Wednesday, May 31, 2006 @ 12:27 PM
was reading cruz blog sumtimes that fella really writes that contains much more meaning makes ppl think makes ppl like me think my life has changed for the better and for the worse much has happened in juz 12 short months like wat cruz said the biggest thing that had happened shld be the formation of qi duo hua i dun deny there r ppl hu i used to hate in the grp there are ppl hu i dun even noe existed in the class but now everyone's a fren walking down the corridor side by side during breaks sticking to each other in class like we've known each other for a millon years sure we're frens but how much do we noe each other one thing for sure i noe each of them dun noe much of me my life history has nv been told to one person fully everyone close to me only noes a bit of it it's unintenional i mean i only tell the ppl if they "exist" in the same "era" as the event like how many of my sec sch frens noe abt my pri sch? i feel very lucky to hav ching man as a fren i've always felt she was irritating likes to poke me laughs the moment she sees me but the thing is whenever we sort of "fight" we hardly get angry wif each other even if we did it'll be resolved within minutes not like sum other close frens juz a small quarrel n we need not talk for the whole day i dunno how to say this but this fren that is not so close to me is actually nicer to be wif easier to be wif we can act like childish kids on the streets not bothering how we look but u juz cant do to that extreme when u're wif qi duo hua either that they diao u or they make u stop it i dunno... in juz 12 short months a yr has passed we're having juniors under us jc life dun seem so far anymore it's all juz so fast. |
Monday, May 29, 2006 @ 12:21 PM
Inspire'o6 was a total disappointment
the organises are so irritating do u noe wat they do? they pass u the stuff u hav to sell and oso the tin can and they juz sat there n chatted lah wth i even saw them shopping wtf i rather ding take my grp lah i noe ding can do a better job then going "how many u sell already? nv count?!? u noe i ur coordinator or not?" wtf go sell urself lah idiot "u noe i ur coordinator or not?" dunno lah! the only cooradinators i would admit r those that do work not slack idiot. n girls pls dun think you'll see cheeyang there i believe he's not even part of the team he was dragged to make the announcement. i'm so not gonna miss seeing TANK for such things lucky the passer-bys made my day they smiled at me there's this lady that went "working hard on a sunday? still in sch? *blah blah*" n she donated $5++ worth of coins luv ya n another ang moh donated all her coins near to $5 too another ang moh guy donated $10!!!!!! thank you so much!!!! but the prob is they wun take the notepads -.- had to look for other peeps to donate. there was this really nice man. he donated money and said this "dun be afraid to ask. u r doing great. god bless." it nearly brought tears to my eyes lah. i mean hu would ever say that? so unexpectedly some youngsters donated hahaha thanks guys! was so tired on the bus but i woke up n saw sumthing that really brighten my day it was the sun setting it casted a real nice colour of the sky i took a pic of it but i dun feel like loading now XP |
Sunday, May 28, 2006 @ 11:37 AM
i "ponned" inspire'o6 today
too bad~~~ they called at like 9 in the morn to tell me abt it? n then there was the email sent to us we hav to print out sum declaration form like how m i supposed to dig my classmates out of their beds at 9 am to make them print a declaration form? siao arh. i waited one whole night for it lah actually days for it i was like asking ding y the email din come but he wasnt in charge of my sch so he din noe so inefficient the email seemed like it was sent this morn i slept at 12 plus yesterday night dun tell me the person emailed ppl at 1am no one reads their mail at such a time. neway PTM today my dad was so fast! his "appointment" was 9am n he reached home at abt 10am it takes 1 hour to come home frm sch!!! so fast! he could reach home so fast! gah....... sumtimes i wonder wat my father does........ he's like "incredible"? dunno how to say it... my report bk~~~ i dared not open it lah... scared i fail any subjects or anything but i passed =) yea! so happy~~~~~~ woohoo~~~~~~~ the percentage pass was so unexpected! i thought i would like get 65% only.. but yea =) hehe..... getting more n more narcisstic hehe... [[爱一个人本来就是自私的 这样才能让被爱的人感觉到被在乎 --绿光森林]] |
@ 3:24 AM
原来 自己从以前就喜欢tank的创作了 像是[我让你走了] 是tank写的 那时刚出的时候我超喜欢的 知道是tank了后 感觉就是妙 |
Saturday, May 27, 2006 @ 12:20 PM
it feels weird
trying to scratch mosquito bites on ur leg at the starting of the week i got like 5 mosquito bites by standing at the bus interchange (grr..) n then i try to scratch it but it feels really weird cos of the muscles usually when we scratch we will hav that "ah~~~" feeling but this juz feels like u're trying to scratch rubber or sumthing? no feeling one so weird~~~ sabbaticals ended i miss power of the media~~~~ the teachers all so nice~~ n the videos shown oso all so nice~~~~~~~~~~ though philosophy had better movies like 'matrix' but listening to the teacher talk abt philosophy will make me fall asleep videos in power of the media classes is kind of shocking n keeps n awake going like "wat the~~~ how can they do that" hehehe eventful week enjoyable memorable had cca after sch i'm going to do video for the family concert at Esplanade the rehearsals are on the 4th week of hols juz hope that it doesnt fall on the 23 or 24 i need to go see TANK!!! oh pls~~~~ *prays hard* let it be on other days~~ was being narssistic on the bus snapping away wif ching man hahaha took piccys of the sky my they look nice i long wanted to take a pic of the rain it looks real nice esp. on the bus cos on the way home there's this golf club then it's all surrounded by trees so when it rains the trees and the rain look real nice together but i always anit able to take the pic gah. [["我说过,我不会让你因为我掉眼泪" -- 欧文 绿光森林]] |
Friday, May 26, 2006 @ 1:33 PM
这个人 实在太可爱了啦 不过他认真时 就很认真 很好的人生态度 而他的博客title竟然是 "CHORD和弦 老师跟你说 你不听嘛 不听不听不听" 一看 就让人觉得他好像个小孩子 很可爱 =) 在十一号那天 他写了一篇 以"生气了 真的" 内容是这样的: 生氣了 有一間叫做 天下 的小吃店 剛開幕 開幕當天中午 有一個傻傻的喜憨兒走進去 說 傻:[老闆 我要吃午餐] 老闆看了看他說:[ 不好意思 我們不能賣你午餐] 傻:[為什麼!??]生氣了 老闆:[ 因為 因為......] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. 因為"天下"沒有白痴的午餐 [烂~~] 你是白痴 所以 我們沒有賣白痴的午餐 不好意思 ......... 人生大考驗 19歲了 我面臨到人生最大的關鍵抉擇時刻 [哇!] 面對這問題 我想很久 也考慮了很久 始終沒有答案 我很怕自己做錯 選錯 真的很兩難 很矛盾 很困惑著我 我到底該這麼做? 我到底該不該說出口 其實也沒什麼 但是換做是你們 你們會怎麼做 我到底該往哪去 你們能救救我 幫幫我嗎? 我.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 我到底要吃滷味還是鹹酥雞!??? 滷味很好吃 可是鹹酥雞也超好吃啊 怎麼辦 整個很困惑 悶了 親愛的上帝 你能解救我嗎!??? [更烂~~~] 牽手會把女生的心牽走 聽說 牽手是會把女生的心給牽走的 [很感动吧] 挖 真的歐 好屌 那 . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . .牽腳咧? [这个人是怎样阿 -.-] 结果 有人回应说 "会把鞋子牵走吧" 不愧是他的迷 说话一个样 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 他有些一首歌 我还蛮喜欢的 19歲 轉過頭 看那些 過往的畫面 再回頭 笑笑 我們那些 這些 現在 都帶過了 留下的是 我們 你們 都變成了 大人了 過幾天會把歌傳到 創作部落格去 歡迎大家去聽 加入很方便 聽的速度也快 介面也很棒 也有很多好音樂人的作品在上面 快去加入杯 "我們都成了大人" 詞曲:和弦 還是任由放空出遊的眼神 呆滯的 想起那一天 很禮貌很誠懇 把笑都帶著 一連串的故事 我們會討論 瞎鬧著 身邊來來去去 最後剩幾個 知心是真的 不是我多愁善感 也不是怨天尤人 愛情和麵包的梗 還真的 能通用 能發生 能證明 你是對的 *謝謝你們 那些愛過我 傷害過我的人 成長的路 總是需要 快樂悲傷的犧牲 不怕挫折 我也不怕 結局 結尾 太殘忍 只要活著 還能說著 這一切 都不算什麼 謝謝自個 那首曾經讓我 感動流悌的歌 獨自一人 聽著哼著 學會了成全 捨得 我不怕苦 我只怕 這回憶 想起太美了 一閘眼了 時間不等人 我們都成了 那所謂的 大人 对啊 很快的 我们都要成为大人了 看过去 会觉得开心 "什么是开心的事 要改天回想起来才知道吧" -- 野猪大改造 大人 以前一个遥不可及的称呼 却以我们想象中更快的脚步 走向我们 或许哪一天 我也会把成长故事写下来吧 毕竟 人生只有那么一次 想着未来 感觉自己好像活得好不真实 好像不存在这世界 |
Thursday, May 25, 2006 @ 2:38 PM
i changed my blogskin again! it was made A4 size lah but dunno wat happened to it hehehe i chose 呛司呛司 cos i wanna tell everyone it's not juz a chance to meet ppl around u now it's a miracle. |
@ 11:51 AM
