that was our best.. o yar.. huiqing's softball frens.. thanks arh! 4th novemba ish choral nite duty -- photo i carry the cam until i muscle ache.. haha.. not used to da dslr.. at first was okay de.. but the nxt morning wake up pain like siao.. o yar.. thursday -- 3rd novemba.. mi cuzzies came.. they came for dinner.. talk talk talk.. then left.. my dad actually asked me to go to the living room n sit wif them.. after the meal they sat at the sofa.. surrounding me!! n i was totally clueless abt wateva they r saying!! they talk in hokkien n i dun understand!! n i was made to sit in the middle!! cannot ta-han liao then go play com.. sat went to watch movie.. sky high.. min ying they all say very nice.. but i think the plot line is similar to any other hero show.. later jie qi explain to me wat was actually the nice part of the movie.. it is abt the sch.. the hero class n sidekick class that one.. juz like EM1 n EM3 classes.. n sky high itself.. it is like a prestigous sch.. n everyone wans to go there.. if u get in.. ur parents will put alot of hope on u.. then ppl will start feeling stressed.. sun went to see watoto.. i was quite bored out by the church thing.. the whole thing was to ask ppl to join their church!! i mean.. this is watoto concert right?? or izzit a seminar to promote ur church?? i came to support the children not the church.. so church.. get that thought into you! thinking that sending ppl out on the streets is not enough n still wanting to tke time out of ppl's concert.. n to say that u r a church! bac to topic today ish choral nite duty -- lights.. feel so relieved now after the duty.. i can relax le!! thanks for those hu encouraged me.. like debbie.. shumei.. lijune.. n especially emily.. n oso gen! hu did duty wif me cos suxiang had fever n went home.. n dear mr tang.. told me to blog abt it.. so here it is! o yar.. n gen is called wat the person hu is the best in lights... okay... i hav nothing to say.. |
Friday, November 04, 2005 @ 5:46 AM
boo peepo!!
i m bac frm choral nite performance!! woohoo~~ yea~~ i was ah ma.. haha.. my sis say she heard ppl going "加油ah ma! 加油 ah ma!" so many many lines down my forehead.. haha.. it was so fun!! we shared the "dressing room" wif 207.. n our dear "dressing room" was the LT quite a nice place to run abt though.. n the seniors... they were playing 王子变青蛙OST n they actually took the mic to sing 我只想要 omg.. it was damn off tune.. sigh sigh sigh.. n we were doing our make up at the bac.. haha.. i looked funny.. the last time that i put on make up was like during p4.. when there was a choir performance.. soooooooo long le.. 2o7's eng performance was nice!! an incident similar to the nkf that incident.. [in the show] got one guy.. called mr. yuandebunena had a golden tap.. n he called for a golden sink.. then later he go call n he heard the price.. it was $5000 then he said "so cheap! like peanuts!" haha.. then the end hor got this very nice part.. "I am the new CEO of L S S [liver society of Singapore]. This, is my golden toiletbowl! [sat down on the toiletbowl] ahhh~~[relieved feeling] 爽[dialect] ah!" haha.. so cute~~ everyone in our class knows that part already lor.. n we were saying it all the way home.. hahaha.. 江直树ish cute!! small small that time even cuter.. girl girl.. haha.. the mama so bad.. make him into girl girl.. o yar.. 七朵花's 好爱她 好想他 ish very nice!! i shall put it in my friendster! go n listen bah! |
Tuesday, November 01, 2005 @ 4:49 AM
刚刚在回家的路上 收听933 听到张智成上弦歌记忆 他好幽默! 在跟开玩笑 我听到关于男朋友的那一部分 张智成说什么“你一定喜欢那种高高,壮壮的男生。” 嘉惠就讲:“不是,我叫男朋友的条件就是他一定要幽默。” 张智成:“那我们交往吧!” 嘉惠:“但是高一点的会比较好。” 哈哈哈哈哈哈 好伤张智成哦。。 不过他很可爱! 很幽默! 我从来不知道他是这样的人 挺好相处的 还有还有 说到他那一首[[很想你]] 说什么是维健唱红那首歌的 张智成:“是哦。感谢他。他一定很帅。” 嘉惠:“他有点可爱啦。现在在当兵,理了个光头。” 好像是这样啦 不懂讲到什么 嘉惠就说:“不要伤心啦。人家点的是你的版本” 还有。。 说录一个新年的节目 去泡汤 然后露点 哈哈 嘉惠就狂笑 也忘了发生什么事 当张智成在讲解的时候 就在后面狂笑 哈哈。。。 有当场听才会好笑 现在讲好像效果没那么好 总而言之 张智成好可爱! [[哈哈。。老大也很可爱啦。最近很晚睡耶。老大,身体要看好!]] |