Thursday, November 30, 2006 @ 3:37 PM
collection of bday wishes =)) by alphabetical order baowei beeping chingman cho yau christabel dingjie jiaxin jocelyn liyan liyee patricia peiying siewying subha wanfong and my bday.. dun say lah haiya i rather watch bang bang tang hahahaha and piggy did facial XDDD exclaiming his face is smooth -.- hahahahaha |
Tuesday, November 28, 2006 @ 1:39 PM
新增很多相片 呵呵 昨天又跑去看电影 我都没得看 >"< 希望今天 佑佑会留言咯 因为我要开心~~~ 还有阿 happy bday chingman and siewying!!!! u're 14!!! hahaha 我要开心开心~~~ |
Sunday, November 26, 2006 @ 9:59 AM
阿本好可爱~~ 取自棒棒堂网站: [ABEN ☆ Q Room x 4] 2006-11-25 瀏覽: 0 大家好(鞠躬),我是阿本老師,(b﹏d) 各位同學~~~上課啦,今天是第四堂課喔, 本相談室單元,課程進度只上到Q100, 目前累績Q數已經滿了,這幾個禮拜會盡快上完, 同學等上完全部課程,若有新問題,請等下個單元嚕~ 好,不囉唆,馬上進行今天的課程!!! Q31:請問阿本有人要認你當乾姊姊會怎麼反應? Ans:先大笑三聲哈哈哈,然後跟他說:「你看敖犬在那裡耶!!」緊接著手刀衝刺逃跑。 Q32:阿本有沒有收到一張愛心本卡片&收好? Ans:有啊,你是沛吧,上面還有你的大頭貼嚕,我收好好的喔,謝謝你。 Q33: 阿本有壓力的時候怎麼化解? Ans:最重要的就是把壓力解決囉,要讀書就快讀完,要練習才藝就快練好,就不會有壓力了。 Q34:阿本身上有肥胖紋嗎? Ans:沒有耶,倒是有毛啦。 Q35:棒棒男有沒有人會廣東話?或其他外語? Ans:咦?! 不知道耶,我會亂講一些有的沒的廣東話跟日文啦~ 英文算還可以,哈。 Q36:看過最死忠的影迷跑了幾場? Ans:三場都有出現耶,拿著愛心阿本跟無敵阿本,嗚嗚,感動~~ Q37:阿本在學校課業好嗎?是班上開心果嗎?人緣好嗎? Ans:功課還可以囉,不過最近有點不妙,節目佔太多時間了,哈哈。 以前滿愛亂鬧亂開玩笑的,不過上了節目以後,感覺私底下變比較冷靜, 搞笑能量都在節目上用光了,噗噗~ 跟大家都感情不錯囉。 Q38: 阿本平常有在聽誰的rap唱片嗎? Ans:沒有,畢竟我是數來寶界的,哈。之前有聽阿姆之類的。 Q39:阿本怎麼保持童心的? Ans:恩,很多事情都很有趣啊,每個人都有值得學習的地方, 跟精彩的故事可以聽,隨時以這種態度來面對,世界就會很好玩。 Q40:阿本出國過嗎?去哪裡? Ans:去過~~日本、泰國、新加坡,最近好想出國玩啊~~ Q41:如果問沒大腦的問題,阿本會回答嗎? Ans:會啊,我本身最愛無厘頭的問題了。 Q42:如果在西門町遇到阿本,不小心說出娘砲,會生氣嗎? Ans:我會肘擊你,然後邊哭邊跑走~(哈,好好笑的畫面) Q43:阿本星期六會去西門看電影嗎?看什麼片呢? Ans:呼..這是上禮拜問的Q,總之,我沒去看囉,我去蔡依林演唱會。 Q44:阿本為什麼叫阿本? Ans:有個網頁可以亂取日本名,我叫做秋本聖人,~~~簡稱阿本囉。 Q45:阿本喜歡什麼類型女生?外表看重嗎? Ans:可愛型。我喜歡比較重要,別人覺得不好看我也不在乎。 Q46:阿本你在家通常都在幹麻呀? Ans:超忙的,上網看電視餵兔子洗衣服看漫畫看電視整理房間吃東西寫報告講電話彈電子琴洗澡.... Q47:阿本你大概都幾點睡覺呀? Ans:最近比較早,都凌晨三四點睡...呼..算是比較早... Q48:阿本如果再街上遇到你的話可以跟你拍照或要簽名嗎? Ans:可以啊,但是可以拿一些比較正常的東西給我簽, 上次有人拿涮涮鍋的集點卡跟麵包店的紙袋,呼...真的很幽默... Q49:阿本你的穿著通常是走什麼風格的呀? Ans:耶,老子開心風,喜歡穿啥就穿啥,呵。 Q50:阿本你會想交女朋友嗎? Ans:最近還好~好忙。 Q51:本哥你目前的經歷是....? Ans:啥咪經歷? Q52:本哥你想去哪個國家玩呀? Ans:英國、日本、美國、法國...存錢存錢~~ Q53:本哥你最喜歡吃什麼東西呀? Ans:日本料理。 Q54:本哥你會加入大概怎樣的家族呀? Ans:耶~~我其實不愛加入家族,也沒在玩, 現在只會去我的無敵阿本家族看看囉。 Q55:本哥我們寄給你的信你會一封一封的看嗎? Ans:會啊,只是有時候太多了,沒辦法回,但是我全部都有看喔~~ Q56:為什麼最近的棒棒堂沒看到多多?! Ans:他前陣子學校要體操比賽啦~~現在比完了,好像成績還不賴喔。 Q57:你會是外貌協會? Ans:不是耶。我是好人協會。 Q58:翁瑞迪是本名? Ans:嗯啊,我媽咪看卡通取的。woody啄木鳥之類的。 Q59:音樂風暴演唱會你會在裡面嗎? Ans:這好像是個機密吧,雖然大家都知道了,哈。 Q60: 阿本老師從出生到現在被男生追過嗎?有幾個? Ans:有啊,跑大隊接力的時候啊~~被我爸打的時候啊~~~ 小時候玩紅綠燈的時候啊~~被流氓看不爽的時候啊~~ 呼,超多個的,沒算過嚕。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- read Q46, 58, 60 hahaha the ans are so funny~~~ esp Q60 hahahahahahaha new love 阿本公主~~~ [p.s another new love. 浩角翔起 singing ring ring ring: ] |
Saturday, November 25, 2006 @ 12:16 PM
