Monday, January 30, 2006 @ 5:38 PM
alot of things happened today.. let's start frm the morn. 本大小姐今天竟然在12点以前起床! 真是奇迹啊! 没有啦。。 是被吵醒的 罪魁祸首就是。。。。。 我老妈 我阿姨 和我三个表姐表哥 老大 也就是我的表姐 叫Cindy 长得像权怡凤 害得他被弟弟们笑 整天说她是那个主持“爱上GIANT过肥年”的主持人 老二 Edward 头发剪得像F.I.R的Real 可是脸不像 是某公司的creative director [好高的职位。。] 老三 Genson[姐姐说是这样spell的] 从旁边看 像VJ的James 也就是祝钒刚的哥哥 一大早 把我挖起来 就为了和他们拍照 要死啊! 无奈 只好这么做 妈妈把表姐叫成阿姨 害她又被弟弟笑说是Aunty Cindy 哈哈哈 果然 Sarcarsm flows in the family blood 还有 我妈妈一直叫我表哥 - 帅哥 唉唉唉 我不认识她~~~ 然后 拍照时 妈妈叫姐姐坐表哥旁边 她说:哎呀 不用怕 他时你表哥 只是gor gor 而已 第一个想到的就是:哎呀 不用怕 他是gay 不会发生什么事的 哈哈哈哈 不要来打我~~~~~~~~ 晚上 和姑姑叔叔们去看电影 虽然结尾看得我糊里糊涂 但很好笑 那部电影就是:最爱女购物狂 the shopaholics 回家时 听到有人说小孩不笨而不好看 太philosiphical[how to spell?] 了 说什么他是想要赚钱才拍的 要拿奖才拍的 不好看 不管怎么样 这部戏还是感动了很多人 不是吗? 最后我要说 i pray that my cousins dun find their way to my blog. Amen. |
Sunday, January 29, 2006 @ 5:03 PM
ne. i think this post of yamapi is really nice
1/27 8:58pm #900 Konbachiwa. I took a nap around noon but woke up at 8:55! (Laugh) I didn’t write the diary at all! This is bad (Laugh) I’m sorry! A~ today is the 900th entry! Amazing. This is really a diary! How would I feel when I look back on this when I’m 30? (Laugh) I look forward to it. Before you know it it’ll be the 1000th entry. From now on, when you’re free, when you think back to the past, please read this. Yoroshikuu. hehe old le lah old le lah. i oso getting old le sigh. |
Saturday, January 28, 2006 @ 2:22 PM
hi peepo!
tml's cny eve liao!!!!! today went out to watch i not stupid too the ending there quite touching there's one part when the jerry stole money then when asked y he said he needed the money to buy an hour of his father's time sho touching. ppl nowadays arh juz really alike luckiy my parents take time to talk wif us the shawn's voice became more "man" liao the movie's nice the theme song's nice go watch it! it's worth ur money my resolution for the new year : more sleep. hahaha i seriously feel tired n i actually asked yanyi to go for coffee n breakfast at the airport tml morn argh. i dunno wat i was doing.. hav to meet at 6.30am at cck yanyi not confirmed going so i oso not confirmed hav to wake up early muahaha happy eve of cny eve peepo! tml eat reunion dinner =) |
Friday, January 27, 2006 @ 8:53 AM
i luv zhiyong's blog so cute so cute so funny... the frens all very sarcastic one like me! haha i was being damn sarcastic to my sis yesterday lah u can go her blog n ask her.. it's under my links zhiyong's frens went "PUI!" when sum1 said that he was nice wahahahhahaha! cute! funny! then he ask them go jiak sai wateva~~ tml going watch movie wif waiyee n xinyan n yanyi the guys i dunno yet lah they nv say anything~~~~ |
Wednesday, January 25, 2006 @ 1:20 PM
I M NOT CUTE I M NOT CUTE I M NOT CUTE I M NOT CUTE I M NOT CUTE I M NOT CUTE... (author hypnotising herself) I M NOT CUTE I M NOT CUTE I M NOT CUTE... hahah wanna noe wat happened? it was like this. i saw this act cute pai hang bang on fei meng then bel's horoscope was 1st n mine was last so iw as saying it's true she always cute cute de then i dun but she says i act cute -.- fine.... she says the way i scream when sum1 pokes me is cute -.- i juz dun wanna alert the whole bus can..... I M NOT CUTE... today.. busy busy.. do hw do hw having headache now.. sees things with stars. damn. my mummy so nice this yr cny... she buy all the food i wan =) luv u mama! muacks! n she's paying for my 2moro album.. wah.. hehaha happy happy.. |
Monday, January 23, 2006 @ 2:38 PM
fairprice should seriously not hire young people to sell their new year goods.
yesterday i went to fairprice wif my parents to buy new year goods. then we walk walk walk oso no one bother us. the 2 guys juz sit down n talk n laugh. then the girl juz sit behind the stack of drinks dunno doing wat. rhe drinks we hav to take ourselves. the counter person was better =) she was a nice girl =) later we went in n bought more things then we came out to pay. i saw one of the guys attending to some customer then i was thinking "ah. at least they're doing sumthing" but well i was wrong the guy talk one sentence n went bac n joke wif the other guy liao. so i warn all fairprice, pls stop using them they cant increase ur sales. nor will they attract customers wif their looks. cos it's the mamas n daddys buying the stuff not youngsters hu stare at shuai ges n mei nvs oh btw. in one of zhiyong's post, he calls himself 丁董 doesnt it sound like dingdong! (doorbell) wahaha~~~ |
Sunday, January 22, 2006 @ 4:31 PM
i juz went bonkers or sumthing cos juz now i wanted to watch kindaichi then i was playing music so i clicked on the internet browser then was looking at which one could stop the music i cannot find then i was like "how the hell do i stop the song" it was then i realised i had to paused my itunes wahahaha fine. |
@ 2:39 PM
now i shall post some zodiac thing for my 姐妹"花"s
hahaha. i believe all of them noes how to read trad chi cos we're all crazy over taiwan shows. hahaha 12星座男女關係板 雙子座 雙子座和羊兒是好哥兒們,和牛牛關系特殊,大好大壞。雙子和雙子容易互相不滿,和 巨蟹互相吸引,和獅子志同道合。雙子和處女則是互相批評,而和天秤是天作之合。至 于蠍子和雙子關系特殊,不一定合不合得來。雙子和射手是致命的吸引力,和摩羯則是 注定的桃花運。瓶子和雙子是相見恨晚,雙魚和雙子之間難以互相了解。 處女座 處女座和羊兒很容易有火花擦生,和金牛座是很適合的一對,和雙子座最好保持朋友關 系,和巨蟹座則有家人般的親密感,和獅子座是頗有緣分的一組。至于處女和處女真是 龜毛加龜毛,和天秤會有相同的興趣,和天蠍則是心有靈犀,和射手是絕對的看不順 眼,和摩羯是有前景的一對,和瓶子是?昧關系,和雙魚則有致命的吸引力哦! 射手座 射手和羊兒是天造地設的一對,和牛牛則是能互相欣賞,雙子則有著致命的吸引力。射 手和蟹子有神秘的緣分哦!和獅子是很合得來的一對,和處女座互相看不順眼,和天秤 是志同道合的好朋友,很容易被蠍子吸引,射手對射手則是看緣分羅!射手對摩羯比較 沒有感覺,對瓶子是有義氣的朋友,和雙魚座則是不太有交集的。 摩羯座 摩羯對羊兒敬而遠之,和牛座是幸福美滿的一對,和雙子座則是會互相提防。摩羯和巨 蟹間有巨大的吸引力,和獅子座則是有特別魅力。至于摩羯和處女座是心靈知己,和天 秤座是井水不犯河水,和天蠍座像好哥兒們一樣。摩羯和射手是有點合又不會太合,摩 羯和摩羯是歡喜冤家,和瓶子是互相欣賞,和雙魚座會一起同病相憐。 当12星座美女成为妈妈 双子座 神经质兼提心吊胆 双子座的女生在少女时期天不怕地不怕,可是在她当了妈妈之后,只要小孩一离开她的视线外,她就会开始胡思乱想,因此很多双子座当了妈妈之后就吃不饱睡不好,整天提心吊胆,随时准备护卫自己的小孩。 处女座 变成无敌铁金刚 处女座的女生本性就有坚毅的一面,当了妈妈之后就更能把方面的潜能发挥出来,以前的执着、琐碎、洁癖…等等,在当了妈妈之后,为了保护小孩,再脏的东西她都愿意碰,再恶劣的环境她都愿意呆,什幺苦都能吃。 射手座 变成严厉老师 射手座的女生在当妈妈之前个性大而化之,可是在当妈妈之后就会开始严厉起来,为了让小孩有个好的开始,她会对小孩请求很多,一个口令一个动作,成为一个严格的老师。 魔羯座 没有太大改变 魔羯座的女生凡事自己规划,结婚生子也都在她的计划之中,因此她的生活节奏跟有小孩之前没有太大差别。 that'a ll folks! stay tune tml! (wahaha. sound like tv commercial) |
@ 2:26 PM
i'm gonna hav so many posts today..