i almost totally forgot wat i wanna blog gah neway it's the last week of sch sounds happy? too bad i'm having a cold + sore throat + diahorrea n then there's 即兴演讲 + cca on fri gah gah gah last week of sch fun? no no no except for when me n bel read 偷偷爱着你 during the breaks world cup is coming used to "chase" japan n korea in the last world cup but i lost interest in them too bad i nv had interest in soccer i merely watched cos they were the only asian countries hahaha asia rawks power of the media is way lot nicer than public speaking serious. today we watched the bbc news collection n learn how ppl choose their news how they make news yesterday's was fahrenheit 9-11 mind me saying this but Bush seemed real bad in the show esp. when u see all the ppl dying in Iraq war i was like falling asleep watching it n then i woke up the moment i saw the bodies of the ppl bombed really disgusting sight. monday's was outfoxed saying how fox news manipulate their information so wateva lah dun watch fox news they r like bribed by the republican or sumthing? it's like the higher position ppl tell the ppl wat words n wat information they shld say during the news all siding wif Bush n then when they invite a guest on the show n the guest starts disagreeing wif their words they cut the guest off so wateva lah n then there's this guy that keeps going 'shut-up' irritating 偷偷爱着你 is getting nicer n nicer 泉admits to 瑞希's fren that he noes she's a girl n that he din say it out cos he likes her if he says it out there will be a possibility that 瑞希 has to leave the sch but then bcos 瑞希 thought 泉 thinks she's a guy so she dares not confess her love for him so irritating u all noe hor me n bel were reading it in class then very funny lor we 2 share one com mah n then every now n then u'll hear a very loud n long 'oh my god' coming frm behind the com hahahaha hearts bel bel so 有默契 i wonder y does 亚纶 only blog when he has some negative thoughts n feelings abt the world y not blog when he's happy or blog abt simple things in life it might be funny it might attract ppl to read (i think pei's attracted to mine. wahaha) juz like cruz he talks 'rubbish' on his blog but it brings smiles to ppl hu read it. [[绿光森林 is gonna show. shall put a quotation here. "我不是不回答你,我是有太多說想告訴你,只是說不出口"]] |
Wednesday, May 24, 2006 @ 10:54 AM
读着陈奕的博客 原来 他考驾照是去年的事 仿佛不久之前才阅读的文章 却已过了将近半年 唉 时间过得好快 以前乖乖牌的同学 都把裙子摺起来了 好不可思议 时间过得好快 而我们 都在成长 只是 我们无法跟上时间的脚步 |
@ 9:39 AM
i actually wanted to do a review on yesterday's superband
but i forgot the songs they sang gah but of cos i wun forget that high-pitched + not-so-proper pronounciation of zhao pai dong zuo which sent shivers down my spine n then there's a alan kuo song!!!! woohoo~~~~~~ alan kuo! alan kuo! the guy pei said looks like me(when i was small) when he was small haha does that make any sense? shld be hor? sabbaticals din went that bad today but i felt like sleeping all the time gah bel said my skin very smooth n she was like squeezing the fats on my arm when we watched fahrenheit 9-11 hahaha oh oh oh did i mention? in tou tou ai zhe ni (hua yang shao nan shao nv) there is a chap where wu zun n da dong's char hav to act as girls imagine that! da dong as a girl!!!!!!! omg! shock! [[我要抱抱!]] |
Tuesday, May 23, 2006 @ 2:02 PM
sabbatical week
total slack too bad competition's coming so hav cca gah. *curses under breathe* haha no lah i not so bad one k? u noe hor~~ public speaking got hw de lor!!! shi shen me mah! zao zhi dao qu song composition chui aircon hmph! gah gah gah. y is that hwachong having sabbatical on the same week as us huh? no wonder everyone is in sling bag n no one told the sec1s in my sch arh? y r ppl still bringing big bags to sch? sabbaticals no need books de lah juz need to clear ur table for the term so heavy~~~~~ cheeyang has a photo of a orange n black shoe i've always thought the colour combi to be nice but yea i think i'll hav to re consider brown rawks! haha hua yang shao nan shao nv ish sho nice~~~ da dong yu zhe! da dong yu zhe! da dong yu zhe! hearts the storyline's real nice real funny. |
@ 1:56 PM
cruzzie teng is so cute~~~ hahahahahahahaha read this post "This morning… 现在由灵芝和志勇播报新闻简讯。。。 在印尼,莫拉皮火山喷出滚滚浓烟和椰浆。 (pauses two seconds) 岩浆。。。 HAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHHHA " hahahaha so funny~~ huo shan got ye jiang hahaha |
Sunday, May 21, 2006 @ 1:03 AM
突然觉得 "朋友" 是怎么一回事? 当你有难 他们去了哪里? 当他们有难 他们才会想起你 对你说话那么的好 名字又叫得那么亲密 为他们做出来的解答 如果不是他们要的 又是乱骂一场 当场翻脸 "朋友"的定义 就是这样吗? 那么 我非常明白了 还有另一件事让我满down的 就是昨天看到了一起交通意外 虽然不是看到车子撞上巴士 只有撞后的那一幕 可是 还是觉得有点恶心 又沮丧 唉~~~ 人生啊~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 原来炎亚纶对人类也有看法阿 如果你找得到的话就去看吧 |
Thursday, May 18, 2006 @ 2:04 PM
i'm staring at 亚瑟 and saying 亚斯 gah wat m i doing? 终极一班is亚瑟 终极一班is亚瑟 终极一班is亚瑟 终极一班is亚瑟 终极一班is亚瑟 muz rmb 终极一班is亚 argh oh u all noe hor the lei ke si look sho cute lah! he got controlled by hei long but he press his own power down so he wun hurt anyone so nice of him =) when he 神智不清 he look so blur so cute esp. when da dong feed him porridge gah so cute so cute so cute 好个近朱者赤近墨者黑 亚瑟stay near 五熊 so long n now he talks like her hahahahaha shit hei long possesed jin bao san gah gah gah u noe hor u noe hor jin bao san sumtimes really cute lor esp. when he speaks 台语 so funny lah~~~ my whole mind is 终极一班 haha 终极一班冲第一! |
Wednesday, May 17, 2006 @ 10:45 AM
五味参杂 可能 有多过五味吧 *~臭~* 不是说本小姐很香啦 没擦香水哪里香? 好想睡觉~~~~ 班上有女生 令我讨厌 喜欢批评人家却不接受人家批评 人家批评就翻脸 甚至大哭 是怎样啊? 惹得本小姐手痒痒 真想打一拳 不过 "我不打女生" 是不是很熟? 对! 就是终极一班 "这 不是重点 重要的是" 他真得很讨厌阿~~~~ pei 说我和姐姐的blog由content 会吗? 我的blog根本就充满废话一堆 [[我们成为不说抱歉的朋友 好吗?]] |
Tuesday, May 16, 2006 @ 12:21 PM
i cant believe i finished my stuff so fast! wakaka today's superband was nice cos got alot of my favourite songs or like to listen de the first one was san guo lian i was binding the combined SIA when i heard the intro then i was like 'aiya? y sound so like san guo lian?' so i looked up at my tv n the song was san guo lian!!!!!! wahahahahahahaha tank craze! think my father thought i was made shouting san guo lian here san guo lian there but my father thought the song was cao cao lah!!! grr... n then there's ban gong ban du frm sixplus!! the only band i rmb for so long~~~ but the liu de hua nv sing as nice as ah wen ah wen's rap is like so nice lah~~ then got ci niao.. n got much much more wakakakakakaka~~~~ woohoo~ combined SIA is gonna be over soon! woohoo can slack liao |
Monday, May 15, 2006 @ 2:31 PM
it's mother's day! happy mother's day mama!!!!! hehehe nice durian cake we had =) smilez neway TANK's jie xi ka is like how nice lah. i love~~~~ that song hahahaha zhong ji yi ban is getting nicer n nicer!! so sad da dong got attacked the wu si so irritating lah wanna kill it blah. now he's gonna look like xiao yu n go n see an qi or ya se damn it! ya noe hor cheeyang went to cut his hair on thurs 11/5 juz exactly the same day me n bel wanted to cut hair wat if he goes to that shop too? hmm not possible lah n sum more me n bel is very last min de lah we that morn then decide wan go out then after CSM then decided we shld go klunch then when we reach orchard me n bel juz felt like cutting our hair hahaha we hav always wanted to cut our hair n the funny thing is we wan cut the style is sum wat similar lots n lots of layering~~~ wakaka i can hear my mum in the kitchen so gonna die if she comes gotta go bb! |
Sunday, May 14, 2006 @ 9:54 AM
@ 9:16 AM
很有哲学 和飞轮海的其他人不同 他想的很多很多 有一个文章 写着他渐渐习惯了沉默 沉默 是好 也是坏 没错 沉默能让自己思考 但沉没也会使别人走错方向 当别人犯错时 沉默就是害了他 适时地开口 会是最好的抉择 但人们无法时时刻刻捉住那个时机 沉默 也是孤单的表现 当大家热烈讨论时 自己一个人沉默 让自己无法加入他们 开口的那一刹那 就是和孤单说再见 我也喜欢沉默 在自己一个人的时候 "说不出口的寂寞才是最寂寞的,因为它还要和自己的自尊心逞强" -- 绿光森林 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 他的另一个文章 很抱歉 我无法完全体会 没谈恋爱的我 不知其中的痛苦 |
@ 8:53 AM
狗狗跟猫猫抢食物 哈哈哈 我家不可能会有这种东西出现的 因为。。。。 我妈反对我们养宠物 是因为我们没时间照顾它 第二 本小姐自小皮肤敏感 没办法 去个飞禽公园回来就整身红红 唉。。。 闷阿~~~ 为什么我的家不能如此有趣呢? 而且那位仁兄讲话很可爱 哈哈哈哈 什么 "老妈母亲节快到了,你儿子*blah blah blah*" 好可爱~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 陈奕也很可爱 "鸡眼流出鸡汤" 亏他想得出 坦克兄~~~ 你的改版有问题!!! 为什么16首歌变成14首而已? 欺骗我的感情~~~~~ 我的无名活回来了~~ 请到我的links 按下mi photo album 就可以到了 |
@ 7:25 AM
look at my wishlist!!! TANK's album is striked out! yea! i got my gai ban juz now! went wif bel to buy the shop actually reserved TANK's album for me but is not the gai ban so i changed for the gai ban *muacks* i love the gai ban!! i love the mvs~~~ feel like uploading them but hav no idea how to rip them frm the vcd wakaka. me n bel gonna go cut hair on the 2nd week of the june hols shld be on a mon bah we go sing kbox wif jo then go cut hair wakaka. i wanna try cut KUSO's hair the style when he was in high sch not now that one but then i'll look real odd wif short hair wahaha. so i decided that i shall only layer my hair + cut V-shape + cut thinner + cut my fringe slanted. hahaha i muz make sure it's really really layered so can see the layers. the V-shape oso muz be real obvious =) yea! can cut my hair b4 seeing TANK wahahahahaha.... ting ni dao di mv is so cute!!! the starting sounds like titanic so there's this couple standing there n got one board wif the drawing of a cruise hahaha TANK dance!!! shuai shuai shuai!! the gu dai macdonalds so cute!! wahaha TANK! TANK! |
Saturday, May 13, 2006 @ 8:12 AM
說 說 說 說 想什麼