im not trying to make ppl use payeasy or wateva juz that the ad has yu zhe Part 1 Part 2 part 2 is especially funny haha wif yu zhe trying all ways to get to meet the girl part 3 will be out on 30nov mean while u can watch this |
@ 10:55 AM
i used to not really like iTunes cos i dun really noe how to use it and then it doesnt play the songs i like more when it's on shuffle mode but a miracle juz happened! it played a tank song then a fahrenheit song and finally a s.h.e song! haha house of h.i.m wonder if it'll play dong li huo che nxt hahahaha 一定会有以后~~~~~~~~ |
Thursday, November 23, 2006 @ 8:31 AM
3rd 棒棒堂淘汰赛
邱帅's out so sad though i knew the results like.. 1 month before? but i still cried when i saw 邱帅leave just like a few days ago everyone was still laughing at 邱帅 gaining weight and now we see him gone he's a very brave one oso bah since the show was recorded half a month ago he still has to blog at the website as though he was still in the show 加油拉邱帅! |
@ 5:56 AM
sometimes i hav this thought
"can sum1 pls kill cruz teng?" bcos. his posts are forever so funny~~~~ hahahaha the one on goong made me laugh like siao lah look: haven laughed that much bcos of sum1's words for some time already or maybe not but definately not after i lost my 2nd 飞梦 haiz i wanna go bac to 飞梦 i love 飞梦 everyone's a family =)) oh btw happy belated bday yalun!! haha keep forgetting.. |
Monday, November 20, 2006 @ 9:19 AM
蔡10的弟弟 蔡19 突然兴起 开放留言板聊天10分钟 以下是旻佑留言纪录 没包括歌迷的 因为我们刷了40多页 哈哈 旻佑开版~~ 过后旻佑走了 大家继续聊 从旻佑的版会不会爆 到鸡扒和王建民平起平坐 到旻佑骂脏话还是可爱 哈哈 一聊就聊到2点多 拉拉 很开心 本来大家怕旻佑的版爆了 结果有人说 旻佑说那是我们的家 so dont care 爆了也算 XDDD 感觉很棒哦 我叫西爪也来聊 以前我们都闹坦克的版 后来坦克说不可以 而且歌迷不开心 所以很久没闹版了 昨天有的闹 我们都很开心 大家像一家人的感觉 让我想到飞梦 大家看到旻佑都很开心 就像飞梦里发现老大在线上一样 而且飞梦里 大家都宝贝宝贝的叫 真的好像一家人 蔡家! 我爱你们~~~~ 包括我们家的主人:蔡19 还有~ 阿宝 珊 柔 娃娃 phoebe 等等等 人真的很多 很难记 抱歉~~ 爱死你们咯~~ 西爪也是~~~ |
Saturday, November 18, 2006 @ 1:48 PM
picked up listening to avril lavigne again due to evanyo
cos they were all talking abt [complicated] i simply could not rmb how the song sound so i went to listen again brought bac memories again as an idol chaser i only chase chinese idols so that means i dun listen to english songs i was introduced to avril lavigne's songs in primary six when we had this learning grammar through songs or sumthing the first song i heard was skater boi the whole class was so happy singing it the 2nd song i heard was complicated due to the same reason as above then i went to search for her songs and then when we're gonna graduate han sheng brought a cd to sch and he happily played [my happy ending] to the whole class even telling mrs goh that there was the s*** word in the song can say.. her songs accomapnied 6M'04 through their last yr in primary sch =) ah.. i miss 6M'04 5M'03! |