this is one frm 飞梦 it's in trad chi 10通欠扁a簡訊 1.如果你是流星我就追定你, 如果你是衛星我就等待你, 如果你是恆星我就會戀上你, 可惜... 你是猩猩~ 我只能在動物園看到你!! 唉..可惜ㄚ!! =========================================== 2.現在的我好亂.. 心裡不知道在想些什麼.. 頭腦都被快煩死了.. 我真的不知道要怎麼辦?.. 你能不能告訴我.... 我真的不知道..... 要吃大乾麵還是阿Q桶麵! =========================================== 3.遇到妳~是我心動的開始 愛上妳~是我幸福的選擇 擁有妳~是我最珍貴的財富 踏入紅毯~是我永恆的動力 永遠愛的人~是妳 遺憾的是~...................................... 我傳錯人了 =========================================== 4.因為你,我相信命運; 因為你,我相信前世今生。 也許這一切都是上天注定,冥冥之中牽引著我倆, 現在的我,好想說… 我上輩子是造了什麼孽呀! ; ; =========================================== 5.如果政府規定一個人一生只能對一個好,我情願那個人就是你。 我無怨無悔,至死不渝! 但偏偏政府沒規定…...................那就算了! =========================================== 6.想你是件快樂的事 見你是件開心的事 愛你是我永遠要做的事 把你放在心上是我一直在做的事 不過‧‧‧ 騙你,是剛發生的事! =========================================== 7.我把你的名字寫在天空裡,可是被風吹走了; 我把你的名字寫在沙灘上,可是被海沖走了; 我把你的名字寫在每一個角落… 幹,我被警察抓走了! =========================================== 8.如果長得好看是一種錯…我已經鑄成大錯 如果可愛是一種罪…我已經犯了滔天大罪 做人真難… 你就好啦~ 沒錯又沒罪…真羨慕你 =========================================== 9.當白雲飄過,那是我想你的痕跡; 當陽光閃耀,那是我想你的感覺; 當雨水落下,那是我想你的證據; 當雷電交加,那是我向天祈求你被劈中... =========================================== 10 .如果說燒一年的香可以與你相遇, 燒三年的香可以與你相識, 燒十年的香可以與你相惜, 為了我下輩子的幸福,我願...................................... 改信基督教....... it's really funny~~ |
Saturday, January 21, 2006 @ 2:09 PM
词:方文山 曲:李天龙 传说漫长 浩瀚如史诗般 记载这段 惶惶不安 颜色金黄 阿波罗的光芒 却比不上 达芙妮的勇敢 没有一种爱可以 在自由 之上 达芙妮的伤 化身 月桂树 倔强 *月桂树漂香 那夜风恋月光 我的爱 很不一样 素净的脸上 从不抹浓妆 坚持 自己喜欢 月桂树漂香 云缠绕星光 我要 有话就讲 无边的海洋 那辽阔的想像 比谁 都不平凡 * 森林河畔 阿波罗在追赶 哭着戴上 达芙妮的桂冠 被束缚的爱 已经 没有了 温暖 达芙妮的伤 心疼 千年间流传 repeat * 爱摇晃 爱靠岸 我航向了前方 寻找桂冠 repeat * 星星之火 女孩 越过小路爬上了山丘 那时的她 还不懂为什么 萤火虫都不动 停驻在夜空 点亮了小小宇宙 女孩 慢慢长大却还是懵懂 那时的她 还不懂为什么 大人们能抽空 为失恋喝杯酒 却没空看看星空 [hehe. this is like wat yamap said] “不要 不要 忘了做过的梦” 天上星星 仿佛听她述说 兴奋地闪烁 我要变成那一颗星星 整夜都亮晶晶 不怕阴暗的黑影 骄傲地闪不停 SHINING (SHINING) 亮丽到月儿都妒忌 灿烂的一颗星星 一生也亮晶晶 因为夜归的背影 有了我的指引 SHINING (SHINING) 勇气就在你手心 女孩 不再单纯却不够成熟 这时的她 虽然懂为什么 美丽总有哀愁 每当有泪儿流 却回到那个宇宙 女孩 有天将会到哪里出走 哪时的她 总会问为什么 一个梦那么重 只希望放弃前 能想起那片星空 "不要 不要 忘了做过的梦" 天上星星 彷佛听她述说 兴奋地闪烁 Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are. Believe, believe, believe, you are the only star OS: Long time ago, A little girl wanted to find her future She went to the mountains And asked the sky "Where's my future?" And just then A little star said "Sweetie, the future is in your hands" Yes, the future is in your hand. 三个字 OS: 愛情 不是一道選擇題。 我知道﹐那個時候妳就已經做了決定。 妳心裡永遠都有著一個相信。 而我的相信,就是支持著妳的相信。 因為,我心裡有三個字,不能告訴你… (男) 如果沒有妳和他的約定 我的愛會不會有一種權利 成為妳的行李 陪著你去旅行 無論是北極還是雨林 *(女) 我還守著我和他的約定 最後幸福會寫下一份證明 就算沒有日期 就算還會傷心 我仍相信生命的奇蹟 不該再用我的愛困住你 不該再讓你眼中有淚滴 好無力 去找尋 那三個字的替代句 也許我們從此不再相遇 永遠記得你微笑的眼睛 別傷心 你放心 我知道(那)三個字的意義* OS: 如果有一天 命運讓我們再次相遇 而妳的答案還缺少一個回應 或許妳不知道 其實我也在等待 另一個奇蹟 repeat * OS: 當妳笑著找到 妳的相信 我會將這三個字 化作你的姓名 永遠的 放在心裡…… |
Friday, January 20, 2006 @ 3:40 PM
this was inspired by MEME of 100 1 Birthdate? 28 nov 2 Place of birth? Singapore. 3 Blood type? O+ (think hav the + bah) 4 Height? i'm so short 161cm 5 Weight? haha. 这是女人的秘密。 嘘。 6 Shoe size? it depends. bata shoes i used to wear 9 a yr ago it shrank to 8 n now the 8's loose dun tell me it's gonna be a 7 7 Work? Study? Study lah. 8 Childhood nickname? ahem...dunno. do i even hav one? (author walks away talking to herself) 9 Average hours you sleep in a day? 5 - 6 hours per day wif the regular afternoon sleep 10 Time you go to bed? 11.30 pm latest on weekdays n sun 11 Any siblings? elder sis (1) 12 Eyesight – short-sighted, long-sighted or perfect? i'm short sighted bah the thing states it's -2.50 wat's that supposed to mean? 13 What languages do you speak? english chinese funny jap i've learnt frm dramas 14 What languages would you like to speak? perfect jap n hokkien 15 Nickname on Messenger? it's long~~~ [[``路人甲``]] 与你的相逢 是我所寻求的奇迹 haha ok. this one's short 16 What do you collect? alot. i collect notepads too.n azone paper products 17 Model of handphone you are using? SE T610.i wan a walkman phone 18 What is on your shopping list? 2moro's album. 19 Favourite t-shirt brand? depends on design 20 Favourite cut of jeans? normal? 21 Favourite fashion designer? nope 22 Favourite clothing label? eh... 23 Favourite shoe label? i'm fine as long as it's nice. now hooked on to I.P,Zone 24 Favourite bag label? deuter. n nice looking ones 25 Most dominant colour in your wardrobe? shockingly, it's red n yellow 26 Most worn-pair of shoes? my sch shoes the op one 27 Favourite shampoo? i prefer organics 28 Favourite conditioner? dove not bad 29 Favourite bath product? Follow me? nah. nature's path bah 30 Favourite facial product? Tea Tree Oil, Body Shop 31 Favourite cosmetics? none. i dun use them 32 Favourite art movement? huh? dance arh? 33 Favourite artist? erm... 34 Favourite gallery? none 35 Favourite cold drink? orange juice 36 Favourite hot drink? Milo n soymilk 37 Favourite flavour of ice-cream? i bascially eat every flavour. except the yoghurt one. they stick. as in stick. 38 Favourite cuisine? mama n daddy's cooking 39 Favourite sandwich? tuna n egg. esp. mayo tuna 40 Favourite cake? Walnut cake 41 Favourite chocolate? Hershey's n some brand found in suntec. starts wif a 'R' 42 Favourite fast food? Mos 43 Favourite sushi? tuna 44 Favourite breakfast? 排骨面 or 鸡粥 45 Spaghetti – tomato, cream or pesto sauce? the white one. 46 Beef – rare, medium rare, medium, well-done? none. they stink 47 Restaurant you frequent most? Mos 48 Best dining experience? eating at pizza hut wif pei n pat. first time we went without parents or guardians 49 Worst dining experience? wells...dunno 50 Favourite book? chi novels 51 Favourite movie? Harry Potter 52 Favourite artist writer? 几米 and some online writers. 53 Favourite actor? ah. exclude out the old ones, too young ones, female ones, not shuai ones, cant act one. 54 Favourite actress? Dear Huiying frm our class hahaha. she's not acting. her actions r juz cute 55 Favourite record? all i listen i like. most memorable on was the sch's cd. i was part of the recording. 56 Favourite singer? all i listen i like. 57 Favourite band? NEWS! i luv JE groups for jpop songs. mandopop...all i listen i like 58 Favourite lyrics? frm love songs wif meanings. but i luv the 'taiyo sumthing' lyrics. the song was by V6. 59 Favourite TV show? none 60 Favourite newspapers? i like 爆米花 61 Favourite magazine? Teenage 62 Favourite flower? none 63 Favourite animal? none 64 Favourite country? Jap n Taiwan 65 Favourite street (in your country)? my house that road. peace n quiet + easy transport. 66 Favourite street (overseas)? none 67 Favourite sport? bball n swimming 68 Scariest movie? i dun watch scary movies~~ 69 Funniest movie? funny movies =) 70 Favourite leisure activity? Sleep! 71 Favourite public transport? Car owned by family members. but sadly we dun hav one. 72 Favourite weather? as long as i can sleep 73 Dream honeymoon destination? no idea 74 Computer you use? comes frm Packard Bell wif a 17 inch LCD TV screen. u juz hav to plug the wire to watch TV. 75 Wallpaper on your computer? Massu n Tego!!! 76 Screen saver on your computer? 陈奕 77 How many hours on the internet a day? around 2. i need the sleep. 78 Favourite blog? pei's one, derrick tee's one, lee teng's one n our dear zhiyong's one hahahaha 79 Favourite news site? i dun read.. 80 Favourite site? my blog. hahahaha 81 First pet? guppies! 82 Favourite cartoon from childhood? i watch everything. including justice league to beyblade. 83 Favourite toy from childhood? play doh 84 What makes you smile? when ppl say funny things. esp during maths lessons 85 What makes you cry? romantic stuff n sad stuff 86 Which celebrity would you like to be? 我要当无名小卒 87 What colour would you be if you are a crayon? i dun to be 88 If you can go back in time, which period would you want to be in? 20th century. muahaha. 89 If you can have your own business, what would you venture into? dunno. 90 What TV program would you like to go on? singing competition. but it's juz a dream 91 How satisfied are you with your current situation? "ok lah." -- quoted frm my sis 92 What would you rather be doing if you have a choice? sleeping. 93 The most important thing that has happened in your life? my decision of going into which sec sch n wat cca to join. n of cos. my mum's illness. 94 What do you think you’ll be doing 5 years down the road? studying in uni 95 Most desired now? Sleep! 96 Biggest worry now? i fail my exams 97 Most unforgettable incident? none 98 New year resolution? More sleep. 99 Your motto in life? always look down when climbing the stairs. see wat u yhav achieved n not wat u haven. if u can u can, if u cannot u cannot. 100 Who do you want to answer “100 Things About Me”? pei waiyee bel n piggy |
@ 3:07 PM
was reading zhi yong's blog juz now okay. it was my sis hu was reading n i sat beside her n read (frm where i'm sitting i can smell her stinky foot. my god) he's so funny n he's fren posted a pic of him during sec schs yrs n he's trying to kill him haha o wells.. i shall do that too.. but for now it has no use. ppl frm pri sch n sec sch dun look much dif shall bring cam during cny bac to pri sch hahaha btw. his blog title is initial c actor: ding zhi yong as himself feel so wateva it's initial c cos it's wateva wateva wateva i haven change my blog title yet oops! should be nobuta wo produce or some sentence frm it hmm. i juz forgot wat i wanted to blog hmm.. think think think ah! i forgot to draw design for class tee n my mortal's letter ah ah ah. there's maths tml ah ah ah ah. there's a maths quiz tml. ah ah ah ah ah. i haven read anything ah. i dunno wat to do hahahaha i wanna sing.. waiyee! let's go crazy during breaks! |
@ 12:34 PM
Get to know yourself better
Your view on yourself: Other people find you very interesting, but you are really hiding your true self. Your friends love you because you are a good listener. They'll probably still love you if you learn to be yourself with them. The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for: You are a true romantic. When you are in love, you will do anything and everything to keep your love true. Your readiness to commit to a relationship: You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person. The seriousness of your love: You are very serious about relationships and aren't interested in wasting time with people you don't really like. If you meet the right person, you will fall deeply and beautifully in love. Your views on education Education is less important than the real world out there, away from the classroom. Deep inside you want to start working, earning money and living on your own. The right job for you: You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life. How do you view success: Success in your career is not the most important thing in life. You are content with what you have and think that being with someone you love is more than spending all of your precious time just working. What are you most afraid of: You are afraid of having no one to rely on in times of trouble. You don't ever want to be unable to take care of yourself. Independence is important to you. Who is your true self: You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve. hehe true? i dunno The Real You Here is the analysis: You've got great self-confidence and you're full of charm. Most guys who get to know you will be attracted to you. You are far from sweet and proper; your intriguing personality fascinates them. Most guys find it easy to fall for a girl like you. You really care about other people's feelings and are quite serious about the issues that affect your life. You are sincere, and your concern for the well-being of others makes many people want to be your friend. You are a bright, cheerful and bubbly person. You are thoughtful and considerate, and like to have fun. Everybody feels comfortable around you because of your pleasant nature. When you walk into a room, people's eyes are likely to be drawn to you because of your charm. Guys see you as being a thinker and a careful person. They will be really attracted to this quality in you, but you need to learn to speak your mind, otherwise people will find you too shy and quiet. Learn to relax and lighten up--it's okay to have fun sometimes. When you learn to develop your fun-loving side, guys are going to flock to your side. Your boyfriend believes that you are a strong and independent person. Your confidence and cheerfulness make you an attractive person to be around, but sometimes you need to pay more attention to what other people, including your boyfriend, are thinking. ah wells it doesnt look true to me |