說 說 說 說 想什麼 說 說 說 你最想做什麼 ING因為我正在心跳 加ED因為手已經濕掉 不自覺對你離題地思考 我已不小 我已不小 錯不了 我看到 妳對我笑 錯不了 妳看我臉頰好像在發燒 妳彎腰世界捲起了海嘯 用眼神語調滿足我需要 我都收到 我都收到 錯不了 這感覺 不用妳教 錯不了 教我CRAZY 教我HAPPY 教我玩心理遊戲 教我偷偷為了妳著迷 教我CRAZY 教我HAPPY 教我若即若離 教我上課變得更努力 忘了自己 一直想著妳 每天共處一室愛就能隔空傳遞 忘了自己 愛不是禁忌 自由自在什麼都不理 飞轮海 - 孺子可教 |
@ 7:36 AM
here r some pics frm yesterday
ah~~ the nice rising sun (voices frm the bac "damn! so hot!") 真是人山人海阿~ jo waiyee n shumei bel n xinyan huiqing (in red) ah bel. on the way home frm orchard |
@ 7:12 AM
inspire o6 called when i was sleeping (wat nice timing)
so my hp rang n i practically jumped up (think my mum got a shock watching me do that. haha) n so~~ the person (she) said "hi. i'm frm the inspire'o6 team. *blah blah blah* u noe, that to ur sch one?" hahaha felt like laughing that time lah every sentence went so smooth then it slowed down when cheeyang was mentioned so cute! haha neway there were lots of ppl talking at the bac no manners!!! i'm down for all weekends except for 10 ,11 of june n 2nd of july cos 1o n 11 tank shld be in sg 2nd is the day after funfair shld be dead beat liao when i told the person i wasnt free on 2nd there was a voice at the bac saying "XXX got funfair on the 1st of july" so clever arh muz be frm hwa chong one right? hahaha this thing was promoted to our sch by cheeyang n sum other girl. ex theatre de but my class' reason for going is really odd sum ppl like peiying n hanjing's reason for going would be they wanna do charity or volunteer work sum ppl like liqin wanna get C.I.P hours ppl like me wanna get my butt off the com or juz prevent myself frm sleeping on weekends. hahah once again i hav a odd reason but there's no reason to stay home when there's nothing better to do n then i can go shopping! haha my necklace n bracelet~~~~~~~~ wahahaha wat would actually happen if cheeyang went? *shakes head* it isnt gonna happen =) |
Friday, May 12, 2006 @ 9:11 AM
combined sports meet
gah so irrtating so hot the weather~~~~~~~~ everybody left their seats liao lah me bear jo jieqi jas eyu n june even went up the stairs n played uno (at the statue there) haha but we came bac juz nice for the teachers' relay we won again! the other schs said that they would ask all their ex-national track runners to run i dun think so lor ex-nationals wun run like that de went to orchard after that sang at kbox!! yea we were in time for klunch we sing sing sing until mad lah we got addicted to singing dui chang then me n bel keep singing n singing lah hahahahah so sorry jo!! neway i showed bel chenyi's mvs then she was like going "omg! this guy so shuai" haha told ya so so the last song we sang was chenyi's [an lian wo] then i sing until real high lor!! hahaha bel keep going "chenyi so shuai! the guitarist so shuai!" then i went "chenyi so shuai! KUSO so shuai!" hahahahahahah then i did sumthing that i think i was mad cos when u exit the kbox staff will go "thank you! byebye" so i went "byebye!" hahaha so sorry think that guy i said "byebye" to thought i was mad so sorry but it's nice yea? imagine u're at a hard day's work n then sumone madly jumping around says a real cheerful "byebye" to u wun it make ur day better? =) after that we went heeren n then to far east we saw this whole lot of jap students at far east lah so shuai so you xing ge then at converse got this grp of guys [either jap or korean. shld be in the grp of jap students bah.] they dress so nice Singapore guys dun usually go to that standard. so shuai so shuai they were buying shoes in converse lor n then i bought this ring n necklace frm a shop near converse the ring's on my thumb now! hehe i bet me n bel looked like les on the bus lah cos both of us were sleeping on the bus side by side then when u sleep u will tend to fall to one side right? so bel fell on my shoulder (near there lah) n i sort of slept towards her omg so les!!! argh! i muz say again! i'm totally straight!!!!!!!! TANK's gai ban is out!!! yea! i'm getting my copy on this Sat |
Thursday, May 11, 2006 @ 9:50 AM
i'm aching all over now i hate NAPFA!!!! grrr.. y do everyone get a break whenever they wan to? i wan a break too!! i cant even stand properly now lah tell me wash bowls juz make sure i can stand up tml. |
Tuesday, May 09, 2006 @ 11:19 AM
i finally read colin n kero's blog yesterday night!!!
they so cute colin cuter =) i was talking abt them wif xinyan n pei today i think colin stays in cck right? then i was like saying "it's quite scary that u might hav walked on the same road wif this guy for dunno how many years." hahahahaha then we oso talked abt wat would happen if we told our parents that we were les. xinyan "my mum's very open abt it. even asked if my sch has les." me "i think my name would ceased to exist [haha. jk lah. think she would juz freak out.]" pei's one i forgot liao. we oso talked abt the gay issue maybe they became gay juz bcos they found security in each other at that moment n decided to be together i dunno i'm not them right? pei said it would be real nice if they met a girl that would turn them bac straight again this girl arh chinese novels read too much liao. but hu noes? it might juz happen =) i hold nothing against gays that's all |
@ 10:15 AM
combined SIA is down for now but later sure got lots of editing to do my 2.4 was 15.45s so slow!!!! argh! tml there's combined SIA presentation n napfa 5 items ganbande neh i dun mind failing my napfa =) i seriously wanna get better for my 2.4 hahahahahaha mad mad me did mad things in class again =) bored me took a blue pen n started scribbling everywhere here are my works =) yea my first masterpiece =) looks like veins all these scribbled on one page of my note book =) look at the last photo. wat word m i drawing? ans: 'TANK' my 'tattoo' on my hand!! [stupid me forgot to use macro that's y so blur. now the 'tattoo''s washed off. i'm gonna draw a new one =)] |
Monday, May 08, 2006 @ 2:07 PM
finally i finished my compre!!!
gah. i'm so gonna drop lit nxt yr. take elect lit only if i ever take full lit i'll nv pass my year i thought i could sleep at 11 tonight but yah. sigh tml's napfa n i bet i cant run well in this condition wish me luck =) btw wat's the passing mark for 2.4? i read on sum1's blog that she aims for 5min plus for each round maybe their round is bigger lah but if it's a norm track, it shld be 2 min for 1 round right? once again dun say u like TANK when u seriouly dun i hate that. |
Sunday, May 07, 2006 @ 3:27 PM
Has a lot of ideas
haha see first lor.. depends on that moment Difficult to fathom i juz found out fathom means understand. ya. i'm quite hard to understand. Thinks forward how forward? short term only lah. if u mean taking uni as a target means thinking forward then..ya lor Unique and brilliant unique? unique as in odd lah. brilliant? dun see so Extraordinary ideas totally extraodinary. i'm abnormal. rmb? Sharp thinking not really sharp lah. it's actually quite blunt -.- Fine and strong clairvoyance i dunno wat to say cos i dunno wat is clairvoyance Can become good doctors hahaha. no no no. i cant study Careful and cautious not really bah Dynamic in personality eh. how do u define dynamic? Secretive hehehehehe. can say so Inquisitive totally Knows how to dig secrets wahaha. read my previous post n u'll noe Always thinking yah. but not always abt study Less talkative but amiable less talkative? ask qi duo hua n they'll puke blood. friendly *nods head* Brave and generous brave hai hao ba. generous. see occasion lah. Patient no no no no no *shakes head vigorously* Stubborn and hard-hearted totally stupid stubborn. hard hearted arh? i dunno leh If there is a will, there is a way really? maybe bah Determined haha. see wat's it's for lor. like for TANK's fc i'm totally determined Never give up yea man! MVP qing ren! haha Hardly become angry unless provoked hahahahahhahahahaha. hu believes this statement? Loves to be alone *nods* Thinks differently from others totally totally totally! Sharp-minded dun really think so Motivates oneself hmm. sumtimes. Does not appreciates praises no! i very de nice one *flashes white teeth* High-spirited self high one. totally Well-built and tough i cant deny those muscles. haha. but only on the tigh Deep love and emotions =) Romantic dunno leh. nv tried anything romantic Uncertain in relationships probably Homely i love the house! Hardworking not really leh High abilities in wat? Trustworthy wat do u all think leh? Honest and keeps secrets hahaha. sumtimes. Not able to control emotions definately Unpredictable. hahaha. really. totally. i m real random |
@ 11:15 AM
mr lim kok boon is co cool!