@ 9:09 AM
oh man
i love backstage footages they always show the best of the show lalala was watching 5566 concert backstage haha found it by incident lah. the backstage ppl were using cans!! gah gah gah was screaming at it lalala i miss it!! oh oh din get to use it this yr hmm.. summary backstage!! haha cant forget it it's so nice so funny haha KATTUN and NEWS tego~ yamap~ jin~ kame~ 2 days to hana kimi |
Wednesday, November 15, 2006 @ 3:49 PM
bac to blog!
mon went to kbox wif waiyee yadas~~~~~ so long nv go liaoz the last time was like 9 oct one whole month without kbox!!! gah sang [fan bu wan de xia tian] by evanyo lalala the song was so high hahahahaha i love [i still believe] oso~~ today went to watch [step up] wif yanyi and yixian i seriously hav no interest to watch the movie but i m too bored at home i was staring at the opening scene and sumthing popped up in my mind [heijao] hahaha dancing = hei jiao wu tuan hahahaha ah wateva after the movie we couldnt decide where to go so we went home like how early is that lah im so bored at home tml's gonna be another boring day gah. where's my hana kimi and nodame~~~~~~~~~~ nodame nodame nodame i wait very long ler~~~ hana kimi even longer grr~~ in the mean time everyone can stare at this got tank's new song!! 专属天使 lalala countdown to hana kimi : 5 more days |
Monday, November 13, 2006 @ 5:22 PM
i've re-watched summary 2004
previously ive only watched part A now ive watched the whole thing nevertheless it has yet again made me glue to my monitor great stage effects nice dance choreography good medley of songs esp. the ending and speeches by some members of KATTUN and NEWS in between items touched me made me ponder the last speech by yamap was the best the dvd wif subs helped me understood the songs and i muz say johnny's songs do make alot of meaning theme song for the concert Summary 不要回头一直向前 朝着那遥远的未来 传运着宏大的梦想 我们是时间的旅人 承接着过往的历史 继承着先辈的热情 胸中涌淌的这份骄傲 我绝不会放手 Light 太阳正在升起 Shine 耀眼的燃烧着 所有的生命 此刻都光辉无比 Breakout Breakout 劈裂时代 创造属于我们的 New Story Go ahead Go ahead 没有时间迷惑 Don't be afraid Dream on Grow up Grow up 刻下我们生存与此的证明 Believe Yourself 无可替代的这个瞬间 Breakout Breakout 劈裂时代 New Age Go ahead Go ahead 继续我们遥远的旅程 Dream on -EDIT- felt so impacted after watching the backstage for summary reminded me so much of glitters the laughter backstage the fun wif the ppl the effort placed into making the show perfect glitters. -/EDIT- |
Saturday, November 11, 2006 @ 8:55 AM
bac frm chalet on wed