@ 12:27 PM
selamat malam
another day is almost gone time is going fast i haven seen the sky today sigh. there was om today n we went to see the forecast station it's really small. i still hav legend of the raindrops to do there's cca tml n there's cca excursion on sat meet at sch at 7.30 am which means i hav ti leave my house at around 6.30am which means i hav to wake up lastest at 6am note: it's a saturday a day for me to rest when i'm only getting around 5 hours of sleep per day how nice. i shall drop dead one day everyone will it's juz a matter of time some ppl tell u not to say it it's juz bcos they dun wan to accept it accept it n learn to appreciate life more [[某个人是上帝给你的礼物]] |
Thursday, January 19, 2006 @ 2:39 PM
sumthing interesting we did during drama it was sumthing like kindaichi! ok. it was like this. Our drama teacher acted as Mrs Harvard, an owner of a mansion she wants to sell the mansion but it is rumored that the mansion is haunted so. she gets people from the streets [which is us, the class] to stay in the mansion for a night the person hu can stay for a night will get $1000 so it starts. first we'll get a piece of paper each wif instructions we r supposed to read the instructions n do wat is told. there will be a murderer among us. one by one ppl will die and those who live r supposed to find out hu the murderer is lights out. n the game starts i was told to "die" when the murderer says die. after walking n walking more n more ppl "died" n i "died" too. then the "dead bodies" gathered together n discussed hu the murderer is sum of them dunno cos they got instructions like die when the teacher taps you. n we knew it. kerri was the murderer. claire very funny she went "join us in the underworld" hahahahahahaha. o. there was a char of a secret agent too. so cool... bio lesson we got organisms from the eco-pond and look at them through the microscope then draw a biological drawing. pei n huiying cried cos this would kill the organism. ppl like yanting n yiyan wun. cos they luv insects. u noe wat i mean. my pond skater was alive. n i asked yanting help me put it on the glass slide when first placed on the glass slide it was still alive but the was air bubbles between the cover slip n glass slide so yanting turned turned turned the cover slip n the pond skater was squashed dead. lesson learnt nv hav bio lab sessions anymore. bio is an inhuman part of sci. cos u need specimens three cheers! there's no lamg arts tml. thank god but there's conversational malay ah... oh. i juz found out there's the word "yasashi"[<--i dunno the romanji] in arashi's WISH "yasashi" means 好温柔 or 温柔 sumthing like that lah oh oh oh! it's 19 Jan tml! Gachibaka! Massu n Tego!!! yea yea yea!!!! |
Wednesday, January 18, 2006 @ 12:31 PM
i was so blur today bleagh din bring my pencil box to sch haizz... n i din type out market research my microsoft juz decided to give up on me while doing market research it muz be thinking i'm so stupid as to not noe how to make a proper table haha wateva i've been having muscles ache wahaha! huiying qiqi! ur favourite feeling! hahaha i'm growing muscles! wahaha woo-hoo~~~ today's lesson is er.. normal? juz that i nv bring my pencil box wahaha my mortal's letter's getting shorter ah. nvm. i shall write long |
Tuesday, January 17, 2006 @ 12:26 PM
we were acting like maddies again singina loud in class me bel n waiyee sang Say You Love Me Li Xiang Qing Ren Hui Se Kong Jian n lots more then xinyan was trying to find her ws but we drowned her words wif our singing hahaha!! then pei cannot stand us le then xinyan said to her that she has dunno wat ren zhe dunno wat shu then can tolerate us haha wateva~~ argh. my old problems of headache is acting up on me again it has been gone for some time le but it's bac! argh. 2moro is coming on feb 16! yea! i can buy the cd wif my ang bao money le! wahaha!!! hahaha!!! i wan i wan! hahaha.. going mad~~ pei! let's go slimming go go go! hahaha patricia pang stop saying u're fat leong wai yee too. |
Monday, January 16, 2006 @ 2:43 PM
sun again.. time passes by so fast.. i finished my hw le! except for the last pg of sci finsihed maths n the middle of the sci ws yesterday finished art this morn wahaha yesterday went for market research first went IMM hahaha so fun~~ lalala.. then i asked pei go buy batt for me was running late for fc meeting then went orchard for fc meeting =) only ling[think so] may n shiyun came n oso the guy wif the cam obsessed wif cams wahaha i wan a digi cam mama! u said to buy for me... then pat came n then we went cold storage to find zhee qi n huiying then we went plaza sing together =) then me n pat shared gelato haha the gelato wasn't flat it was quite alot actually i seriously think it's bcos of pat the person was guy u noe u noe? hahahahahaha zhee n qi bought tako pachi huiying din bring her wallet so she was watching all of us eat haha then there was this little girl so cute!! she looked a bit like a blonde so cute so cute! grow up sure pretty de hehe then at carrefour.. haha the "black men" r "da tous" haha huiying is so cute then we went food court n did stuff n went shopping! hehe din buy anything though qi bought abalone! wah.. today morn went for PW haha jo was so "concerned" abt me n pei's home econs haha wateva.. n then.. she was late for her home econs for nearly an hour cos she rmb the time wrongly hahaha i went wif her to IMM n i bought letter paper at DAISO! do u noe they r selling those things that u can bead up ur name? so nice.. but if u buy one packet by packet it's quite ex that doesn't mean that give a name is any cheaper haha i intend to make for the following ppl : mi mortal -- xiang chuin mi fren -- piggy mi! hehe i shall see how much it'll cost me my long-awaited afternoon nap... was here today!!!! ah!! feel so nice~~~ |
Sunday, January 15, 2006 @ 5:46 PM
i shall post the lyrics of the songs in my player
so u all will noe wat's the lyrics. i will update at my chi blog pls go n see =) |
@ 5:10 PM
our dear lee teng ge heard the song "Say You Love Me" wrongly
this the lyrics he typed 歌曲名:Say U Love Me 歌手:铁竹堂 Jason+南拳妈妈 Lara Say that you love me Say that you care ~ Say that you love me Say that you care ~ 遇到对的人 是种缘分 我不得不承认 女生还是需要有分寸 你需要去瞄准 你要的人 不再被动的等 送上嘴唇变成你的人 我认识一个女孩 她天真活泼可爱 在等待 有个人可以给她一身三千宠爱 不需要很有钱 不需要很帥 她脾气古怪 有時候包容有時候你必须忍耐 为什么 她竟然爱上他 她到底在 想什么 她是否忘了帅哥不能爱 是什么 让她乱了方寸 不知道该做什么 我想说这怎么可能 她舍得 舍弃自己的尊严与爱好 女追男的游戏 一点都不害臊 一天到晚在他身边又吵又闹 只为了能夠被他瞪一眼就好 看她在这边 而他在那边 而她想被他捧在手心上面 而他装做视而不见 脑袋中卻浮现 眼前仅是她在微笑的画面 而她说 Say that you love me Say that you care ~ (就是还是更要有缘分 遇到对的人 看他的臉孔) Say that you love me Say that you care ~ (在个都会的东方转身 变成你的人) 重头来过 要快乐不要难过 不要谎言要承诺 她和他的爱情是否懒惰 就算有不安定的因素随时出没 她也能排除万难和他一起度过 ok 这 他多次去注意她任何的一举一动 才发现自己早已不小心掉入其中 而他知道 我想是他知道 所有她的一切 他都知道 他感到 他若知道倍高兴 心里早久想把她抱紧 不管未来艰难筵隙太多 只管現在能夠相爱再说 将一起完成的事情太多 就怕时间不夠 而她说 Say that you love me Say that you care ~ (就是还是更要有缘分 遇到对的人 看他的脸孔) Say that you love me Say that you care ~ (在个都会的东方转身 变成你的人 变成你的人) Say that you love me Say that you care ~(Wu~~) Say that you love me Say that you care ~ this is wat i heard Say that you love me say that you care say that you love me say that you care 遇到对的人 是种缘分 我不得不承认 女生还是该有分寸 你要去瞄准 你要的人 不再被动地等 随时转身变成你的人 我认识一个女孩 他天真活泼可爱 在等待有个人可以给他一生三千宠爱 不需要很有钱 不需要很帅 他脾气古怪 有时候包容 有时候必须忍耐 为什么 她竟然爱上他 她到底在想什么 她是否忘了帅哥不能爱 是什么 让他忘了分寸 不知道该做什么 我想说这怎么可能 她舍得舍弃自己的尊严与爱好 女追男的游戏 一点都不害臊 一天到晚在他身边又闹又吵 只为了能够被他瞪一眼就好 看她在这边 而他在那边 她想被他捧在手心上面 他装作视而不见 脑袋中却浮现 眼前仅是他微笑的画面 而她说 遇到对的人 是种缘分 我不得不承认 女生还是该有分寸 你要去瞄准 你要的人 不再被动地等 随时转身变成你的人 Say that you love me Say that you care [有时还是要有分寸 遇到对的人 wo o o~~] Say that you love me Say that you care [sumthing sumthing 青春 变成你的人] 重头来过 要快了不要难过 不要谎言要承诺 他和她的爱情决不懒惰 就算有不安定的因素随时出没 他也能排除万难和她一起度过度过 这漫长 [sumthing~~~~] 吹到心中心中竟是无限感动 他不自觉注意她任何的一举一动 才发现自己已不小心踩入其中 他知道 我想是他知道 所有他的一切她都知道 他看到了她如次掏肺掏心 心里早就想把她抱紧 不管未来艰难嫌隙在多 直管现在能够相爱再说 想一起完成的事情太多 只怕时间不够 而她说 遇到对的人 是种缘分 我不得不承认 女生还是该有分寸 你要去瞄准 你要的人 不再被动地等 随时转身变成你的人 [后面懒得写。。。] 就这样 我等一下写三个字的歌词 呵呵呵 |
@ 1:04 PM
i hate my nose
though it's used for breathing but since it's blocked now the breathing part has no use n now that breathing part had to be replaced by my mouth which means i cant breathe when i eat. how nice. still feel down today i dunno y!!! it started out a nice n fine day at the bukit batok there i was at the checkpoint3 wif june guen n ching everyone of us was "fighting" to see hu gives out more stickers hehe it's was fun n entertaining n then i came home n brought pei wif me then we went IMM for market research then i went for fc meeting it was still much ok btw there was a guy at the meeting looks familiar but i dunno hu shall not think abt it but he has a konica minolta haha. think it's a dslr then saw qi huiying n zhee then we went do market research together then i grew tired so i fell "asleep" on the way home then i reached home i very very tired so is expressionless i asked my dad if he still wans the 4-D cos i wanna watch zhou ri ba dian dang but she my called me 神经病 juz saw her crying to my dad or sumthing how nice. i'm the bad guy again always. my mum asked me to keep quiet n not be angry anymore y me? cos i'm the youngest the nicest to talk to how nice. status does not only work in the society but oso right in ur house [我要当神经病 至少世界会更美 至少我这么认为] |
Saturday, January 14, 2006 @ 2:30 PM
go here! the guy's darn cute when can i ever write my posts like this... haizz pei teach me.. i really dunno wat to write for my blog my life's boring argh. |
@ 1:38 PM
another passed
sumtimes i really wonder if i was ever too busy to even look at the sky sadly the ans is yes we nv tend to see how nice these things r until we lose it haizz another normal day normal sch waiyee says chiang is "attracted" to our class wateva we're doing PW for this yr bye bye om! the PW's on geog i muz learn to appreciate geog frm now wahaha i feel so sad i oso dunno y thinking abt nobuta wo produce again argh y muz they make it sad! btw one song frm the "soundtrack" should be in my player it's "green willow" listen to it |
Thursday, January 12, 2006 @ 8:33 AM
gooda morning go!