he has exhibitions in sg!!!! cool cool cool!! mr K calls him ah boon or my brother frm the aesthetics department hahahahahaha more abt mr Ron Tok he went to TWSS right? according to a girl previously frm TWSS mr Tok likes a teacher in the sch but the teacher turned frm ms to mrs liao n long time ago i think i blogged abt one girl saying he likes a female teacher in my sch yea? heart change so fast tsk tsk hahahaha he has made alot of ppl in my sch to like him now he's making more ppl frm TWSS to like him woah. he goes to ZARA *stares again* i rmb my sis had sum not nice encounters inside there did i see wrongly? *rubs eyes* tok tok chiang aka uncle ronnie aka ronnie kor kor aka ron tok aka zhuo lao shi aka mr tok de lesson?!? gah wat's that? n they sounded shocked when ppl called him mr ron hey man the whole sch calls him mr ron or another name my sis loves to call him it's not mushy or anything it juz feels a bit rude (as in the name my sis calls him. not "ronnie kor kor") hahaha they copy us! copy the way we call our maths teacher! the only clue i can give u is our maths teacher's initials is DC the rest u can think of it urself. [haha. i dugged so much things out!. love technorati!] |
@ 10:03 AM
i nv realised so many ppl blogs abt gregory goh i juz typed [blog + "Gregory Goh"] n i got alot of blogs i wun be like mr cruzteng n post up the search lah some of them wan the their blo to remain private there was this post that says he keeps slipping n falling hahaha imagine ur maths teacher is walking n he suddenly slips hahaha some other fella (haha. i noe hu this person is!) says gregory goh is funny n cute wahahaha i dun think i would agree to that refer to my previous post under april 2oo6 n u'll noe wat i think of him hahaha by the way did the person juz write "that's y i'm gonna wash ur sji tie"? my god 1st thing he was frm SJI?!? i dun admit that! that's my christain brother school leh how can? i'm already so shock that mr tang comes frm there n now there's another? n then n then how did she get her hands on his tie? hmm i smell sumthing amiss in the air~~ and another blog had some can say mean things lah cos sum1 said he was fat in sec sch n was in swimming the other answered sumthing saying that whales can swim so bad so now i bo liao go search another famous teacher in sch but now transfer sch liao he used to hav 2 gfs *stares wif big eyes* i juz realised the sch he transferred to is nearer to my house than my own sch hahaha [extra info. alot of peeps frm 2o1 hav boyfriends. juz dugged that news out frm their blogs. dun ask me how i found their blog. the top part of this post shld hav said so.] |
Saturday, May 06, 2006 @ 9:06 PM
i heard sumthing rather diao(not the one jay chou likes to say. it's the one wif 3 lines going down ur head) when i was at lot 1 today
i was queuing to buy bubble tea then there was 2 girls in front of me one of them held a neoprint they took together n then pointed out to the other that there was sumthing written on the neoprint that she din write so she asked the other girl "u write one izzit?" girl b sorts of admits lah then the girl said "see. i so clever" my god imagine u take a neoprint wif ur fren only 1 fren the design would either be frm "you" or "me" right? unless "sumthing" in the air has decided to write sumthing on their neoprint then they can write it into a script n send it to the media to hav it filmed 2 b****s my god cant stand it busu is getting interesting =) the guy is nicer to her now! hahahahahahaha so nice so nice!! kurosagi oso real nice though the new ep not out yet it's quite interesting u noe abt the cast for kurosagi yamap acted as akira in nobuta n the female lead acted as nobuta in nobuta so then akira liked nobuta but nobuta like shuuji now in kurosagi yamap acts as kurosaki n the female leads acts as a uni student hu rents a room frm him so i expect sumthing shld happen between them so sweet it like SP for nobuta like that haha but kurosaki dun feel like akira akira is very carefree but kurosaki has alot in mind i muz praise H.I.M the singers they hav are all of high standard except maybe fahrenheit cos i haven really heard them sing b4 so yea i dunno abt their singing but the rest r all so good for example S.H.E, TANK, kaira gong(gong shi jia), JS n Z Chen all hav rather nice voices i like Z Chen's new album esp. ai qing shu n tie shen qing ren neway ella is filming a new show!! i wanna watch! one of the male actors is lei ke si frm zhong ji yi ban (i dunno his real name. only noe that his surname is tang) my god so shuai! gah.. but then another actor is wu zun i dun really like him compared to other ppl frm fahrenheit now i feel that actually ya se wang is rather cute hahaha i realise that no one actually reads my blog feel so sad. |
@ 2:11 PM
希望在今后找到我的曙光 =) |
@ 2:06 PM
dunno y
suddenly feel very down n then the itunes played 张敬轩's 过云雨 haiz i feel so troubled over the funfair tix thing lah dun ppl always say frens r always there for u? but when there's anything concerning money their first ans would be no but when they need ppl for stuff like their church celebration they will try all means by hook or crook to get u to attend i dun feel so right abt this. those ppl hu actually bought the tix frm me or agreed to buy the tix frm me were actually frens i'm not that close wif my closest frens frm pri sch all said no i hav nothing to say "原来朋友就是在你无聊时可以帮你打发时间的人。" -- 微笑情缘 argh try to cheer up =))))*slaps self hard* hmm yah wat happened in sch eh not much happy things lah even this week's busu no hitomi ni koishiteru oso not very happy lah except for the part when she finally told him that she liked him n oso the part where he heard the radio it's real nice there. too bad his ex gf is coming bac so now it'll be 1 guy n 3 girls but after all it's juz a drama yea? oh yah wanna say sumthing anyone realises that JADE looked like 六甲乐团 when they performed this mon i dunno y but i juz cant forgot 六甲乐团 i mean when a singer/band i like dun turn up for some time i'll juz lose interest in them sum times i dun even rmb their names but sum how i rmb 六甲乐团's name i rmb their song lyrics i rmb their position in the band i could mix up hu is the grp leader for 五月天 but i nv forgot hu was the leader for 六甲乐团 it is 阿龙 i dunno y they made such an impact on me they're the very first grp of ppl that made me pay fully for their album not even 2moro's album is i pay fully de i went crazy over them for abt 3 months but my craziness died down on 2moro only after 1 month i rmb 六甲乐团's 宣传服 but i dun ever rmb other ppl's hehe it's real scary but i'll rmb them always always maybe bcos they're juz so true to ppl they dun hide at all they can openly chit chat wif each other on stage during an autograph session i admire them for being so. |
Friday, May 05, 2006 @ 10:37 AM
do u noe! the sch has decided that they shld paint a pink wall n a orange wall n a gray wall my god the coloured walls turned up today gosh looks like a kindergarten (*pokes* i dun wanna study in a kindergaten~~) was reading qiang wei zhi lian during OM lesson today i still love the story though this is the 3rd time i'm reading it i miss the whole show found the video on youtube n is watching it now =) i miss all the ppl in it gah.... i hope TANK fc would be out faster i wanna lead the fc i wanna make new things in fc =) |
@ 10:24 AM
dugged this frm siewying's blog Name 20 pple u can think of at the top of your head. Dun read the below qns before u write, and tag 5 ppl to do this survey. 1) Peiying 2) Christabel 3) Waiyee 4) Joanna 5) XinYan 6) Patricia 7) piggy 8) Zhee jiejie 9) JiaLe 10) Gen 11) TANK [ya ya ya. it's the guy on my blogskin.) 12) Jiaxin 13) daddy 14) Xiang Chuin 15) YiXin 16) Yanyi 17) Yong Feng 18) Pinkbee 19) Siew Ying 20) Yish How did you meet 14? in sch. she's my mortal What would you do if you never meet 1? i'll be crazy by now. she cools us all down =) What would you do if 20 and 9 dated? Yish n JiaLe? unlikely lah. one is my sis n one my classmate 1. my sis likes a guy 2. they dun even noe each other Did you ever liked 19? SiewYing? nv lah. i real straight de =) Would 6 and 17 make a good couple? pat n yongfeng arh. i dunno leh 1 too hyper 1 too quiet Describe 3. Waiyee. eh. my neighbour in class. frm chinses drama. member of qi duo hua. Do you think 8 is attractive? *coughs* i dun find jiejie atttractive (n if she ever reads this she will spit blood) Tell me smth about 7. he is my good fren =) like da gege like that. but sumtimes like little boy like that. haha Do you know any of 12's family? nope. we met in 2moro's fc Whats 8's favourite? Gungun! (her soft toy penguin) What would you do if 11 confesses dat he/she likes you? OMG! highly impossible!! haha. i would freak out. What language does 15 speak? Chinese n English bah Who is 9 going out with? dunno How old is 16 now? 14 When was the last time you talked to 13? this morn. b4 i left for sch What is 2's fav band/singer? haha. TANK n fei lun hai Would you ever date 4? no. i'm not a les Would you date 7? *coughs* let's see the nxt question... Is 15 single? supposingly What is 10's last name? Peck. Genevieve Peck Would you ever be in a serious relationship with 11? unlikely right? What school does 3 go to? same as mine =) Where does 6 live? Serangoon Whats ur fav thing about no 5? too cool to be true Have you seen number 1 naked? hahahahahahahahaha. how can that be possible. |
Thursday, May 04, 2006 @ 10:35 AM
cheeyang that fella
copy me hahaha no lah it's juz that 本小姐 wanted to change her blog song to 我们小时候 怎知道 那家伙也怕那首歌放在博客上! tsk tsk tsk hahaz n then n then that fella got himself a new sweatshirt/jacket which i had wanted since start of this yr!! the orange + black ipzone jacket!! i wan that one!! i oso wan pullover! gah neway Mrs Chitra wasnt here today n the class was havoc hahaha here's some piccys taken =) yiyan peiying wif huiying jiale zhee n huiqing in the bg my hand n pei's legs pei me n pat's legs eyu (in shorts) n bearbear from left: limmin yiyan claire pinghui pat from top left(clockwise):huiying pei me huiqing zhee from top left (clockwise): huiying jiale jiaqi n huiqing n zhee as romeo n juliet from left: huiying jiaqi zhee huiqing jiale we had sci prac today some ppl made some really nice coloured chemical here's some guen's testube claire's testube (sorry miss chong!) gah TANK's cd is sold out everywhere thought i could strike out the TANK's cd under my wishlist when is his gai ban coming? u-weekly say come out liao but it's nowhere in sight patty's testube i hav no idea y i m using a chenyi blogskin when my favourite now is TANK shall make one new blogskin |
Wednesday, May 03, 2006 @ 9:04 AM
our dear mister cruz has juz gotten himself a free uzap
cant imagine him wif the uzap around his waist only one word to describe this scene hilarious haha i'm not being mean or anything but u imagine him... u juz think it's hilarious talking abt uzap we had home econs lesson today n it was on weight control methods so miss lim asked us abt different types of weight control methods then there came out ans like uzap, slim10, eXtrim etc. then miss lim go act out the fann wong Xendo ad very funny lah it's like she pretend to be holding a phone then saying "文芳吃什么 我就吃什么" then 'fann wong' takes over the phone n says "相信Xendo 更要相信自己" hahahahaha the whole music room burst out laughing then still got the uzap but is patty keep saying one the dunno wat "zap zap 臀部 zap zap 腹部" etc. spastic. haha kerri came bac to class today she changed n her accent is even more sigh it doesnt feel like her anymore one boring night i was scanning through my msn contacts n saw yuan han's msn nick i believe i can fly~~ i believe i can touch the sky~~ - n if i touch the sky~~ i would fall down n die~ i can only this girl is really 'talented' haha i noe alot of ppl r hoping for cheeyang to come for sports meet right? too bad that fella has a perf at Meridian JC but if he comes, i think i'll be too lazy to walk all the way the other side of the audience stand i rather go ga jiao some snrs |
Tuesday, May 02, 2006 @ 6:04 AM
peepo reading my blog or accidentally stumbled upon it (hihi!)
me n my frens Jiaxin n PinkBee are trying to make a Singapore TANK fc for TANK we hav like a pathetic number of 9 members now so if u wanna join pls leave ur name n contact (eg, hp number or email) at my tagboard we will try to contact u all meanwhile go to this is the forum for the fc we wish for the fc to come out b4 june (haha. i actually hav the thinking of chee yang joining it. fat hope. ever seen a singer join another singer's fc? no.) [i wanted to dedicate a post to pei. but i forgot wat i wanted to write. nvm then. i'll write it nxt time =)] |
@ 4:35 AM
Monday, May 01, 2006 @ 10:54 AM
残剑说 -- 电影 英雄 残剑的这副字 -- 电影 英雄 这些话 好像没传到世界的某一个人的耳朵里 才导致了之前的战乱 听见了吗? 导演想说的话 |
@ 10:50 AM
taken frm pei's blog hey dude we're not growing too fast it's juz the world that's pushing us forward we cant stop now we juz hav to go on n become stronger maybe it's all juz a cover we noe right well that deep inside we're juz like any other teenager fun, craze n love will always be top of the chart maybe we can try taking off that cover for a moment juz a moment n enjoy it you're not growing fast man ppl hu grow fast think abt career more on the money side we're juz growing up n got lost in the way we'll find the way out juz like all the adults out there by right we can be said as more child like in thinking than many others cos we hav not actually met a really difficult problem in our lifes as i'm reading this i think of us rmb frens will always be there for u enjoy this moment now cos there's more to fret in the future |
@ 9:56 AM
i went to watch 爱无间 yesterday
it was real nice =) told ya hong kong directors film the best things i like the bg songs! there's one that sounded like 灰色空间 the guy who acted as Jeong Woo looks like the sensei frm gachibaka haha so cute!! i wanna watch the movie again!!! hahaz anyone? btw.. sum1's going on a vacation during june hols n has agreed to buy sumthing bac for me =) yeas!!! |
SEE Yihui. monkey. 28nov.