hmm.. 3days 2nights chalet day 1 we arrived late cos we were making sushi at bel's house after that the class had class games which involved pouring water so i din play then yuan han and i went to IMM and JEC lalala so fun haven touched pop and music for a long time now the machine's a 13 so sad so not nice to play lor i miss 3!!! after that went bac to the chalet and bathed and watched tv slept at around 4am day2 woke up at around... i forgot wat time but quite early cos of jo and bel they were shouting around the room for ppl to wake up oh pls they slept at like... 10 or 11? we slept at 4 lehs cant they think at all? haiz wake up liao then went out the room and walked had lunch at IMM after that went bac to the chalet had a nice chat wif pei and esther at the staircase haha got to noe esther a little more in the afternoon we had games one was the one on 周日八点党 the one where u hav to guess hu is really doing that action the other was 100秒 不NG of cos alot of ppl passed lah they should hav played 不说你我他 more challenging sure got ppl accidentally say it out one at night had bbq lots of not really cooked meat down the stomach bleaghs and the food were eaten up by the ppl happily sitting inside the chalet hu happily finished and didnt leave anything nor helped to clean up oh wells i m so speechless stayed up to watch 娱乐百分百 hahaha had the news abt 终极一家! love 禹哲 hahaha wanna watch the show!! 热情仲夏oso~~~ got 畅畅 and 禹哲 day3 woke up and had breakfast then slacked until the person came to check the room and we checked out and then... went to eat lunch then went home wif lijune slept all the way until 8plus at night lala neway few matters to say 1. happy bday to calvin!!!!! he should be in china now bah or maybe hongkong 2. hana kimi countdown 9days!!!!!!!! yadayadayadayda 禹哲禹哲禹哲禹哲!!!!!!!!! |
Monday, November 06, 2006 @ 1:41 PM
as some of u might noe
im dropping the matter of chasing tank for a while i've changed to like this fella!!!! evanyo!!!!! haha can i type in chi instead? it feels weird neway 这个小子 傻傻的~~ 很可爱~ 又很古灵精怪 呵呵呵 是超~~~~~~可爱的啦 台湾的人好幸运 能看到他 期待他来新加坡阿~~~~~ 还有还有 他有新加坡的后援会吗? 如果有的话 我会考虑加入哦! 我喜欢他的专辑介绍: 褪去了18的青涩 未满20的成熟 19岁的天真幻想 19岁的多变弹奏 好真实哦~ 18岁 上学的最后一年 20岁 大人生活的开始 19岁呢? 人生的过渡期 多变 不稳定 19岁的蔡旻佑 19岁的多元化 19岁的成长 19岁的探险 |
Thursday, November 02, 2006 @ 6:02 AM
总会不自觉地 思念 想念 怀念 或许 是季节的变换 或许 生活突然没了目标 或许 是新的学期到来了 但不管如何 同样的行为 在世界的各个角落发生 在电脑前打着这些字的自己 也不例外 还记得吗? 1年多前 大家坐进了这间教室 只有一两个同学陪伴着 被陌生人围着的教室 我们的脸上 是多么羞涩的表情 未经过时间的磨练 天真幼稚的我们 两年后 我们望着一年前的自己 感叹着我们是多么的幼稚 多么的无知 虽说如此 但我们的脸上始终卦着傻傻的微笑 仿佛天塌下来了也没关系 因为我们还有彼此 而在面临分别的那一刻 我们知道这一切将成为回忆 彼此的陪伴 彼此的加油声 彼此的拥抱 彼此的鼓励 都成为过去 泪流满面 像永远留住最后的那一刻 虽然我们都知道 我们没办法这么做 所以 我们要记得彼此 记得在危险 在受伤的那一刻 我们 还在 202'06 我们这一班 |
Wednesday, November 01, 2006 @ 7:13 AM
2 songs for 2o2!