hahaha copying some pig out there. not i say he pig de ppl call him pig. 1st lesson. lang arts i realised i haven finishe my letter to my mortal so i decided to finish it in lang arts class but as you noe there's no way to. so.. i started talking to pei n waiyee abt shige's diary it's so cute of him now i hav one more person i like alot in NEWS it used to be yamap only but i dun like him so much now i like massu cos he's chubby n cute when he smiles =) i like tego cos he has baby fats boys/guys wif baby fats n hav big watery eyes look cute!! i like shige cos his posts r so interesting he's an interesting person juz that he's a bit too skinny eat more! like yamap. hahaha 2nd lesson. science wif miss peh. haha i was practically blur all lesson dun really understand 3rd period recess bought popcorn n gummies my sis is currently munching on the popcorn the gummies is on my bed safe n sound =) 4th lesson chi. din do much was writing my letters haha. i adopted waiyee's mortal but i still luv my original mortal alot! she's called xiang chuin frm malaysia currently studying in sg on a scholarship i feel so stupid sigh. can see that i'm biased towards her through my letter hahaha 5th lesson home econs! my god i loved it. we were told abt our project on food product development n we're supposed to cook it yum yum. 6th period lunch ate fish n chips! n then drank milo 7th lesson drama! it wasn't as bad as i thought today's lesson was on facial expressions i liked it! after went buy file n home sweet home cant believe it yanjun yanfu's album sells at such a high price in sg i wished i stayed in taiwan.. i changed my blogskin! love it muacks! i love my family muacks! i love my mortal xiang chuin muacks! i love my friends muacks! i love everything n anything muacks! hahaha i love you too! the one reading my blog now thanks for reading! muacks! |
Tuesday, January 10, 2006 @ 1:42 PM
i was supposed to buy yanfu yanjun's album but apparently it was not out yet!! ah ah ah i dun like the cd shops near my house all so slow hehaha i read sum1's blog n i gave my opinion on yamapi i actually wrote that his bones felt like it would break haha o wells it did look like today was.. boring again went parco after sch actually is go national lib first then after research go parco shopped but din buy anything 1. cos i din hav money 2. cos i had to save money for yanjun yanfu's album ah. i wan another part of shorts the samuel n kelvin kind has them too oh oh oh. did u noe that the accessories shop was actually tended by a guy? oh oh. that shop oso sold the bracelet that yamapi wears. i wan one n i wan a necklace that jungiery ppl used to hav the black one wif the ring they dun wear it now i've chopped my bday presents liao pei's gonna give me a piglet bel maybe gonna give me a facial foam hahaha my wish list is getting longer n longer shall list it out again - yanfu yanjun's album - pmk shirt - new world order shirt [the abstract art one] - the bracelet that looked like the one yamapi has - shorts/trousers frm or samuel n kelvin - spiral bk 7 - absolute boyfriend bk 5,6 - nobuta wo produce vcd - watch Gachibaka! - wink up feb 2006 - e zuo ju zhi wen mu hou xie shi - facial foam - necklace - bag frm zinc - nike dunk/adidas shoe hahaha so long some how i'll find a way to buy all of them or maybe give up hoping to any of them haha the clothes can be spread out over a few new yr then it can be bought as new yr shirt =) the shoe maybe a gift to jc? i dunno maybe i'll stick to my shoe the bag haha i'm juz dreaming abt it there's not much way that i could get it my player is still under construction cos the iwebtunes load very slow.. i m pissed happy bday to lloyd n pei! |
Monday, January 09, 2006 @ 10:29 AM
long time no post it's 1 week already let's see wat happened mon - well.. slacked n rushing my hw haha tue - first day of sch din do much saw shuai ge on 67 apparently he takes 302 too haha pei n others muz be going 'wateva' wed - erm.. that day go home early cos got third lang mah 2pm end i think i went lib n then to comic connection n bought spiral bk 6 bk 7 is out liao getting bankrupt thur - nothing much got cca orientation stayed bac then went home wif bel fri - cca after sch dear kuo is bac S*** argh.. tough training lies ahead sat - slacked the whole day played comp sun - go do project in the morn then went shopping bought 2 boardshorts total $35 frm surfer's paradise n one tea tree oil frm the body shop $12.90 i need more sleep i'm horrible sleep so many hours a few things i'm awaiting or going to buy: - 2moro's album [buying tml] - spiral bk 7 - absolute boyfriend bk 5,6 - nobuta wo produce vcd - watch Gachibaka! - buy wink up feb 2006 [if i can ever find it] - e zuo ju zhi wen mu hou xie shi [if i ever get the money. it's $20plus] [世界上最遥远的距离。其实,没有真正的答案,对吧?] |
Tuesday, January 03, 2006 @ 5:29 AM
juz read pui's blog
family matters sigh. i glad i hav my father i really am i glad i hav my mother i really am hehe. cheer up k pui. life could have been worse but we muz still live on =) ah.. one thing. i long wanted to post the chi translation of V6 songs here i noe it's the wrong occasion when ppl r sad but then. the songs r meaningful these songs r dedicated to u pui!! Taiyou no Ataru Basho 刻在墙上的梦 被遗忘在那儿 今日依旧梦醒在落日西沉以后 自当是已过了多少岁月 只有不健康的旋律 还有高楼的落影 显得老成 在你身边的道路旁 总有野猫成群蹲坐 贪求着希望 数位化的voice带着沙哑的绝望 恶作剧的诱惑觅着感动 成人们享受的只有过去 不同的时代为不同的价值所苦 即将消失的心它有多宽 就只能以这样的宽度前进 没有答案 好一段时间 我们已忘了该如何去笑 让我们想起明天 在这条路的前方 有梦的续集在那里 绕个远路无妨 但请走向各自的光芒 每一天只是得过且过 确任性地不愿走在相同的路上 想要变的圆滑 或许还嫌太早 但若没有勇气 一切只能回到原点 在伤痕与汗水中走到黄昏 走在我们曾并肩奔跑的路上 就想在石上所画的太阳 哪怕风吹雨淋 也不曾消失 明日又将重演一回的模样 城市的news 是障碍的动章 无意义的燃烧 未免也太残忍 好一段时间 我们已忘了该如何游戏 让我们想起明天 无论过了多久 若微风依然飘向梦 想便能成真 让我们丢下沉重的包袱 向各自的旅程出发 在这条路的前方 有梦的续集在那里 绕个远路无妨 但请走向各自的光芒 我们曾经赤足奔跑 在风沙中在阳光下 梦想着早日长大 在不断的笑声中 从不曾回头 我想沐浴在当时同样的阳光下 无论何时 都不孤单 仅有此时此刻才能做的事 将是一生中梦的结晶 然后有一天将获得证实 在这条路的前方 有梦的续集在那里 绕个远路无妨 但请走向各自的光芒 沮丧的时候 就让我们重新滑行 起步奔跑 (有梦的续集在那里) 让我们成为明日的风 永远永远 在太阳普照的地方 (走向各自的光芒) Yasei no Hana 在紧密的水泥缝间 绽放的花朵阿 有指头画出的一片梦想 不过是 在天空画下了一道圆弧罢了 在这亮丽的很不自然的时代 渴望找到自己价值的所在 枯萎的时光我不希罕 只盼望找到未来 只需要相信 在寒冬中绽放的那份力量 强迫灌输的语言 只会让心灵变形 与其等待抚平伤痕 不如尝试自我改变 走出这里的钥匙 就在这双手里 不想强风屈服 我们决不认输 只要心中所相信的那条路还在 花朵就会继续绽放 枯萎的时光我不希罕 只盼望找到未来 只需要相信 在寒冬中绽放的那份力量 dasenai tegami 笑着挥挥手 说[下次再见了] 其实心中知道 哪有所谓的[下次] 每天若无其事地 和人许下空洞的承诺 那双错过的手 又将去往何处 我们永远无邪的 敞开双手 让任性的蓝风 吹在脸颊上 此刻还不想承认 那只是场梦 我们永远赤着双脚 在这片沙滩 追逐着晶亮闪烁的白色波浪 为了相信有一天 能够再相逢 [我都没变喔]这句话 我说不出 只能吞下肚 没有地方 可以让我的感情歇歇脚 寄不出的信 为何无法丢掉 是因为不愿画下休止符 互相伤害 是因为无法分开 你在远方呼喊的声音 令人怀念 心 它无法诚实面对自己 令人焦急 无论再心痛的时光 都难以唤回 仲夏数不尽的星光 你可记得 我的心永远与你同在 请勿忘怀 无论是寒冷的夜 还是孤独的早晨 越过灿烂的云彩之城 看见彩虹 面对几近恐怖的夕阳 停下脚步 即使从此无法再相见 黎明还是会到来 我们永远赤着双脚 在这片沙滩 追逐着晶亮闪烁的白色波浪 为了相信有一天 能够再相逢 |
SEE Yihui. monkey. 28nov.