proudly Singaporean. chaolaoshu. lurenjia. huizz. nyav. tankfc. chengho. 7duohua. 黃城夜韻. Operation Smile. S-SIX-BEE. ♥ LOVES NEWS. Tamamori Yuta. 蘇打綠. Kis-My-Ft2. Kato Shigeaki. Nishikido Ryo *WISHES Trip to Japan/Taiwan. Work in Esplanade. Perform on stage. Currently watching Lady~Saigo no Hanzai Profiling. Control. My Princess. worth $1,212,030. |
Wednesday, May 31, 2006 @ 12:27 PM
was reading cruz blog sumtimes that fella really writes that contains much more meaning makes ppl think makes ppl like me think my life has changed for the better and for the worse much has happened in juz 12 short months like wat cruz said the biggest thing that had happened shld be the formation of qi duo hua i dun deny there r ppl hu i used to hate in the grp there are ppl hu i dun even noe existed in the class but now everyone's a fren walking down the corridor side by side during breaks sticking to each other in class like we've known each other for a millon years sure we're frens but how much do we noe each other one thing for sure i noe each of them dun noe much of me my life history has nv been told to one person fully everyone close to me only noes a bit of it it's unintenional i mean i only tell the ppl if they "exist" in the same "era" as the event like how many of my sec sch frens noe abt my pri sch? i feel very lucky to hav ching man as a fren i've always felt she was irritating likes to poke me laughs the moment she sees me but the thing is whenever we sort of "fight" we hardly get angry wif each other even if we did it'll be resolved within minutes not like sum other close frens juz a small quarrel n we need not talk for the whole day i dunno how to say this but this fren that is not so close to me is actually nicer to be wif easier to be wif we can act like childish kids on the streets not bothering how we look but u juz cant do to that extreme when u're wif qi duo hua either that they diao u or they make u stop it i dunno... in juz 12 short months a yr has passed we're having juniors under us jc life dun seem so far anymore it's all juz so fast. |
Monday, May 29, 2006 @ 12:21 PM
Inspire'o6 was a total disappointment
the organises are so irritating do u noe wat they do? they pass u the stuff u hav to sell and oso the tin can and they juz sat there n chatted lah wth i even saw them shopping wtf i rather ding take my grp lah i noe ding can do a better job then going "how many u sell already? nv count?!? u noe i ur coordinator or not?" wtf go sell urself lah idiot "u noe i ur coordinator or not?" dunno lah! the only cooradinators i would admit r those that do work not slack idiot. n girls pls dun think you'll see cheeyang there i believe he's not even part of the team he was dragged to make the announcement. i'm so not gonna miss seeing TANK for such things lucky the passer-bys made my day they smiled at me there's this lady that went "working hard on a sunday? still in sch? *blah blah*" n she donated $5++ worth of coins luv ya n another ang moh donated all her coins near to $5 too another ang moh guy donated $10!!!!!! thank you so much!!!! but the prob is they wun take the notepads -.- had to look for other peeps to donate. there was this really nice man. he donated money and said this "dun be afraid to ask. u r doing great. god bless." it nearly brought tears to my eyes lah. i mean hu would ever say that? so unexpectedly some youngsters donated hahaha thanks guys! was so tired on the bus but i woke up n saw sumthing that really brighten my day it was the sun setting it casted a real nice colour of the sky i took a pic of it but i dun feel like loading now XP |
Sunday, May 28, 2006 @ 11:37 AM
i "ponned" inspire'o6 today
too bad~~~ they called at like 9 in the morn to tell me abt it? n then there was the email sent to us we hav to print out sum declaration form like how m i supposed to dig my classmates out of their beds at 9 am to make them print a declaration form? siao arh. i waited one whole night for it lah actually days for it i was like asking ding y the email din come but he wasnt in charge of my sch so he din noe so inefficient the email seemed like it was sent this morn i slept at 12 plus yesterday night dun tell me the person emailed ppl at 1am no one reads their mail at such a time. neway PTM today my dad was so fast! his "appointment" was 9am n he reached home at abt 10am it takes 1 hour to come home frm sch!!! so fast! he could reach home so fast! gah....... sumtimes i wonder wat my father does........ he's like "incredible"? dunno how to say it... my report bk~~~ i dared not open it lah... scared i fail any subjects or anything but i passed =) yea! so happy~~~~~~ woohoo~~~~~~~ the percentage pass was so unexpected! i thought i would like get 65% only.. but yea =) hehe..... getting more n more narcisstic hehe... [[爱一个人本来就是自私的 这样才能让被爱的人感觉到被在乎 --绿光森林]] |
@ 3:24 AM
原来 自己从以前就喜欢tank的创作了 像是[我让你走了] 是tank写的 那时刚出的时候我超喜欢的 知道是tank了后 感觉就是妙 |
Saturday, May 27, 2006 @ 12:20 PM
it feels weird
trying to scratch mosquito bites on ur leg at the starting of the week i got like 5 mosquito bites by standing at the bus interchange (grr..) n then i try to scratch it but it feels really weird cos of the muscles usually when we scratch we will hav that "ah~~~" feeling but this juz feels like u're trying to scratch rubber or sumthing? no feeling one so weird~~~ sabbaticals ended i miss power of the media~~~~ the teachers all so nice~~ n the videos shown oso all so nice~~~~~~~~~~ though philosophy had better movies like 'matrix' but listening to the teacher talk abt philosophy will make me fall asleep videos in power of the media classes is kind of shocking n keeps n awake going like "wat the~~~ how can they do that" hehehe eventful week enjoyable memorable had cca after sch i'm going to do video for the family concert at Esplanade the rehearsals are on the 4th week of hols juz hope that it doesnt fall on the 23 or 24 i need to go see TANK!!! oh pls~~~~ *prays hard* let it be on other days~~ was being narssistic on the bus snapping away wif ching man hahaha took piccys of the sky my they look nice i long wanted to take a pic of the rain it looks real nice esp. on the bus cos on the way home there's this golf club then it's all surrounded by trees so when it rains the trees and the rain look real nice together but i always anit able to take the pic gah. [["我说过,我不会让你因为我掉眼泪" -- 欧文 绿光森林]] |
Friday, May 26, 2006 @ 1:33 PM
这个人 实在太可爱了啦 不过他认真时 就很认真 很好的人生态度 而他的博客title竟然是 "CHORD和弦 老师跟你说 你不听嘛 不听不听不听" 一看 就让人觉得他好像个小孩子 很可爱 =) 在十一号那天 他写了一篇 以"生气了 真的" 内容是这样的: 生氣了 有一間叫做 天下 的小吃店 剛開幕 開幕當天中午 有一個傻傻的喜憨兒走進去 說 傻:[老闆 我要吃午餐] 老闆看了看他說:[ 不好意思 我們不能賣你午餐] 傻:[為什麼!??]生氣了 老闆:[ 因為 因為......] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. 因為"天下"沒有白痴的午餐 [烂~~] 你是白痴 所以 我們沒有賣白痴的午餐 不好意思 ......... 人生大考驗 19歲了 我面臨到人生最大的關鍵抉擇時刻 [哇!] 面對這問題 我想很久 也考慮了很久 始終沒有答案 我很怕自己做錯 選錯 真的很兩難 很矛盾 很困惑著我 我到底該這麼做? 我到底該不該說出口 其實也沒什麼 但是換做是你們 你們會怎麼做 我到底該往哪去 你們能救救我 幫幫我嗎? 我.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 我到底要吃滷味還是鹹酥雞!??? 滷味很好吃 可是鹹酥雞也超好吃啊 怎麼辦 整個很困惑 悶了 親愛的上帝 你能解救我嗎!??? [更烂~~~] 牽手會把女生的心牽走 聽說 牽手是會把女生的心給牽走的 [很感动吧] 挖 真的歐 好屌 那 . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . .牽腳咧? [这个人是怎样阿 -.-] 结果 有人回应说 "会把鞋子牵走吧" 不愧是他的迷 说话一个样 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 他有些一首歌 我还蛮喜欢的 19歲 轉過頭 看那些 過往的畫面 再回頭 笑笑 我們那些 這些 現在 都帶過了 留下的是 我們 你們 都變成了 大人了 過幾天會把歌傳到 創作部落格去 歡迎大家去聽 加入很方便 聽的速度也快 介面也很棒 也有很多好音樂人的作品在上面 快去加入杯 "我們都成了大人" 詞曲:和弦 還是任由放空出遊的眼神 呆滯的 想起那一天 很禮貌很誠懇 把笑都帶著 一連串的故事 我們會討論 瞎鬧著 身邊來來去去 最後剩幾個 知心是真的 不是我多愁善感 也不是怨天尤人 愛情和麵包的梗 還真的 能通用 能發生 能證明 你是對的 *謝謝你們 那些愛過我 傷害過我的人 成長的路 總是需要 快樂悲傷的犧牲 不怕挫折 我也不怕 結局 結尾 太殘忍 只要活著 還能說著 這一切 都不算什麼 謝謝自個 那首曾經讓我 感動流悌的歌 獨自一人 聽著哼著 學會了成全 捨得 我不怕苦 我只怕 這回憶 想起太美了 一閘眼了 時間不等人 我們都成了 那所謂的 大人 对啊 很快的 我们都要成为大人了 看过去 会觉得开心 "什么是开心的事 要改天回想起来才知道吧" -- 野猪大改造 大人 以前一个遥不可及的称呼 却以我们想象中更快的脚步 走向我们 或许哪一天 我也会把成长故事写下来吧 毕竟 人生只有那么一次 想着未来 感觉自己好像活得好不真实 好像不存在这世界 |
Thursday, May 25, 2006 @ 2:38 PM
i changed my blogskin again! it was made A4 size lah but dunno wat happened to it hehehe i chose 呛司呛司 cos i wanna tell everyone it's not juz a chance to meet ppl around u now it's a miracle. |
@ 11:51 AM