垃圾车(朋友版) 虽然你脾气坏对待朋友又差凸槌又更爱牵拖 佳在你遇到我不爱计较的我算你坏人有好命 我走路你坐车你吃饭我洗碗你被欺负我拼命 若为了爽到你可以艰苦到我因为咱缘分不可散 有你我才未孤单 有你的陪伴我才有靠山 你若不爽我是你的垃圾车 每天听你的心声 有你我才未孤单 有你的陪伴我才有靠山 你若欢喜我是你的垃圾车 每天听你唱歌 感情若想要满杯底就要呼干这杯就爱饮呼干 这杯你饮呼干这杯我饮呼干 咱这箱拢饮呼干拢饮呼干 寂寞时我会看著你寫的信 这是让我努力走下去的原因 一点一滴隨信紙勾出回忆 请相信你的心我永远都会珍惜 Dear 我好想告诉你 在短短的时间里 能把我的一切说给你听 我渴望也希望作你生活的重心 因为有了你我才能支持下去 你知不知道 其实我也想了解你的一切 你的生日 你的兴趣还有你的新发型 我想说的我想做的都是为了你 每次见到你都是愉快的心情 彷彿广阔世界只剩了你我都可以 在这些日子里 有快乐也有哭泣 希望你从这一秒开始到永远都不会忘记 Energy 难过时你鼓励我继续往前行 在感动时你也会陪著我流泪 我们之间有一种奇妙的感应 请相信 我愿意陪著你不会离去 I'll Never Gonna Say Goodbye 就算我们曾经距离多么遙远 答应过 不会忘记这约定 I'll Never Gonna Say Goodbye 生命变的如此灿烂 因为你存在 只要有爱就有未来 总在离別前那一刻忍住哭泣 将这份美丽藏在心底 (哼著溫暖的旋律For You) click oso to piggy, tank, kai. |
@ 6:56 AM
yesterday was the last choral night for class 202
we spent lots of time and effort to make it a success we went for class lunch during the break this is the gruelsome creation of 2o2'o6 consist of ban mian, veggie, curry and others prep b4 show patty and bel putting on make up "singing session" jo me yan after the perf the brownie that patty gave me me pei me liqin me bel me waiyee me patty me jasmine me zhee me yuanhan me shumei me some ppl cried yesterday juz wanna tell 2o2 we'll always be there a call a sms we'll always be there it has a greater impact on jasmine and me cos this is the fifth we're classmates and we're gonna seperate but ya~ we'll be there for each other~ juz read yuhao's blog i agree wif him seperation or not it's all part of growing up without this all none of us would hav learnt anything none of us would hav grown up to be wat we are so dun be sad it's something to be happy abt |
SEE Yihui. monkey. 28nov.