proudly Singaporean. chaolaoshu. lurenjia. huizz. nyav. tankfc. chengho. 7duohua. 黃城夜韻. Operation Smile. S-SIX-BEE. ♥ LOVES NEWS. Tamamori Yuta. 蘇打綠. Kis-My-Ft2. Kato Shigeaki. Nishikido Ryo *WISHES Trip to Japan/Taiwan. Work in Esplanade. Perform on stage. Currently watching Lady~Saigo no Hanzai Profiling. Control. My Princess. worth $1,212,030. |
Monday, January 30, 2006 @ 5:38 PM
alot of things happened today.. let's start frm the morn. 本大小姐今天竟然在12点以前起床! 真是奇迹啊! 没有啦。。 是被吵醒的 罪魁祸首就是。。。。。 我老妈 我阿姨 和我三个表姐表哥 老大 也就是我的表姐 叫Cindy 长得像权怡凤 害得他被弟弟们笑 整天说她是那个主持“爱上GIANT过肥年”的主持人 老二 Edward 头发剪得像F.I.R的Real 可是脸不像 是某公司的creative director [好高的职位。。] 老三 Genson[姐姐说是这样spell的] 从旁边看 像VJ的James 也就是祝钒刚的哥哥 一大早 把我挖起来 就为了和他们拍照 要死啊! 无奈 只好这么做 妈妈把表姐叫成阿姨 害她又被弟弟笑说是Aunty Cindy 哈哈哈 果然 Sarcarsm flows in the family blood 还有 我妈妈一直叫我表哥 - 帅哥 唉唉唉 我不认识她~~~ 然后 拍照时 妈妈叫姐姐坐表哥旁边 她说:哎呀 不用怕 他时你表哥 只是gor gor 而已 第一个想到的就是:哎呀 不用怕 他是gay 不会发生什么事的 哈哈哈哈 不要来打我~~~~~~~~ 晚上 和姑姑叔叔们去看电影 虽然结尾看得我糊里糊涂 但很好笑 那部电影就是:最爱女购物狂 the shopaholics 回家时 听到有人说小孩不笨而不好看 太philosiphical[how to spell?] 了 说什么他是想要赚钱才拍的 要拿奖才拍的 不好看 不管怎么样 这部戏还是感动了很多人 不是吗? 最后我要说 i pray that my cousins dun find their way to my blog. Amen. |
Sunday, January 29, 2006 @ 5:03 PM
ne. i think this post of yamapi is really nice
1/27 8:58pm #900 Konbachiwa. I took a nap around noon but woke up at 8:55! (Laugh) I didn’t write the diary at all! This is bad (Laugh) I’m sorry! A~ today is the 900th entry! Amazing. This is really a diary! How would I feel when I look back on this when I’m 30? (Laugh) I look forward to it. Before you know it it’ll be the 1000th entry. From now on, when you’re free, when you think back to the past, please read this. Yoroshikuu. hehe old le lah old le lah. i oso getting old le sigh. |
Saturday, January 28, 2006 @ 2:22 PM
hi peepo!
tml's cny eve liao!!!!! today went out to watch i not stupid too the ending there quite touching there's one part when the jerry stole money then when asked y he said he needed the money to buy an hour of his father's time sho touching. ppl nowadays arh juz really alike luckiy my parents take time to talk wif us the shawn's voice became more "man" liao the movie's nice the theme song's nice go watch it! it's worth ur money my resolution for the new year : more sleep. hahaha i seriously feel tired n i actually asked yanyi to go for coffee n breakfast at the airport tml morn argh. i dunno wat i was doing.. hav to meet at 6.30am at cck yanyi not confirmed going so i oso not confirmed hav to wake up early muahaha happy eve of cny eve peepo! tml eat reunion dinner =) |
Friday, January 27, 2006 @ 8:53 AM
i luv zhiyong's blog so cute so cute so funny... the frens all very sarcastic one like me! haha i was being damn sarcastic to my sis yesterday lah u can go her blog n ask her.. it's under my links zhiyong's frens went "PUI!" when sum1 said that he was nice wahahahhahaha! cute! funny! then he ask them go jiak sai wateva~~ tml going watch movie wif waiyee n xinyan n yanyi the guys i dunno yet lah they nv say anything~~~~ |
Wednesday, January 25, 2006 @ 1:20 PM
I M NOT CUTE I M NOT CUTE I M NOT CUTE I M NOT CUTE I M NOT CUTE I M NOT CUTE... (author hypnotising herself) I M NOT CUTE I M NOT CUTE I M NOT CUTE... hahah wanna noe wat happened? it was like this. i saw this act cute pai hang bang on fei meng then bel's horoscope was 1st n mine was last so iw as saying it's true she always cute cute de then i dun but she says i act cute -.- fine.... she says the way i scream when sum1 pokes me is cute -.- i juz dun wanna alert the whole bus can..... I M NOT CUTE... today.. busy busy.. do hw do hw having headache now.. sees things with stars. damn. my mummy so nice this yr cny... she buy all the food i wan =) luv u mama! muacks! n she's paying for my 2moro album.. wah.. hehaha happy happy.. |
Monday, January 23, 2006 @ 2:38 PM
fairprice should seriously not hire young people to sell their new year goods.
yesterday i went to fairprice wif my parents to buy new year goods. then we walk walk walk oso no one bother us. the 2 guys juz sit down n talk n laugh. then the girl juz sit behind the stack of drinks dunno doing wat. rhe drinks we hav to take ourselves. the counter person was better =) she was a nice girl =) later we went in n bought more things then we came out to pay. i saw one of the guys attending to some customer then i was thinking "ah. at least they're doing sumthing" but well i was wrong the guy talk one sentence n went bac n joke wif the other guy liao. so i warn all fairprice, pls stop using them they cant increase ur sales. nor will they attract customers wif their looks. cos it's the mamas n daddys buying the stuff not youngsters hu stare at shuai ges n mei nvs oh btw. in one of zhiyong's post, he calls himself 丁董 doesnt it sound like dingdong! (doorbell) wahaha~~~ |
Sunday, January 22, 2006 @ 4:31 PM
i juz went bonkers or sumthing cos juz now i wanted to watch kindaichi then i was playing music so i clicked on the internet browser then was looking at which one could stop the music i cannot find then i was like "how the hell do i stop the song" it was then i realised i had to paused my itunes wahahaha fine. |
@ 2:39 PM
now i shall post some zodiac thing for my 姐妹"花"s
hahaha. i believe all of them noes how to read trad chi cos we're all crazy over taiwan shows. hahaha 12星座男女關係板 雙子座 雙子座和羊兒是好哥兒們,和牛牛關系特殊,大好大壞。雙子和雙子容易互相不滿,和 巨蟹互相吸引,和獅子志同道合。雙子和處女則是互相批評,而和天秤是天作之合。至 于蠍子和雙子關系特殊,不一定合不合得來。雙子和射手是致命的吸引力,和摩羯則是 注定的桃花運。瓶子和雙子是相見恨晚,雙魚和雙子之間難以互相了解。 處女座 處女座和羊兒很容易有火花擦生,和金牛座是很適合的一對,和雙子座最好保持朋友關 系,和巨蟹座則有家人般的親密感,和獅子座是頗有緣分的一組。至于處女和處女真是 龜毛加龜毛,和天秤會有相同的興趣,和天蠍則是心有靈犀,和射手是絕對的看不順 眼,和摩羯是有前景的一對,和瓶子是?昧關系,和雙魚則有致命的吸引力哦! 射手座 射手和羊兒是天造地設的一對,和牛牛則是能互相欣賞,雙子則有著致命的吸引力。射 手和蟹子有神秘的緣分哦!和獅子是很合得來的一對,和處女座互相看不順眼,和天秤 是志同道合的好朋友,很容易被蠍子吸引,射手對射手則是看緣分羅!射手對摩羯比較 沒有感覺,對瓶子是有義氣的朋友,和雙魚座則是不太有交集的。 摩羯座 摩羯對羊兒敬而遠之,和牛座是幸福美滿的一對,和雙子座則是會互相提防。摩羯和巨 蟹間有巨大的吸引力,和獅子座則是有特別魅力。至于摩羯和處女座是心靈知己,和天 秤座是井水不犯河水,和天蠍座像好哥兒們一樣。摩羯和射手是有點合又不會太合,摩 羯和摩羯是歡喜冤家,和瓶子是互相欣賞,和雙魚座會一起同病相憐。 当12星座美女成为妈妈 双子座 神经质兼提心吊胆 双子座的女生在少女时期天不怕地不怕,可是在她当了妈妈之后,只要小孩一离开她的视线外,她就会开始胡思乱想,因此很多双子座当了妈妈之后就吃不饱睡不好,整天提心吊胆,随时准备护卫自己的小孩。 处女座 变成无敌铁金刚 处女座的女生本性就有坚毅的一面,当了妈妈之后就更能把方面的潜能发挥出来,以前的执着、琐碎、洁癖…等等,在当了妈妈之后,为了保护小孩,再脏的东西她都愿意碰,再恶劣的环境她都愿意呆,什幺苦都能吃。 射手座 变成严厉老师 射手座的女生在当妈妈之前个性大而化之,可是在当妈妈之后就会开始严厉起来,为了让小孩有个好的开始,她会对小孩请求很多,一个口令一个动作,成为一个严格的老师。 魔羯座 没有太大改变 魔羯座的女生凡事自己规划,结婚生子也都在她的计划之中,因此她的生活节奏跟有小孩之前没有太大差别。 that'a ll folks! stay tune tml! (wahaha. sound like tv commercial) |
@ 2:26 PM
i'm gonna hav so many posts today..