i almost totally forgot wat i wanna blog gah neway it's the last week of sch sounds happy? too bad i'm having a cold + sore throat + diahorrea n then there's 即兴演讲 + cca on fri gah gah gah last week of sch fun? no no no except for when me n bel read 偷偷爱着你 during the breaks world cup is coming used to "chase" japan n korea in the last world cup but i lost interest in them too bad i nv had interest in soccer i merely watched cos they were the only asian countries hahaha asia rawks power of the media is way lot nicer than public speaking serious. today we watched the bbc news collection n learn how ppl choose their news how they make news yesterday's was fahrenheit 9-11 mind me saying this but Bush seemed real bad in the show esp. when u see all the ppl dying in Iraq war i was like falling asleep watching it n then i woke up the moment i saw the bodies of the ppl bombed really disgusting sight. monday's was outfoxed saying how fox news manipulate their information so wateva lah dun watch fox news they r like bribed by the republican or sumthing? it's like the higher position ppl tell the ppl wat words n wat information they shld say during the news all siding wif Bush n then when they invite a guest on the show n the guest starts disagreeing wif their words they cut the guest off so wateva lah n then there's this guy that keeps going 'shut-up' irritating 偷偷爱着你 is getting nicer n nicer 泉admits to 瑞希's fren that he noes she's a girl n that he din say it out cos he likes her if he says it out there will be a possibility that 瑞希 has to leave the sch but then bcos 瑞希 thought 泉 thinks she's a guy so she dares not confess her love for him so irritating u all noe hor me n bel were reading it in class then very funny lor we 2 share one com mah n then every now n then u'll hear a very loud n long 'oh my god' coming frm behind the com hahahaha hearts bel bel so 有默契 i wonder y does 亚纶 only blog when he has some negative thoughts n feelings abt the world y not blog when he's happy or blog abt simple things in life it might be funny it might attract ppl to read (i think pei's attracted to mine. wahaha) juz like cruz he talks 'rubbish' on his blog but it brings smiles to ppl hu read it. [[绿光森林 is gonna show. shall put a quotation here. "我不是不回答你,我是有太多說想告訴你,只是說不出口"]] |
Wednesday, May 24, 2006 @ 10:54 AM
读着陈奕的博客 原来 他考驾照是去年的事 仿佛不久之前才阅读的文章 却已过了将近半年 唉 时间过得好快 以前乖乖牌的同学 都把裙子摺起来了 好不可思议 时间过得好快 而我们 都在成长 只是 我们无法跟上时间的脚步 |
@ 9:39 AM
i actually wanted to do a review on yesterday's superband
but i forgot the songs they sang gah but of cos i wun forget that high-pitched + not-so-proper pronounciation of zhao pai dong zuo which sent shivers down my spine n then there's a alan kuo song!!!! woohoo~~~~~~ alan kuo! alan kuo! the guy pei said looks like me(when i was small) when he was small haha does that make any sense? shld be hor? sabbaticals din went that bad today but i felt like sleeping all the time gah bel said my skin very smooth n she was like squeezing the fats on my arm when we watched fahrenheit 9-11 hahaha oh oh oh did i mention? in tou tou ai zhe ni (hua yang shao nan shao nv) there is a chap where wu zun n da dong's char hav to act as girls imagine that! da dong as a girl!!!!!!! omg! shock! [[我要抱抱!]] |
Tuesday, May 23, 2006 @ 2:02 PM
sabbatical week
total slack too bad competition's coming so hav cca gah. *curses under breathe* haha no lah i not so bad one k? u noe hor~~ public speaking got hw de lor!!! shi shen me mah! zao zhi dao qu song composition chui aircon hmph! gah gah gah. y is that hwachong having sabbatical on the same week as us huh? no wonder everyone is in sling bag n no one told the sec1s in my sch arh? y r ppl still bringing big bags to sch? sabbaticals no need books de lah juz need to clear ur table for the term so heavy~~~~~ cheeyang has a photo of a orange n black shoe i've always thought the colour combi to be nice but yea i think i'll hav to re consider brown rawks! haha hua yang shao nan shao nv ish sho nice~~~ da dong yu zhe! da dong yu zhe! da dong yu zhe! hearts the storyline's real nice real funny. |
@ 1:56 PM
cruzzie teng is so cute~~~ hahahahahahahaha read this post "This morning… 现在由灵芝和志勇播报新闻简讯。。。 在印尼,莫拉皮火山喷出滚滚浓烟和椰浆。 (pauses two seconds) 岩浆。。。 HAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHHHA " hahahaha so funny~~ huo shan got ye jiang hahaha |
Sunday, May 21, 2006 @ 1:03 AM
突然觉得 "朋友" 是怎么一回事? 当你有难 他们去了哪里? 当他们有难 他们才会想起你 对你说话那么的好 名字又叫得那么亲密 为他们做出来的解答 如果不是他们要的 又是乱骂一场 当场翻脸 "朋友"的定义 就是这样吗? 那么 我非常明白了 还有另一件事让我满down的 就是昨天看到了一起交通意外 虽然不是看到车子撞上巴士 只有撞后的那一幕 可是 还是觉得有点恶心 又沮丧 唉~~~ 人生啊~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 原来炎亚纶对人类也有看法阿 如果你找得到的话就去看吧 |
Thursday, May 18, 2006 @ 2:04 PM
i'm staring at 亚瑟 and saying 亚斯 gah wat m i doing? 终极一班is亚瑟 终极一班is亚瑟 终极一班is亚瑟 终极一班is亚瑟 终极一班is亚瑟 muz rmb 终极一班is亚 argh oh u all noe hor the lei ke si look sho cute lah! he got controlled by hei long but he press his own power down so he wun hurt anyone so nice of him =) when he 神智不清 he look so blur so cute esp. when da dong feed him porridge gah so cute so cute so cute 好个近朱者赤近墨者黑 亚瑟stay near 五熊 so long n now he talks like her hahahahaha shit hei long possesed jin bao san gah gah gah u noe hor u noe hor jin bao san sumtimes really cute lor esp. when he speaks 台语 so funny lah~~~ my whole mind is 终极一班 haha 终极一班冲第一! |
Wednesday, May 17, 2006 @ 10:45 AM
五味参杂 可能 有多过五味吧 *~臭~* 不是说本小姐很香啦 没擦香水哪里香? 好想睡觉~~~~ 班上有女生 令我讨厌 喜欢批评人家却不接受人家批评 人家批评就翻脸 甚至大哭 是怎样啊? 惹得本小姐手痒痒 真想打一拳 不过 "我不打女生" 是不是很熟? 对! 就是终极一班 "这 不是重点 重要的是" 他真得很讨厌阿~~~~ pei 说我和姐姐的blog由content 会吗? 我的blog根本就充满废话一堆 [[我们成为不说抱歉的朋友 好吗?]] |
Tuesday, May 16, 2006 @ 12:21 PM
i cant believe i finished my stuff so fast! wakaka today's superband was nice cos got alot of my favourite songs or like to listen de the first one was san guo lian i was binding the combined SIA when i heard the intro then i was like 'aiya? y sound so like san guo lian?' so i looked up at my tv n the song was san guo lian!!!!!! wahahahahahahaha tank craze! think my father thought i was made shouting san guo lian here san guo lian there but my father thought the song was cao cao lah!!! grr... n then there's ban gong ban du frm sixplus!! the only band i rmb for so long~~~ but the liu de hua nv sing as nice as ah wen ah wen's rap is like so nice lah~~ then got ci niao.. n got much much more wakakakakakaka~~~~ woohoo~ combined SIA is gonna be over soon! woohoo can slack liao |
Monday, May 15, 2006 @ 2:31 PM
it's mother's day! happy mother's day mama!!!!! hehehe nice durian cake we had =) smilez neway TANK's jie xi ka is like how nice lah. i love~~~~ that song hahahaha zhong ji yi ban is getting nicer n nicer!! so sad da dong got attacked the wu si so irritating lah wanna kill it blah. now he's gonna look like xiao yu n go n see an qi or ya se damn it! ya noe hor cheeyang went to cut his hair on thurs 11/5 juz exactly the same day me n bel wanted to cut hair wat if he goes to that shop too? hmm not possible lah n sum more me n bel is very last min de lah we that morn then decide wan go out then after CSM then decided we shld go klunch then when we reach orchard me n bel juz felt like cutting our hair hahaha we hav always wanted to cut our hair n the funny thing is we wan cut the style is sum wat similar lots n lots of layering~~~ wakaka i can hear my mum in the kitchen so gonna die if she comes gotta go bb! |
Sunday, May 14, 2006 @ 9:54 AM
@ 9:16 AM
很有哲学 和飞轮海的其他人不同 他想的很多很多 有一个文章 写着他渐渐习惯了沉默 沉默 是好 也是坏 没错 沉默能让自己思考 但沉没也会使别人走错方向 当别人犯错时 沉默就是害了他 适时地开口 会是最好的抉择 但人们无法时时刻刻捉住那个时机 沉默 也是孤单的表现 当大家热烈讨论时 自己一个人沉默 让自己无法加入他们 开口的那一刹那 就是和孤单说再见 我也喜欢沉默 在自己一个人的时候 "说不出口的寂寞才是最寂寞的,因为它还要和自己的自尊心逞强" -- 绿光森林 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 他的另一个文章 很抱歉 我无法完全体会 没谈恋爱的我 不知其中的痛苦 |
@ 8:53 AM
狗狗跟猫猫抢食物 哈哈哈 我家不可能会有这种东西出现的 因为。。。。 我妈反对我们养宠物 是因为我们没时间照顾它 第二 本小姐自小皮肤敏感 没办法 去个飞禽公园回来就整身红红 唉。。。 闷阿~~~ 为什么我的家不能如此有趣呢? 而且那位仁兄讲话很可爱 哈哈哈哈 什么 "老妈母亲节快到了,你儿子*blah blah blah*" 好可爱~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 陈奕也很可爱 "鸡眼流出鸡汤" 亏他想得出 坦克兄~~~ 你的改版有问题!!! 为什么16首歌变成14首而已? 欺骗我的感情~~~~~ 我的无名活回来了~~ 请到我的links 按下mi photo album 就可以到了 |
@ 7:25 AM
look at my wishlist!!! TANK's album is striked out! yea! i got my gai ban juz now! went wif bel to buy the shop actually reserved TANK's album for me but is not the gai ban so i changed for the gai ban *muacks* i love the gai ban!! i love the mvs~~~ feel like uploading them but hav no idea how to rip them frm the vcd wakaka. me n bel gonna go cut hair on the 2nd week of the june hols shld be on a mon bah we go sing kbox wif jo then go cut hair wakaka. i wanna try cut KUSO's hair the style when he was in high sch not now that one but then i'll look real odd wif short hair wahaha. so i decided that i shall only layer my hair + cut V-shape + cut thinner + cut my fringe slanted. hahaha i muz make sure it's really really layered so can see the layers. the V-shape oso muz be real obvious =) yea! can cut my hair b4 seeing TANK wahahahahaha.... ting ni dao di mv is so cute!!! the starting sounds like titanic so there's this couple standing there n got one board wif the drawing of a cruise hahaha TANK dance!!! shuai shuai shuai!! the gu dai macdonalds so cute!! wahaha TANK! TANK! |