proudly Singaporean. chaolaoshu. lurenjia. huizz. nyav. tankfc. chengho. 7duohua. 黃城夜韻. Operation Smile. S-SIX-BEE. ♥ LOVES NEWS. Tamamori Yuta. 蘇打綠. Kis-My-Ft2. Kato Shigeaki. Nishikido Ryo *WISHES Trip to Japan/Taiwan. Work in Esplanade. Perform on stage. Currently watching Lady~Saigo no Hanzai Profiling. Control. My Princess. worth $1,212,030. |
Thursday, November 30, 2006 @ 3:37 PM
collection of bday wishes =)) by alphabetical order baowei beeping chingman cho yau christabel dingjie jiaxin jocelyn liyan liyee patricia peiying siewying subha wanfong and my bday.. dun say lah haiya i rather watch bang bang tang hahahaha and piggy did facial XDDD exclaiming his face is smooth -.- hahahahaha |
Tuesday, November 28, 2006 @ 1:39 PM
新增很多相片 呵呵 昨天又跑去看电影 我都没得看 >"< 希望今天 佑佑会留言咯 因为我要开心~~~ 还有阿 happy bday chingman and siewying!!!! u're 14!!! hahaha 我要开心开心~~~ |
Sunday, November 26, 2006 @ 9:59 AM
阿本好可爱~~ 取自棒棒堂网站: [ABEN ☆ Q Room x 4] 2006-11-25 瀏覽: 0 大家好(鞠躬),我是阿本老師,(b﹏d) 各位同學~~~上課啦,今天是第四堂課喔, 本相談室單元,課程進度只上到Q100, 目前累績Q數已經滿了,這幾個禮拜會盡快上完, 同學等上完全部課程,若有新問題,請等下個單元嚕~ 好,不囉唆,馬上進行今天的課程!!! Q31:請問阿本有人要認你當乾姊姊會怎麼反應? Ans:先大笑三聲哈哈哈,然後跟他說:「你看敖犬在那裡耶!!」緊接著手刀衝刺逃跑。 Q32:阿本有沒有收到一張愛心本卡片&收好? Ans:有啊,你是沛吧,上面還有你的大頭貼嚕,我收好好的喔,謝謝你。 Q33: 阿本有壓力的時候怎麼化解? Ans:最重要的就是把壓力解決囉,要讀書就快讀完,要練習才藝就快練好,就不會有壓力了。 Q34:阿本身上有肥胖紋嗎? Ans:沒有耶,倒是有毛啦。 Q35:棒棒男有沒有人會廣東話?或其他外語? Ans:咦?! 不知道耶,我會亂講一些有的沒的廣東話跟日文啦~ 英文算還可以,哈。 Q36:看過最死忠的影迷跑了幾場? Ans:三場都有出現耶,拿著愛心阿本跟無敵阿本,嗚嗚,感動~~ Q37:阿本在學校課業好嗎?是班上開心果嗎?人緣好嗎? Ans:功課還可以囉,不過最近有點不妙,節目佔太多時間了,哈哈。 以前滿愛亂鬧亂開玩笑的,不過上了節目以後,感覺私底下變比較冷靜, 搞笑能量都在節目上用光了,噗噗~ 跟大家都感情不錯囉。 Q38: 阿本平常有在聽誰的rap唱片嗎? Ans:沒有,畢竟我是數來寶界的,哈。之前有聽阿姆之類的。 Q39:阿本怎麼保持童心的? Ans:恩,很多事情都很有趣啊,每個人都有值得學習的地方, 跟精彩的故事可以聽,隨時以這種態度來面對,世界就會很好玩。 Q40:阿本出國過嗎?去哪裡? Ans:去過~~日本、泰國、新加坡,最近好想出國玩啊~~ Q41:如果問沒大腦的問題,阿本會回答嗎? Ans:會啊,我本身最愛無厘頭的問題了。 Q42:如果在西門町遇到阿本,不小心說出娘砲,會生氣嗎? Ans:我會肘擊你,然後邊哭邊跑走~(哈,好好笑的畫面) Q43:阿本星期六會去西門看電影嗎?看什麼片呢? Ans:呼..這是上禮拜問的Q,總之,我沒去看囉,我去蔡依林演唱會。 Q44:阿本為什麼叫阿本? Ans:有個網頁可以亂取日本名,我叫做秋本聖人,~~~簡稱阿本囉。 Q45:阿本喜歡什麼類型女生?外表看重嗎? Ans:可愛型。我喜歡比較重要,別人覺得不好看我也不在乎。 Q46:阿本你在家通常都在幹麻呀? Ans:超忙的,上網看電視餵兔子洗衣服看漫畫看電視整理房間吃東西寫報告講電話彈電子琴洗澡.... Q47:阿本你大概都幾點睡覺呀? Ans:最近比較早,都凌晨三四點睡...呼..算是比較早... Q48:阿本如果再街上遇到你的話可以跟你拍照或要簽名嗎? Ans:可以啊,但是可以拿一些比較正常的東西給我簽, 上次有人拿涮涮鍋的集點卡跟麵包店的紙袋,呼...真的很幽默... Q49:阿本你的穿著通常是走什麼風格的呀? Ans:耶,老子開心風,喜歡穿啥就穿啥,呵。 Q50:阿本你會想交女朋友嗎? Ans:最近還好~好忙。 Q51:本哥你目前的經歷是....? Ans:啥咪經歷? Q52:本哥你想去哪個國家玩呀? Ans:英國、日本、美國、法國...存錢存錢~~ Q53:本哥你最喜歡吃什麼東西呀? Ans:日本料理。 Q54:本哥你會加入大概怎樣的家族呀? Ans:耶~~我其實不愛加入家族,也沒在玩, 現在只會去我的無敵阿本家族看看囉。 Q55:本哥我們寄給你的信你會一封一封的看嗎? Ans:會啊,只是有時候太多了,沒辦法回,但是我全部都有看喔~~ Q56:為什麼最近的棒棒堂沒看到多多?! Ans:他前陣子學校要體操比賽啦~~現在比完了,好像成績還不賴喔。 