this is one frm 飞梦 it's in trad chi 10通欠扁a簡訊 1.如果你是流星我就追定你, 如果你是衛星我就等待你, 如果你是恆星我就會戀上你, 可惜... 你是猩猩~ 我只能在動物園看到你!! 唉..可惜ㄚ!! =========================================== 2.現在的我好亂.. 心裡不知道在想些什麼.. 頭腦都被快煩死了.. 我真的不知道要怎麼辦?.. 你能不能告訴我.... 我真的不知道..... 要吃大乾麵還是阿Q桶麵! =========================================== 3.遇到妳~是我心動的開始 愛上妳~是我幸福的選擇 擁有妳~是我最珍貴的財富 踏入紅毯~是我永恆的動力 永遠愛的人~是妳 遺憾的是~...................................... 我傳錯人了 =========================================== 4.因為你,我相信命運; 因為你,我相信前世今生。 也許這一切都是上天注定,冥冥之中牽引著我倆, 現在的我,好想說… 我上輩子是造了什麼孽呀! ; ; =========================================== 5.如果政府規定一個人一生只能對一個好,我情願那個人就是你。 我無怨無悔,至死不渝! 但偏偏政府沒規定…...................那就算了! =========================================== 6.想你是件快樂的事 見你是件開心的事 愛你是我永遠要做的事 把你放在心上是我一直在做的事 不過‧‧‧ 騙你,是剛發生的事! =========================================== 7.我把你的名字寫在天空裡,可是被風吹走了; 我把你的名字寫在沙灘上,可是被海沖走了; 我把你的名字寫在每一個角落… 幹,我被警察抓走了! =========================================== 8.如果長得好看是一種錯…我已經鑄成大錯 如果可愛是一種罪…我已經犯了滔天大罪 做人真難… 你就好啦~ 沒錯又沒罪…真羨慕你 =========================================== 9.當白雲飄過,那是我想你的痕跡; 當陽光閃耀,那是我想你的感覺; 當雨水落下,那是我想你的證據; 當雷電交加,那是我向天祈求你被劈中... =========================================== 10 .如果說燒一年的香可以與你相遇, 燒三年的香可以與你相識, 燒十年的香可以與你相惜, 為了我下輩子的幸福,我願...................................... 改信基督教....... it's really funny~~ |
Saturday, January 21, 2006 @ 2:09 PM
词:方文山 曲:李天龙 传说漫长 浩瀚如史诗般 记载这段 惶惶不安 颜色金黄 阿波罗的光芒 却比不上 达芙妮的勇敢 没有一种爱可以 在自由 之上 达芙妮的伤 化身 月桂树 倔强 *月桂树漂香 那夜风恋月光 我的爱 很不一样 素净的脸上 从不抹浓妆 坚持 自己喜欢 月桂树漂香 云缠绕星光 我要 有话就讲 无边的海洋 那辽阔的想像 比谁 都不平凡 * 森林河畔 阿波罗在追赶 哭着戴上 达芙妮的桂冠 被束缚的爱 已经 没有了 温暖 达芙妮的伤 心疼 千年间流传 repeat * 爱摇晃 爱靠岸 我航向了前方 寻找桂冠 repeat * 星星之火 女孩 越过小路爬上了山丘 那时的她 还不懂为什么 萤火虫都不动 停驻在夜空 点亮了小小宇宙 女孩 慢慢长大却还是懵懂 那时的她 还不懂为什么 大人们能抽空 为失恋喝杯酒 却没空看看星空 [hehe. this is like wat yamap said] “不要 不要 忘了做过的梦” 天上星星 仿佛听她述说 兴奋地闪烁 我要变成那一颗星星 整夜都亮晶晶 不怕阴暗的黑影 骄傲地闪不停 SHINING (SHINING) 亮丽到月儿都妒忌 灿烂的一颗星星 一生也亮晶晶 因为夜归的背影 有了我的指引 SHINING (SHINING) 勇气就在你手心 女孩 不再单纯却不够成熟 这时的她 虽然懂为什么 美丽总有哀愁 每当有泪儿流 却回到那个宇宙 女孩 有天将会到哪里出走 哪时的她 总会问为什么 一个梦那么重 只希望放弃前 能想起那片星空 "不要 不要 忘了做过的梦" 天上星星 彷佛听她述说 兴奋地闪烁 Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are. Believe, believe, believe, you are the only star OS: Long time ago, A little girl wanted to find her future She went to the mountains And asked the sky "Where's my future?" And just then A little star said "Sweetie, the future is in your hands" Yes, the future is in your hand. 三个字 OS: 愛情 不是一道選擇題。 我知道﹐那個時候妳就已經做了決定。 妳心裡永遠都有著一個相信。 而我的相信,就是支持著妳的相信。 因為,我心裡有三個字,不能告訴你… (男) 如果沒有妳和他的約定 我的愛會不會有一種權利 成為妳的行李 陪著你去旅行 無論是北極還是雨林 *(女) 我還守著我和他的約定 最後幸福會寫下一份證明 就算沒有日期 就算還會傷心 我仍相信生命的奇蹟 不該再用我的愛困住你 不該再讓你眼中有淚滴 好無力 去找尋 那三個字的替代句 也許我們從此不再相遇 永遠記得你微笑的眼睛 別傷心 你放心 我知道(那)三個字的意義* OS: 如果有一天 命運讓我們再次相遇 而妳的答案還缺少一個回應 或許妳不知道 其實我也在等待 另一個奇蹟 repeat * OS: 當妳笑著找到 妳的相信 我會將這三個字 化作你的姓名 永遠的 放在心裡…… |
Friday, January 20, 2006 @ 3:40 PM
this was inspired by MEME of 100 1 Birthdate? 28 nov 2 Place of birth? Singapore. 3 Blood type? O+ (think hav the + bah) 4 Height? i'm so short 161cm 5 Weight? haha. 这是女人的秘密。 嘘。 6 Shoe size? it depends. bata shoes i used to wear 9 a yr ago it shrank to 8 n now the 8's loose dun tell me it's gonna be a 7 7 Work? Study? Study lah. 8 Childhood nickname? ahem...dunno. do i even hav one? (author walks away talking to herself) 9 Average hours you sleep in a day? 5 - 6 hours per day wif the regular afternoon sleep 10 Time you go to bed? 11.30 pm latest on weekdays n sun 11 Any siblings? elder sis (1) 12 Eyesight – short-sighted, long-sighted or perfect? i'm short sighted bah the thing states it's -2.50 wat's that supposed to mean? 13 What languages do you speak? english chinese funny jap i've learnt frm dramas 14 What languages would you like to speak? perfect jap n hokkien 15 Nickname on Messenger? it's long~~~ [[``路人甲``]] 与你的相逢 是我所寻求的奇迹 haha ok. this one's short 16 What do you collect? alot. i collect notepads too.n azone paper products 17 Model of handphone you are using? SE T610.i wan a walkman phone 18 What is on your shopping list? 2moro's album. 19 Favourite t-shirt brand? depends on design 20 Favourite cut of jeans? normal? 21 Favourite fashion designer? nope 22 Favourite clothing label? eh... 23 Favourite shoe label? i'm fine as long as it's nice. now hooked on to I.P,Zone 24 Favourite bag label? deuter. n nice looking ones 25 Most dominant colour in your wardrobe? shockingly, it's red n yellow 26 Most worn-pair of shoes? my sch shoes the op one 27 Favourite shampoo? i prefer organics 28 Favourite conditioner? dove not bad 29 Favourite bath product? Follow me? nah. nature's path bah 30 Favourite facial product? Tea Tree Oil, Body Shop 31 Favourite cosmetics? none. i dun use them 32 Favourite art movement? huh? dance arh? 33 Favourite artist? erm... 34 Favourite gallery? none 35 Favourite cold drink? orange juice 36 Favourite hot drink? Milo n soymilk 37 Favourite flavour of ice-cream? i bascially eat every flavour. except the yoghurt one. they stick. as in stick. 38 Favourite cuisine? mama n daddy's cooking 39 Favourite sandwich? tuna n egg. esp. mayo tuna 40 Favourite cake? Walnut cake 41 Favourite chocolate? Hershey's n some brand found in suntec. starts wif a 'R' 42 Favourite fast food? Mos 43 Favourite sushi? tuna 44 Favourite breakfast? 排骨面 or 鸡粥 45 Spaghetti – tomato, cream or pesto sauce? the white one. 46 Beef – rare, medium rare, medium, well-done? none. they stink 47 Restaurant you frequent most? Mos 48 Best dining experience? eating at pizza hut wif pei n pat. first time we went without parents or guardians 49 Worst dining experience? wells...dunno 50 Favourite book? chi novels 51 Favourite movie? Harry Potter 52 Favourite artist writer? 几米 and some online writers. 53 Favourite actor? ah. exclude out the old ones, too young ones, female ones, not shuai ones, cant act one. 54 Favourite actress? Dear Huiying frm our class hahaha. she's not acting. her actions r juz cute 55 Favourite record? all i listen i like. most memorable on was the sch's cd. i was part of the recording. 56 Favourite singer? all i listen i like. 57 Favourite band? NEWS! i luv JE groups for jpop songs. mandopop...all i listen i like 58 Favourite lyrics? frm love songs wif meanings. but i luv the 'taiyo sumthing' lyrics. the song was by V6. 59 Favourite TV show? none 60 Favourite newspapers? i like 爆米花 61 Favourite magazine? Teenage 62 Favourite flower? none 63 Favourite animal? none 64 Favourite country? Jap n Taiwan 65 Favourite street (in your country)? my house that road. peace n quiet + easy transport. 66 Favourite street (overseas)? none 67 Favourite sport? bball n swimming 68 Scariest movie? i dun watch scary movies~~ 69 Funniest movie? funny movies =) 70 Favourite leisure activity? Sleep! 71 Favourite public transport? Car owned by family members. but sadly we dun hav one. 72 Favourite weather? as long as i can sleep 73 Dream honeymoon destination? no idea 74 Computer you use? comes frm Packard Bell wif a 17 inch LCD TV screen. u juz hav to plug the wire to watch TV. 75 Wallpaper on your computer? Massu n Tego!!! 76 Screen saver on your computer? 陈奕 77 How many hours on the internet a day? around 2. i need the sleep. 78 Favourite blog? pei's one, derrick tee's one, lee teng's one n our dear zhiyong's one hahahaha 79 Favourite news site? i dun read.. 80 Favourite site? my blog. hahahaha 81 First pet? guppies! 82 Favourite cartoon from childhood? i watch everything. including justice league to beyblade. 83 Favourite toy from childhood? play doh 84 What makes you smile? when ppl say funny things. esp during maths lessons 85 What makes you cry? romantic stuff n sad stuff 86 Which celebrity would you like to be? 我要当无名小卒 87 What colour would you be if you are a crayon? i dun to be 88 If you can go back in time, which period would you want to be in? 20th century. muahaha. 89 If you can have your own business, what would you venture into? dunno. 90 What TV program would you like to go on? singing competition. but it's juz a dream 91 How satisfied are you with your current situation? "ok lah." -- quoted frm my sis 92 What would you rather be doing if you have a choice? sleeping. 93 The most important thing that has happened in your life? my decision of going into which sec sch n wat cca to join. n of cos. my mum's illness. 94 What do you think you’ll be doing 5 years down the road? studying in uni 95 Most desired now? Sleep! 96 Biggest worry now? i fail my exams 97 Most unforgettable incident? none 98 New year resolution? More sleep. 99 Your motto in life? always look down when climbing the stairs. see wat u yhav achieved n not wat u haven. if u can u can, if u cannot u cannot. 100 Who do you want to answer “100 Things About Me”? pei waiyee bel n piggy |
@ 3:07 PM
was reading zhi yong's blog juz now okay. it was my sis hu was reading n i sat beside her n read (frm where i'm sitting i can smell her stinky foot. my god) he's so funny n he's fren posted a pic of him during sec schs yrs n he's trying to kill him haha o wells.. i shall do that too.. but for now it has no use. ppl frm pri sch n sec sch dun look much dif shall bring cam during cny bac to pri sch hahaha btw. his blog title is initial c actor: ding zhi yong as himself feel so wateva it's initial c cos it's wateva wateva wateva i haven change my blog title yet oops! should be nobuta wo produce or some sentence frm it hmm. i juz forgot wat i wanted to blog hmm.. think think think ah! i forgot to draw design for class tee n my mortal's letter ah ah ah. there's maths tml ah ah ah ah. there's a maths quiz tml. ah ah ah ah ah. i haven read anything ah. i dunno wat to do hahahaha i wanna sing.. waiyee! let's go crazy during breaks! |
@ 12:34 PM
Get to know yourself better
Your view on yourself: Other people find you very interesting, but you are really hiding your true self. Your friends love you because you are a good listener. They'll probably still love you if you learn to be yourself with them. The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for: You are a true romantic. When you are in love, you will do anything and everything to keep your love true. Your readiness to commit to a relationship: You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person. The seriousness of your love: You are very serious about relationships and aren't interested in wasting time with people you don't really like. If you meet the right person, you will fall deeply and beautifully in love. Your views on education Education is less important than the real world out there, away from the classroom. Deep inside you want to start working, earning money and living on your own. The right job for you: You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life. How do you view success: Success in your career is not the most important thing in life. You are content with what you have and think that being with someone you love is more than spending all of your precious time just working. What are you most afraid of: You are afraid of having no one to rely on in times of trouble. You don't ever want to be unable to take care of yourself. Independence is important to you. Who is your true self: You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve. hehe true? i dunno The Real You Here is the analysis: You've got great self-confidence and you're full of charm. Most guys who get to know you will be attracted to you. You are far from sweet and proper; your intriguing personality fascinates them. Most guys find it easy to fall for a girl like you. You really care about other people's feelings and are quite serious about the issues that affect your life. You are sincere, and your concern for the well-being of others makes many people want to be your friend. You are a bright, cheerful and bubbly person. You are thoughtful and considerate, and like to have fun. Everybody feels comfortable around you because of your pleasant nature. When you walk into a room, people's eyes are likely to be drawn to you because of your charm. Guys see you as being a thinker and a careful person. They will be really attracted to this quality in you, but you need to learn to speak your mind, otherwise people will find you too shy and quiet. Learn to relax and lighten up--it's okay to have fun sometimes. When you learn to develop your fun-loving side, guys are going to flock to your side. Your boyfriend believes that you are a strong and independent person. Your confidence and cheerfulness make you an attractive person to be around, but sometimes you need to pay more attention to what other people, including your boyfriend, are thinking. ah wells it doesnt look true to me |