Saturday, May 13, 2006 @ 8:12 AM
說 說 說 說 想什麼
說 說 說 說 想什麼 說 說 說 你最想做什麼 ING因為我正在心跳 加ED因為手已經濕掉 不自覺對你離題地思考 我已不小 我已不小 錯不了 我看到 妳對我笑 錯不了 妳看我臉頰好像在發燒 妳彎腰世界捲起了海嘯 用眼神語調滿足我需要 我都收到 我都收到 錯不了 這感覺 不用妳教 錯不了 教我CRAZY 教我HAPPY 教我玩心理遊戲 教我偷偷為了妳著迷 教我CRAZY 教我HAPPY 教我若即若離 教我上課變得更努力 忘了自己 一直想著妳 每天共處一室愛就能隔空傳遞 忘了自己 愛不是禁忌 自由自在什麼都不理 飞轮海 - 孺子可教 |
@ 7:36 AM
here r some pics frm yesterday
ah~~ the nice rising sun (voices frm the bac "damn! so hot!") 真是人山人海阿~ jo waiyee n shumei bel n xinyan huiqing (in red) ah bel. on the way home frm orchard |
@ 7:12 AM
inspire o6 called when i was sleeping (wat nice timing)
so my hp rang n i practically jumped up (think my mum got a shock watching me do that. haha) n so~~ the person (she) said "hi. i'm frm the inspire'o6 team. *blah blah blah* u noe, that to ur sch one?" hahaha felt like laughing that time lah every sentence went so smooth then it slowed down when cheeyang was mentioned so cute! haha neway there were lots of ppl talking at the bac no manners!!! i'm down for all weekends except for 10 ,11 of june n 2nd of july cos 1o n 11 tank shld be in sg 2nd is the day after funfair shld be dead beat liao when i told the person i wasnt free on 2nd there was a voice at the bac saying "XXX got funfair on the 1st of july" so clever arh muz be frm hwa chong one right? hahaha this thing was promoted to our sch by cheeyang n sum other girl. ex theatre de but my class' reason for going is really odd sum ppl like peiying n hanjing's reason for going would be they wanna do charity or volunteer work sum ppl like liqin wanna get C.I.P hours ppl like me wanna get my butt off the com or juz prevent myself frm sleeping on weekends. hahah once again i hav a odd reason but there's no reason to stay home when there's nothing better to do n then i can go shopping! haha my necklace n bracelet~~~~~~~~ wahahaha wat would actually happen if cheeyang went? *shakes head* it isnt gonna happen =) |
Friday, May 12, 2006 @ 9:11 AM
combined sports meet
gah so irrtating so hot the weather~~~~~~~~ everybody left their seats liao lah me bear jo jieqi jas eyu n june even went up the stairs n played uno (at the statue there) haha but we came bac juz nice for the teachers' relay we won again! the other schs said that they would ask all their ex-national track runners to run i dun think so lor ex-nationals wun run like that de went to orchard after that sang at kbox!! yea we were in time for klunch we sing sing sing until mad lah we got addicted to singing dui chang then me n bel keep singing n singing lah hahahahah so sorry jo!! neway i showed bel chenyi's mvs then she was like going "omg! this guy so shuai" haha told ya so so the last song we sang was chenyi's [an lian wo] then i sing until real high lor!! hahaha bel keep going "chenyi so shuai! the guitarist so shuai!" then i went "chenyi so shuai! KUSO so shuai!" hahahahahahah then i did sumthing that i think i was mad cos when u exit the kbox staff will go "thank you! byebye" so i went "byebye!" hahaha so sorry think that guy i said "byebye" to thought i was mad so sorry but it's nice yea? imagine u're at a hard day's work n then sumone madly jumping around says a real cheerful "byebye" to u wun it make ur day better? =) after that we went heeren n then to far east we saw this whole lot of jap students at far east lah so shuai so you xing ge then at converse got this grp of guys [either jap or korean. shld be in the grp of jap students bah.] they dress so nice Singapore guys dun usually go to that standard. so shuai so shuai they were buying shoes in converse lor n then i bought this ring n necklace frm a shop near converse the ring's on my thumb now! hehe i bet me n bel looked like les on the bus lah cos both of us were sleeping on the bus side by side then when u sleep u will tend to fall to one side right? so bel fell on my shoulder (near there lah) n i sort of slept towards her omg so les!!! argh! i muz say again! i'm totally straight!!!!!!!! TANK's gai ban is out!!! yea! i'm getting my copy on this Sat |
Thursday, May 11, 2006 @ 9:50 AM
i'm aching all over now i hate NAPFA!!!! grrr.. y do everyone get a break whenever they wan to? i wan a break too!! i cant even stand properly now lah tell me wash bowls juz make sure i can stand up tml. |
Tuesday, May 09, 2006 @ 11:19 AM
i finally read colin n kero's blog yesterday night!!!
they so cute colin cuter =) i was talking abt them wif xinyan n pei today i think colin stays in cck right? then i was like saying "it's quite scary that u might hav walked on the same road wif this guy for dunno how many years." hahahahaha then we oso talked abt wat would happen if we told our parents that we were les. xinyan "my mum's very open abt it. even asked if my sch has les." me "i think my name would ceased to exist [haha. jk lah. think she would juz freak out.]" pei's one i forgot liao. we oso talked abt the gay issue maybe they became gay juz bcos they found security in each other at that moment n decided to be together i dunno i'm not them right? pei said it would be real nice if they met a girl that would turn them bac straight again this girl arh chinese novels read too much liao. but hu noes? it might juz happen =) i hold nothing against gays that's all |
@ 10:15 AM
combined SIA is down for now but later sure got lots of editing to do my 2.4 was 15.45s so slow!!!! argh! tml there's combined SIA presentation n napfa 5 items ganbande neh i dun mind failing my napfa =) i seriously wanna get better for my 2.4 hahahahahaha mad mad me did mad things in class again =) bored me took a blue pen n started scribbling everywhere here are my works =) yea my first masterpiece =) looks like veins all these scribbled on one page of my note book =) look at the last photo. wat word m i drawing? ans: 'TANK' my 'tattoo' on my hand!! [stupid me forgot to use macro that's y so blur. now the 'tattoo''s washed off. i'm gonna draw a new one =)] |
Monday, May 08, 2006 @ 2:07 PM
finally i finished my compre!!!
gah. i'm so gonna drop lit nxt yr. take elect lit only if i ever take full lit i'll nv pass my year i thought i could sleep at 11 tonight but yah. sigh tml's napfa n i bet i cant run well in this condition wish me luck =) btw wat's the passing mark for 2.4? i read on sum1's blog that she aims for 5min plus for each round maybe their round is bigger lah but if it's a norm track, it shld be 2 min for 1 round right? once again dun say u like TANK when u seriouly dun i hate that. |
Sunday, May 07, 2006 @ 3:27 PM
Has a lot of ideas
haha see first lor.. depends on that moment Difficult to fathom i juz found out fathom means understand. ya. i'm quite hard to understand. Thinks forward how forward? short term only lah. if u mean taking uni as a target means thinking forward then..ya lor Unique and brilliant unique? unique as in odd lah. brilliant? dun see so Extraordinary ideas totally extraodinary. i'm abnormal. rmb? Sharp thinking not really sharp lah. it's actually quite blunt -.- Fine and strong clairvoyance i dunno wat to say cos i dunno wat is clairvoyance Can become good doctors hahaha. no no no. i cant study Careful and cautious not really bah Dynamic in personality eh. how do u define dynamic? Secretive hehehehehe. can say so Inquisitive totally Knows how to dig secrets wahaha. read my previous post n u'll noe Always thinking yah. but not always abt study Less talkative but amiable less talkative? ask qi duo hua n they'll puke blood. friendly *nods head* Brave and generous brave hai hao ba. generous. see occasion lah. Patient no no no no no *shakes head vigorously* Stubborn and hard-hearted totally stupid stubborn. hard hearted arh? i dunno leh If there is a will, there is a way really? maybe bah Determined haha. see wat's it's for lor. like for TANK's fc i'm totally determined Never give up yea man! MVP qing ren! haha Hardly become angry unless provoked hahahahahhahahahaha. hu believes this statement? Loves to be alone *nods* Thinks differently from others totally totally totally! Sharp-minded dun really think so Motivates oneself hmm. sumtimes. Does not appreciates praises no! i very de nice one *flashes white teeth* High-spirited self high one. totally Well-built and tough i cant deny those muscles. haha. but only on the tigh Deep love and emotions =) Romantic dunno leh. nv tried anything romantic Uncertain in relationships probably Homely i love the house! Hardworking not really leh High abilities in wat? Trustworthy wat do u all think leh? Honest and keeps secrets hahaha. sumtimes. Not able to control emotions definately Unpredictable. hahaha. really. totally. i m real random |
@ 11:15 AM
mr lim kok boon is co cool!