Q57:你會是外貌協會? Ans:不是耶。我是好人協會。 Q58:翁瑞迪是本名? Ans:嗯啊,我媽咪看卡通取的。woody啄木鳥之類的。 Q59:音樂風暴演唱會你會在裡面嗎? Ans:這好像是個機密吧,雖然大家都知道了,哈。 Q60: 阿本老師從出生到現在被男生追過嗎?有幾個? Ans:有啊,跑大隊接力的時候啊~~被我爸打的時候啊~~~ 小時候玩紅綠燈的時候啊~~被流氓看不爽的時候啊~~ 呼,超多個的,沒算過嚕。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- read Q46, 58, 60 hahaha the ans are so funny~~~ esp Q60 hahahahahahaha new love 阿本公主~~~ [p.s another new love. 浩角翔起 singing ring ring ring: ] |
Saturday, November 25, 2006 @ 12:16 PM
im not trying to make ppl use payeasy or wateva juz that the ad has yu zhe Part 1 Part 2 part 2 is especially funny haha wif yu zhe trying all ways to get to meet the girl part 3 will be out on 30nov mean while u can watch this |
@ 10:55 AM
i used to not really like iTunes cos i dun really noe how to use it and then it doesnt play the songs i like more when it's on shuffle mode but a miracle juz happened! it played a tank song then a fahrenheit song and finally a s.h.e song! haha house of h.i.m wonder if it'll play dong li huo che nxt hahahaha 一定会有以后~~~~~~~~ |
Thursday, November 23, 2006 @ 8:31 AM
3rd 棒棒堂淘汰赛
邱帅's out so sad though i knew the results like.. 1 month before? but i still cried when i saw 邱帅leave just like a few days ago everyone was still laughing at 邱帅 gaining weight and now we see him gone he's a very brave one oso bah since the show was recorded half a month ago he still has to blog at the website as though he was still in the show 加油拉邱帅! |
@ 5:56 AM
sometimes i hav this thought
"can sum1 pls kill cruz teng?" bcos. his posts are forever so funny~~~~ hahahaha the one on goong made me laugh like siao lah look: haven laughed that much bcos of sum1's words for some time already or maybe not but definately not after i lost my 2nd 飞梦 haiz i wanna go bac to 飞梦 i love 飞梦 everyone's a family =)) oh btw happy belated bday yalun!! haha keep forgetting.. |
Monday, November 20, 2006 @ 9:19 AM
蔡10的弟弟 蔡19 突然兴起 开放留言板聊天10分钟 以下是旻佑留言纪录 没包括歌迷的 因为我们刷了40多页 哈哈 旻佑开版~~ 过后旻佑走了 大家继续聊 从旻佑的版会不会爆 到鸡扒和王建民平起平坐 到旻佑骂脏话还是可爱 哈哈 一聊就聊到2点多 拉拉 很开心 本来大家怕旻佑的版爆了 结果有人说 旻佑说那是我们的家 so dont care 爆了也算 XDDD 感觉很棒哦 我叫西爪也来聊 以前我们都闹坦克的版 后来坦克说不可以 而且歌迷不开心 所以很久没闹版了 昨天有的闹 我们都很开心 大家像一家人的感觉 让我想到飞梦 大家看到旻佑都很开心 就像飞梦里发现老大在线上一样 而且飞梦里 大家都宝贝宝贝的叫 真的好像一家人 蔡家! 我爱你们~~~~ 包括我们家的主人:蔡19 还有~ 阿宝 珊 柔 娃娃 phoebe 等等等 人真的很多 很难记 抱歉~~ 爱死你们咯~~ 西爪也是~~~ |
Saturday, November 18, 2006 @ 1:48 PM
picked up listening to avril lavigne again due to evanyo