@ 12:27 PM
selamat malam
another day is almost gone time is going fast i haven seen the sky today sigh. there was om today n we went to see the forecast station it's really small. i still hav legend of the raindrops to do there's cca tml n there's cca excursion on sat meet at sch at 7.30 am which means i hav ti leave my house at around 6.30am which means i hav to wake up lastest at 6am note: it's a saturday a day for me to rest when i'm only getting around 5 hours of sleep per day how nice. i shall drop dead one day everyone will it's juz a matter of time some ppl tell u not to say it it's juz bcos they dun wan to accept it accept it n learn to appreciate life more [[某个人是上帝给你的礼物]] |
Thursday, January 19, 2006 @ 2:39 PM
sumthing interesting we did during drama it was sumthing like kindaichi! ok. it was like this. Our drama teacher acted as Mrs Harvard, an owner of a mansion she wants to sell the mansion but it is rumored that the mansion is haunted so. she gets people from the streets [which is us, the class] to stay in the mansion for a night the person hu can stay for a night will get $1000 so it starts. first we'll get a piece of paper each wif instructions we r supposed to read the instructions n do wat is told. there will be a murderer among us. one by one ppl will die and those who live r supposed to find out hu the murderer is lights out. n the game starts i was told to "die" when the murderer says die. after walking n walking more n more ppl "died" n i "died" too. then the "dead bodies" gathered together n discussed hu the murderer is sum of them dunno cos they got instructions like die when the teacher taps you. n we knew it. kerri was the murderer. claire very funny she went "join us in the underworld" hahahahahahaha. o. there was a char of a secret agent too. so cool... bio lesson we got organisms from the eco-pond and look at them through the microscope then draw a biological drawing. pei n huiying cried cos this would kill the organism. ppl like yanting n yiyan wun. cos they luv insects. u noe wat i mean. my pond skater was alive. n i asked yanting help me put it on the glass slide when first placed on the glass slide it was still alive but the was air bubbles between the cover slip n glass slide so yanting turned turned turned the cover slip n the pond skater was squashed dead. lesson learnt nv hav bio lab sessions anymore. bio is an inhuman part of sci. cos u need specimens three cheers! there's no lamg arts tml. thank god but there's conversational malay ah... oh. i juz found out there's the word "yasashi"[<--i dunno the romanji] in arashi's WISH "yasashi" means 好温柔 or 温柔 sumthing like that lah oh oh oh! it's 19 Jan tml! Gachibaka! Massu n Tego!!! yea yea yea!!!! |
Wednesday, January 18, 2006 @ 12:31 PM
i was so blur today bleagh din bring my pencil box to sch haizz... n i din type out market research my microsoft juz decided to give up on me while doing market research it muz be thinking i'm so stupid as to not noe how to make a proper table haha wateva i've been having muscles ache wahaha! huiying qiqi! ur favourite feeling! hahaha i'm growing muscles! wahaha woo-hoo~~~ today's lesson is er.. normal? juz that i nv bring my pencil box wahaha my mortal's letter's getting shorter ah. nvm. i shall write long |
Tuesday, January 17, 2006 @ 12:26 PM
we were acting like maddies again singina loud in class me bel n waiyee sang Say You Love Me Li Xiang Qing Ren Hui Se Kong Jian n lots more then xinyan was trying to find her ws but we drowned her words wif our singing hahaha!! then pei cannot stand us le then xinyan said to her that she has dunno wat ren zhe dunno wat shu then can tolerate us haha wateva~~ argh. my old problems of headache is acting up on me again it has been gone for some time le but it's bac! argh. 2moro is coming on feb 16! yea! i can buy the cd wif my ang bao money le! wahaha!!! hahaha!!! i wan i wan! hahaha.. going mad~~ pei! let's go slimming go go go! hahaha patricia pang stop saying u're fat leong wai yee too. |
Monday, January 16, 2006 @ 2:43 PM
sun again.. time passes by so fast.. i finished my hw le! except for the last pg of sci finsihed maths n the middle of the sci ws yesterday finished art this morn wahaha yesterday went for market research first went IMM hahaha so fun~~ lalala.. then i asked pei go buy batt for me was running late for fc meeting then went orchard for fc meeting =) only ling[think so] may n shiyun came n oso the guy wif the cam obsessed wif cams wahaha i wan a digi cam mama! u said to buy for me... then pat came n then we went cold storage to find zhee qi n huiying then we went plaza sing together =) then me n pat shared gelato haha the gelato wasn't flat it was quite alot actually i seriously think it's bcos of pat the person was guy u noe u noe? hahahahahaha zhee n qi bought tako pachi huiying din bring her wallet so she was watching all of us eat haha then there was this little girl so cute!! she looked a bit like a blonde so cute so cute! grow up sure pretty de hehe then at carrefour.. haha the "black men" r "da tous" haha huiying is so cute then we went food court n did stuff n went shopping! hehe din buy anything though qi bought abalone! wah.. today morn went for PW haha jo was so "concerned" abt me n pei's home econs haha wateva.. n then.. she was late for her home econs for nearly an hour cos she rmb the time wrongly hahaha i went wif her to IMM n i bought letter paper at DAISO! do u noe they r selling those things that u can bead up ur name? so nice.. but if u buy one packet by packet it's quite ex that doesn't mean that give a name is any cheaper haha i intend to make for the following ppl : mi mortal -- xiang chuin mi fren -- piggy mi! hehe i shall see how much it'll cost me my long-awaited afternoon nap... was here today!!!! ah!! feel so nice~~~ |
Sunday, January 15, 2006 @ 5:46 PM
i shall post the lyrics of the songs in my player
so u all will noe wat's the lyrics. i will update at my chi blog pls go n see =) |
@ 5:10 PM
our dear lee teng ge heard the song "Say You Love Me" wrongly
this the lyrics he typed 歌曲名:Say U Love Me 歌手:铁竹堂 Jason+南拳妈妈 Lara Say that you love me Say that you care ~ Say that you love me Say that you care ~ 遇到对的人 是种缘分 我不得不承认 女生还是需要有分寸 你需要去瞄准 你要的人 不再被动的等 送上嘴唇变成你的人 我认识一个女孩 她天真活泼可爱 在等待 有个人可以给她一身三千宠爱 不需要很有钱 不需要很帥 她脾气古怪 有時候包容有時候你必须忍耐 为什么 她竟然爱上他 她到底在 想什么 她是否忘了帅哥不能爱 是什么 让她乱了方寸 不知道该做什么 我想说这怎么可能 她舍得 舍弃自己的尊严与爱好 女追男的游戏 一点都不害臊 一天到晚在他身边又吵又闹 只为了能夠被他瞪一眼就好 看她在这边 而他在那边 而她想被他捧在手心上面 而他装做视而不见 脑袋中卻浮现 眼前仅是她在微笑的画面 而她说 Say that you love me Say that you care ~ (就是还是更要有缘分 遇到对的人 看他的臉孔) Say that you love me Say that you care ~ (在个都会的东方转身 变成你的人) 重头来过 要快乐不要难过 不要谎言要承诺 她和他的爱情是否懒惰 就算有不安定的因素随时出没 她也能排除万难和他一起度过 ok 这 他多次去注意她任何的一举一动 才发现自己早已不小心掉入其中 而他知道 我想是他知道 所有她的一切 他都知道 他感到 他若知道倍高兴 心里早久想把她抱紧 不管未来艰难筵隙太多 只管現在能夠相爱再说 将一起完成的事情太多 就怕时间不夠 而她说 Say that you love me Say that you care ~ (就是还是更要有缘分 遇到对的人 看他的脸孔) Say that you love me Say that you care ~ (在个都会的东方转身 变成你的人 变成你的人) Say that you love me Say that you care ~(Wu~~) Say that you love me Say that you care ~ this is wat i heard Say that you love me say that you care say that you love me say that you care 遇到对的人 是种缘分 我不得不承认 女生还是该有分寸 你要去瞄准 你要的人 不再被动地等 随时转身变成你的人 我认识一个女孩 他天真活泼可爱 在等待有个人可以给他一生三千宠爱 不需要很有钱 不需要很帅 他脾气古怪 有时候包容 有时候必须忍耐 为什么 她竟然爱上他 她到底在想什么 她是否忘了帅哥不能爱 是什么 让他忘了分寸 不知道该做什么 我想说这怎么可能 她舍得舍弃自己的尊严与爱好 女追男的游戏 一点都不害臊 一天到晚在他身边又闹又吵 只为了能够被他瞪一眼就好 看她在这边 而他在那边 她想被他捧在手心上面 他装作视而不见 脑袋中却浮现 眼前仅是他微笑的画面 而她说 遇到对的人 是种缘分 我不得不承认 女生还是该有分寸 你要去瞄准 你要的人 不再被动地等 随时转身变成你的人 Say that you love me Say that you care [有时还是要有分寸 遇到对的人 wo o o~~] Say that you love me Say that you care [sumthing sumthing 青春 变成你的人] 重头来过 要快了不要难过 不要谎言要承诺 他和她的爱情决不懒惰 就算有不安定的因素随时出没 他也能排除万难和她一起度过度过 这漫长 [sumthing~~~~] 吹到心中心中竟是无限感动 他不自觉注意她任何的一举一动 才发现自己已不小心踩入其中 他知道 我想是他知道 所有他的一切她都知道 他看到了她如次掏肺掏心 心里早就想把她抱紧 不管未来艰难嫌隙在多 直管现在能够相爱再说 想一起完成的事情太多 只怕时间不够 而她说 遇到对的人 是种缘分 我不得不承认 女生还是该有分寸 你要去瞄准 你要的人 不再被动地等 随时转身变成你的人 [后面懒得写。。。] 就这样 我等一下写三个字的歌词 呵呵呵 |
@ 1:04 PM
i hate my nose
though it's used for breathing but since it's blocked now the breathing part has no use n now that breathing part had to be replaced by my mouth which means i cant breathe when i eat. how nice. still feel down today i dunno y!!! it started out a nice n fine day at the bukit batok there i was at the checkpoint3 wif june guen n ching everyone of us was "fighting" to see hu gives out more stickers hehe it's was fun n entertaining n then i came home n brought pei wif me then we went IMM for market research then i went for fc meeting it was still much ok btw there was a guy at the meeting looks familiar but i dunno hu shall not think abt it but he has a konica minolta haha. think it's a dslr then saw qi huiying n zhee then we went do market research together then i grew tired so i fell "asleep" on the way home then i reached home i very very tired so is expressionless i asked my dad if he still wans the 4-D cos i wanna watch zhou ri ba dian dang but she my called me 神经病 juz saw her crying to my dad or sumthing how nice. i'm the bad guy again always. my mum asked me to keep quiet n not be angry anymore y me? cos i'm the youngest the nicest to talk to how nice. status does not only work in the society but oso right in ur house [我要当神经病 至少世界会更美 至少我这么认为] |
Saturday, January 14, 2006 @ 2:30 PM
go here! the guy's darn cute when can i ever write my posts like this... haizz pei teach me.. i really dunno wat to write for my blog my life's boring argh. |
@ 1:38 PM
another passed
sumtimes i really wonder if i was ever too busy to even look at the sky sadly the ans is yes we nv tend to see how nice these things r until we lose it haizz another normal day normal sch waiyee says chiang is "attracted" to our class wateva we're doing PW for this yr bye bye om! the PW's on geog i muz learn to appreciate geog frm now wahaha i feel so sad i oso dunno y thinking abt nobuta wo produce again argh y muz they make it sad! btw one song frm the "soundtrack" should be in my player it's "green willow" listen to it |
Thursday, January 12, 2006 @ 8:33 AM
gooda morning go!