he has exhibitions in sg!!!! cool cool cool!! mr K calls him ah boon or my brother frm the aesthetics department hahahahahaha more abt mr Ron Tok he went to TWSS right? according to a girl previously frm TWSS mr Tok likes a teacher in the sch but the teacher turned frm ms to mrs liao n long time ago i think i blogged abt one girl saying he likes a female teacher in my sch yea? heart change so fast tsk tsk hahahaha he has made alot of ppl in my sch to like him now he's making more ppl frm TWSS to like him woah. he goes to ZARA *stares again* i rmb my sis had sum not nice encounters inside there did i see wrongly? *rubs eyes* tok tok chiang aka uncle ronnie aka ronnie kor kor aka ron tok aka zhuo lao shi aka mr tok de lesson?!? gah wat's that? n they sounded shocked when ppl called him mr ron hey man the whole sch calls him mr ron or another name my sis loves to call him it's not mushy or anything it juz feels a bit rude (as in the name my sis calls him. not "ronnie kor kor") hahaha they copy us! copy the way we call our maths teacher! the only clue i can give u is our maths teacher's initials is DC the rest u can think of it urself. [haha. i dugged so much things out!. love technorati!] |
@ 10:03 AM
i nv realised so many ppl blogs abt gregory goh i juz typed [blog + "Gregory Goh"] n i got alot of blogs i wun be like mr cruzteng n post up the search lah some of them wan the their blo to remain private there was this post that says he keeps slipping n falling hahaha imagine ur maths teacher is walking n he suddenly slips hahaha some other fella (haha. i noe hu this person is!) says gregory goh is funny n cute wahahaha i dun think i would agree to that refer to my previous post under april 2oo6 n u'll noe wat i think of him hahaha by the way did the person juz write "that's y i'm gonna wash ur sji tie"? my god 1st thing he was frm SJI?!? i dun admit that! that's my christain brother school leh how can? i'm already so shock that mr tang comes frm there n now there's another? n then n then how did she get her hands on his tie? hmm i smell sumthing amiss in the air~~ and another blog had some can say mean things lah cos sum1 said he was fat in sec sch n was in swimming the other answered sumthing saying that whales can swim so bad so now i bo liao go search another famous teacher in sch but now transfer sch liao he used to hav 2 gfs *stares wif big eyes* i juz realised the sch he transferred to is nearer to my house than my own sch hahaha [extra info. alot of peeps frm 2o1 hav boyfriends. juz dugged that news out frm their blogs. dun ask me how i found their blog. the top part of this post shld hav said so.] |
Saturday, May 06, 2006 @ 9:06 PM
i heard sumthing rather diao(not the one jay chou likes to say. it's the one wif 3 lines going down ur head) when i was at lot 1 today
i was queuing to buy bubble tea then there was 2 girls in front of me one of them held a neoprint they took together n then pointed out to the other that there was sumthing written on the neoprint that she din write so she asked the other girl "u write one izzit?" girl b sorts of admits lah then the girl said "see. i so clever" my god imagine u take a neoprint wif ur fren only 1 fren the design would either be frm "you" or "me" right? unless "sumthing" in the air has decided to write sumthing on their neoprint then they can write it into a script n send it to the media to hav it filmed 2 b****s my god cant stand it busu is getting interesting =) the guy is nicer to her now! hahahahahahaha so nice so nice!! kurosagi oso real nice though the new ep not out yet it's quite interesting u noe abt the cast for kurosagi yamap acted as akira in nobuta n the female lead acted as nobuta in nobuta so then akira liked nobuta but nobuta like shuuji now in kurosagi yamap acts as kurosaki n the female leads acts as a uni student hu rents a room frm him so i expect sumthing shld happen between them so sweet it like SP for nobuta like that haha but kurosaki dun feel like akira akira is very carefree but kurosaki has alot in mind i muz praise H.I.M the singers they hav are all of high standard except maybe fahrenheit cos i haven really heard them sing b4 so yea i dunno abt their singing but the rest r all so good for example S.H.E, TANK, kaira gong(gong shi jia), JS n Z Chen all hav rather nice voices i like Z Chen's new album esp. ai qing shu n tie shen qing ren neway ella is filming a new show!! i wanna watch! one of the male actors is lei ke si frm zhong ji yi ban (i dunno his real name. only noe that his surname is tang) my god so shuai! gah.. but then another actor is wu zun i dun really like him compared to other ppl frm fahrenheit now i feel that actually ya se wang is rather cute hahaha i realise that no one actually reads my blog feel so sad. |
@ 2:11 PM
希望在今后找到我的曙光 =) |
@ 2:06 PM
dunno y
suddenly feel very down n then the itunes played 张敬轩's 过云雨 haiz i feel so troubled over the funfair tix thing lah dun ppl always say frens r always there for u? but when there's anything concerning money their first ans would be no but when they need ppl for stuff like their church celebration they will try all means by hook or crook to get u to attend i dun feel so right abt this. those ppl hu actually bought the tix frm me or agreed to buy the tix frm me were actually frens i'm not that close wif my closest frens frm pri sch all said no i hav nothing to say "原来朋友就是在你无聊时可以帮你打发时间的人。" -- 微笑情缘 argh try to cheer up =))))*slaps self hard* hmm yah wat happened in sch eh not much happy things lah even this week's busu no hitomi ni koishiteru oso not very happy lah except for the part when she finally told him that she liked him n oso the part where he heard the radio it's real nice there. too bad his ex gf is coming bac so now it'll be 1 guy n 3 girls but after all it's juz a drama yea? oh yah wanna say sumthing anyone realises that JADE looked like 六甲乐团 when they performed this mon i dunno y but i juz cant forgot 六甲乐团 i mean when a singer/band i like dun turn up for some time i'll juz lose interest in them sum times i dun even rmb their names but sum how i rmb 六甲乐团's name i rmb their song lyrics i rmb their position in the band i could mix up hu is the grp leader for 五月天 but i nv forgot hu was the leader for 六甲乐团 it is 阿龙 i dunno y they made such an impact on me they're the very first grp of ppl that made me pay fully for their album not even 2moro's album is i pay fully de i went crazy over them for abt 3 months but my craziness died down on 2moro only after 1 month i rmb 六甲乐团's 宣传服 but i dun ever rmb other ppl's hehe it's real scary but i'll rmb them always always maybe bcos they're juz so true to ppl they dun hide at all they can openly chit chat wif each other on stage during an autograph session i admire them for being so. |
Friday, May 05, 2006 @ 10:37 AM
do u noe! the sch has decided that they shld paint a pink wall n a orange wall n a gray wall my god the coloured walls turned up today gosh looks like a kindergarten (*pokes* i dun wanna study in a kindergaten~~) was reading qiang wei zhi lian during OM lesson today i still love the story though this is the 3rd time i'm reading it i miss the whole show found the video on youtube n is watching it now =) i miss all the ppl in it gah.... i hope TANK fc would be out faster i wanna lead the fc i wanna make new things in fc =) |
@ 10:24 AM
dugged this frm siewying's blog Name 20 pple u can think of at the top of your head. Dun read the below qns before u write, and tag 5 ppl to do this survey. 1) Peiying 2) Christabel 3) Waiyee 4) Joanna 5) XinYan 6) Patricia 7) piggy 8) Zhee jiejie 9) JiaLe 10) Gen 11) TANK [ya ya ya. it's the guy on my blogskin.) 12) Jiaxin 13) daddy 14) Xiang Chuin 15) YiXin 16) Yanyi 17) Yong Feng 18) Pinkbee 19) Siew Ying 20) Yish How did you meet 14? in sch. she's my mortal What would you do if you never meet 1? i'll be crazy by now. she cools us all down =) What would you do if 20 and 9 dated? Yish n JiaLe? unlikely lah. one is my sis n one my classmate 1. my sis likes a guy 2. they dun even noe each other Did you ever liked 19? SiewYing? nv lah. i real straight de =) Would 6 and 17 make a good couple? pat n yongfeng arh. i dunno leh 1 too hyper 1 too quiet Describe 3. Waiyee. eh. my neighbour in class. frm chinses drama. member of qi duo hua. Do you think 8 is attractive? *coughs* i dun find jiejie atttractive (n if she ever reads this she will spit blood) Tell me smth about 7. he is my good fren =) like da gege like that. but sumtimes like little boy like that. haha Do you know any of 12's family? nope. we met in 2moro's fc Whats 8's favourite? Gungun! (her soft toy penguin) What would you do if 11 confesses dat he/she likes you? OMG! highly impossible!! haha. i would freak out. What language does 15 speak? Chinese n English bah Who is 9 going out with? dunno How old is 16 now? 14 When was the last time you talked to 13? this morn. b4 i left for sch What is 2's fav band/singer? haha. TANK n fei lun hai Would you ever date 4? no. i'm not a les Would you date 7? *coughs* let's see the nxt question... Is 15 single? supposingly What is 10's last name? Peck. Genevieve Peck Would you ever be in a serious relationship with 11? unlikely right? What school does 3 go to? same as mine =) Where does 6 live? Serangoon Whats ur fav thing about no 5? too cool to be true Have you seen number 1 naked? hahahahahahahahaha. how can that be possible. |
Thursday, May 04, 2006 @ 10:35 AM
cheeyang that fella
copy me hahaha no lah it's juz that 本小姐 wanted to change her blog song to 我们小时候 怎知道 那家伙也怕那首歌放在博客上! tsk tsk tsk hahaz n then n then that fella got himself a new sweatshirt/jacket which i had wanted since start of this yr!! the orange + black ipzone jacket!! i wan that one!! i oso wan pullover! gah neway Mrs Chitra wasnt here today n the class was havoc hahaha here's some piccys taken =) yiyan peiying wif huiying jiale zhee n huiqing in the bg my hand n pei's legs pei me n pat's legs eyu (in shorts) n bearbear from left: limmin yiyan claire pinghui pat from top left(clockwise):huiying pei me huiqing zhee from top left (clockwise): huiying jiale jiaqi n huiqing n zhee as romeo n juliet from left: huiying jiaqi zhee huiqing jiale we had sci prac today some ppl made some really nice coloured chemical here's some guen's testube claire's testube (sorry miss chong!) gah TANK's cd is sold out everywhere thought i could strike out the TANK's cd under my wishlist when is his gai ban coming? u-weekly say come out liao but it's nowhere in sight patty's testube i hav no idea y i m using a chenyi blogskin when my favourite now is TANK shall make one new blogskin |
Wednesday, May 03, 2006 @ 9:04 AM
our dear mister cruz has juz gotten himself a free uzap
cant imagine him wif the uzap around his waist only one word to describe this scene hilarious haha i'm not being mean or anything but u imagine him... u juz think it's hilarious talking abt uzap we had home econs lesson today n it was on weight control methods so miss lim asked us abt different types of weight control methods then there came out ans like uzap, slim10, eXtrim etc. then miss lim go act out the fann wong Xendo ad very funny lah it's like she pretend to be holding a phone then saying "文芳吃什么 我就吃什么" then 'fann wong' takes over the phone n says "相信Xendo 更要相信自己" hahahahaha the whole music room burst out laughing then still got the uzap but is patty keep saying one the dunno wat "zap zap 臀部 zap zap 腹部" etc. spastic. haha kerri came bac to class today she changed n her accent is even more sigh it doesnt feel like her anymore one boring night i was scanning through my msn contacts n saw yuan han's msn nick i believe i can fly~~ i believe i can touch the sky~~ - n if i touch the sky~~ i would fall down n die~ i can only this girl is really 'talented' haha i noe alot of ppl r hoping for cheeyang to come for sports meet right? too bad that fella has a perf at Meridian JC but if he comes, i think i'll be too lazy to walk all the way the other side of the audience stand i rather go ga jiao some snrs |
Tuesday, May 02, 2006 @ 6:04 AM
peepo reading my blog or accidentally stumbled upon it (hihi!)
me n my frens Jiaxin n PinkBee are trying to make a Singapore TANK fc for TANK we hav like a pathetic number of 9 members now so if u wanna join pls leave ur name n contact (eg, hp number or email) at my tagboard we will try to contact u all meanwhile go to this is the forum for the fc we wish for the fc to come out b4 june (haha. i actually hav the thinking of chee yang joining it. fat hope. ever seen a singer join another singer's fc? no.) [i wanted to dedicate a post to pei. but i forgot wat i wanted to write. nvm then. i'll write it nxt time =)] |
@ 4:35 AM
Monday, May 01, 2006 @ 10:54 AM
残剑说 -- 电影 英雄 残剑的这副字 -- 电影 英雄 这些话 好像没传到世界的某一个人的耳朵里 才导致了之前的战乱 听见了吗? 导演想说的话 |
@ 10:50 AM
taken frm pei's blog hey dude we're not growing too fast it's juz the world that's pushing us forward we cant stop now we juz hav to go on n become stronger maybe it's all juz a cover we noe right well that deep inside we're juz like any other teenager fun, craze n love will always be top of the chart maybe we can try taking off that cover for a moment juz a moment n enjoy it you're not growing fast man ppl hu grow fast think abt career more on the money side we're juz growing up n got lost in the way we'll find the way out juz like all the adults out there by right we can be said as more child like in thinking than many others cos we hav not actually met a really difficult problem in our lifes as i'm reading this i think of us rmb frens will always be there for u enjoy this moment now cos there's more to fret in the future |
@ 9:56 AM
i went to watch 爱无间 yesterday
it was real nice =) told ya hong kong directors film the best things i like the bg songs! there's one that sounded like 灰色空间 the guy who acted as Jeong Woo looks like the sensei frm gachibaka haha so cute!! i wanna watch the movie again!!! hahaz anyone? btw.. sum1's going on a vacation during june hols n has agreed to buy sumthing bac for me =) yeas!!! |