hahaha copying some pig out there. not i say he pig de ppl call him pig. 1st lesson. lang arts i realised i haven finishe my letter to my mortal so i decided to finish it in lang arts class but as you noe there's no way to. so.. i started talking to pei n waiyee abt shige's diary it's so cute of him now i hav one more person i like alot in NEWS it used to be yamap only but i dun like him so much now i like massu cos he's chubby n cute when he smiles =) i like tego cos he has baby fats boys/guys wif baby fats n hav big watery eyes look cute!! i like shige cos his posts r so interesting he's an interesting person juz that he's a bit too skinny eat more! like yamap. hahaha 2nd lesson. science wif miss peh. haha i was practically blur all lesson dun really understand 3rd period recess bought popcorn n gummies my sis is currently munching on the popcorn the gummies is on my bed safe n sound =) 4th lesson chi. din do much was writing my letters haha. i adopted waiyee's mortal but i still luv my original mortal alot! she's called xiang chuin frm malaysia currently studying in sg on a scholarship i feel so stupid sigh. can see that i'm biased towards her through my letter hahaha 5th lesson home econs! my god i loved it. we were told abt our project on food product development n we're supposed to cook it yum yum. 6th period lunch ate fish n chips! n then drank milo 7th lesson drama! it wasn't as bad as i thought today's lesson was on facial expressions i liked it! after went buy file n home sweet home cant believe it yanjun yanfu's album sells at such a high price in sg i wished i stayed in taiwan.. i changed my blogskin! love it muacks! i love my family muacks! i love my mortal xiang chuin muacks! i love my friends muacks! i love everything n anything muacks! hahaha i love you too! the one reading my blog now thanks for reading! muacks! |
Tuesday, January 10, 2006 @ 1:42 PM
i was supposed to buy yanfu yanjun's album but apparently it was not out yet!! ah ah ah i dun like the cd shops near my house all so slow hehaha i read sum1's blog n i gave my opinion on yamapi i actually wrote that his bones felt like it would break haha o wells it did look like today was.. boring again went parco after sch actually is go national lib first then after research go parco shopped but din buy anything 1. cos i din hav money 2. cos i had to save money for yanjun yanfu's album ah. i wan another part of shorts the samuel n kelvin kind has them too oh oh oh. did u noe that the accessories shop was actually tended by a guy? oh oh. that shop oso sold the bracelet that yamapi wears. i wan one n i wan a necklace that jungiery ppl used to hav the black one wif the ring they dun wear it now i've chopped my bday presents liao pei's gonna give me a piglet bel maybe gonna give me a facial foam hahaha my wish list is getting longer n longer shall list it out again - yanfu yanjun's album - pmk shirt - new world order shirt [the abstract art one] - the bracelet that looked like the one yamapi has - shorts/trousers frm or samuel n kelvin - spiral bk 7 - absolute boyfriend bk 5,6 - nobuta wo produce vcd - watch Gachibaka! - wink up feb 2006 - e zuo ju zhi wen mu hou xie shi - facial foam - necklace - bag frm zinc - nike dunk/adidas shoe hahaha so long some how i'll find a way to buy all of them or maybe give up hoping to any of them haha the clothes can be spread out over a few new yr then it can be bought as new yr shirt =) the shoe maybe a gift to jc? i dunno maybe i'll stick to my shoe the bag haha i'm juz dreaming abt it there's not much way that i could get it my player is still under construction cos the iwebtunes load very slow.. i m pissed happy bday to lloyd n pei! |
Monday, January 09, 2006 @ 10:29 AM
long time no post it's 1 week already let's see wat happened mon - well.. slacked n rushing my hw haha tue - first day of sch din do much saw shuai ge on 67 apparently he takes 302 too haha pei n others muz be going 'wateva' wed - erm.. that day go home early cos got third lang mah 2pm end i think i went lib n then to comic connection n bought spiral bk 6 bk 7 is out liao getting bankrupt thur - nothing much got cca orientation stayed bac then went home wif bel fri - cca after sch dear kuo is bac S*** argh.. tough training lies ahead sat - slacked the whole day played comp sun - go do project in the morn then went shopping bought 2 boardshorts total $35 frm surfer's paradise n one tea tree oil frm the body shop $12.90 i need more sleep i'm horrible sleep so many hours a few things i'm awaiting or going to buy: - 2moro's album [buying tml] - spiral bk 7 - absolute boyfriend bk 5,6 - nobuta wo produce vcd - watch Gachibaka! - buy wink up feb 2006 [if i can ever find it] - e zuo ju zhi wen mu hou xie shi [if i ever get the money. it's $20plus] [世界上最遥远的距离。其实,没有真正的答案,对吧?] |
Tuesday, January 03, 2006 @ 5:29 AM
juz read pui's blog
family matters sigh. i glad i hav my father i really am i glad i hav my mother i really am hehe. cheer up k pui. life could have been worse but we muz still live on =) ah.. one thing. i long wanted to post the chi translation of V6 songs here i noe it's the wrong occasion when ppl r sad but then. the songs r meaningful these songs r dedicated to u pui!! Taiyou no Ataru Basho 刻在墙上的梦 被遗忘在那儿 今日依旧梦醒在落日西沉以后 自当是已过了多少岁月 只有不健康的旋律 还有高楼的落影 显得老成 在你身边的道路旁 总有野猫成群蹲坐 贪求着希望 数位化的voice带着沙哑的绝望 恶作剧的诱惑觅着感动 成人们享受的只有过去 不同的时代为不同的价值所苦 即将消失的心它有多宽 就只能以这样的宽度前进 没有答案 好一段时间 我们已忘了该如何去笑 让我们想起明天 在这条路的前方 有梦的续集在那里 绕个远路无妨 但请走向各自的光芒 每一天只是得过且过 确任性地不愿走在相同的路上 想要变的圆滑 或许还嫌太早 但若没有勇气 一切只能回到原点 在伤痕与汗水中走到黄昏 走在我们曾并肩奔跑的路上 就想在石上所画的太阳 哪怕风吹雨淋 也不曾消失 明日又将重演一回的模样 城市的news 是障碍的动章 无意义的燃烧 未免也太残忍 好一段时间 我们已忘了该如何游戏 让我们想起明天 无论过了多久 若微风依然飘向梦 想便能成真 让我们丢下沉重的包袱 向各自的旅程出发 在这条路的前方 有梦的续集在那里 绕个远路无妨 但请走向各自的光芒 我们曾经赤足奔跑 在风沙中在阳光下 梦想着早日长大 在不断的笑声中 从不曾回头 我想沐浴在当时同样的阳光下 无论何时 都不孤单 仅有此时此刻才能做的事 将是一生中梦的结晶 然后有一天将获得证实 在这条路的前方 有梦的续集在那里 绕个远路无妨 但请走向各自的光芒 沮丧的时候 就让我们重新滑行 起步奔跑 (有梦的续集在那里) 让我们成为明日的风 永远永远 在太阳普照的地方 (走向各自的光芒) Yasei no Hana 在紧密的水泥缝间 绽放的花朵阿 有指头画出的一片梦想 不过是 在天空画下了一道圆弧罢了 在这亮丽的很不自然的时代 渴望找到自己价值的所在 枯萎的时光我不希罕 只盼望找到未来 只需要相信 在寒冬中绽放的那份力量 强迫灌输的语言 只会让心灵变形 与其等待抚平伤痕 不如尝试自我改变 走出这里的钥匙 就在这双手里 不想强风屈服 我们决不认输 只要心中所相信的那条路还在 花朵就会继续绽放 枯萎的时光我不希罕 只盼望找到未来 只需要相信 在寒冬中绽放的那份力量 dasenai tegami 笑着挥挥手 说[下次再见了] 其实心中知道 哪有所谓的[下次] 每天若无其事地 和人许下空洞的承诺 那双错过的手 又将去往何处 我们永远无邪的 敞开双手 让任性的蓝风 吹在脸颊上 此刻还不想承认 那只是场梦 我们永远赤着双脚 在这片沙滩 追逐着晶亮闪烁的白色波浪 为了相信有一天 能够再相逢 [我都没变喔]这句话 我说不出 只能吞下肚 没有地方 可以让我的感情歇歇脚 寄不出的信 为何无法丢掉 是因为不愿画下休止符 互相伤害 是因为无法分开 你在远方呼喊的声音 令人怀念 心 它无法诚实面对自己 令人焦急 无论再心痛的时光 都难以唤回 仲夏数不尽的星光 你可记得 我的心永远与你同在 请勿忘怀 无论是寒冷的夜 还是孤独的早晨 越过灿烂的云彩之城 看见彩虹 面对几近恐怖的夕阳 停下脚步 即使从此无法再相见 黎明还是会到来 我们永远赤着双脚 在这片沙滩 追逐着晶亮闪烁的白色波浪 为了相信有一天 能够再相逢 |