cos they were all talking abt [complicated] i simply could not rmb how the song sound so i went to listen again brought bac memories again as an idol chaser i only chase chinese idols so that means i dun listen to english songs i was introduced to avril lavigne's songs in primary six when we had this learning grammar through songs or sumthing the first song i heard was skater boi the whole class was so happy singing it the 2nd song i heard was complicated due to the same reason as above then i went to search for her songs and then when we're gonna graduate han sheng brought a cd to sch and he happily played [my happy ending] to the whole class even telling mrs goh that there was the s*** word in the song can say.. her songs accomapnied 6M'04 through their last yr in primary sch =) ah.. i miss 6M'04 5M'03! |
@ 9:09 AM
oh man
i love backstage footages they always show the best of the show lalala was watching 5566 concert backstage haha found it by incident lah. the backstage ppl were using cans!! gah gah gah was screaming at it lalala i miss it!! oh oh din get to use it this yr hmm.. summary backstage!! haha cant forget it it's so nice so funny haha KATTUN and NEWS tego~ yamap~ jin~ kame~ 2 days to hana kimi |
Wednesday, November 15, 2006 @ 3:49 PM
bac to blog!
mon went to kbox wif waiyee yadas~~~~~ so long nv go liaoz the last time was like 9 oct one whole month without kbox!!! gah sang [fan bu wan de xia tian] by evanyo lalala the song was so high hahahahaha i love [i still believe] oso~~ today went to watch [step up] wif yanyi and yixian i seriously hav no interest to watch the movie but i m too bored at home i was staring at the opening scene and sumthing popped up in my mind [heijao] hahaha dancing = hei jiao wu tuan hahahaha ah wateva after the movie we couldnt decide where to go so we went home like how early is that lah im so bored at home tml's gonna be another boring day gah. where's my hana kimi and nodame~~~~~~~~~~ nodame nodame nodame i wait very long ler~~~ hana kimi even longer grr~~ in the mean time everyone can stare at this got tank's new song!! 专属天使 lalala countdown to hana kimi : 5 more days |
Monday, November 13, 2006 @ 5:22 PM
i've re-watched summary 2004
previously ive only watched part A now ive watched the whole thing nevertheless it has yet again made me glue to my monitor great stage effects nice dance choreography good medley of songs esp. the ending and speeches by some members of KATTUN and NEWS in between items touched me made me ponder the last speech by yamap was the best the dvd wif subs helped me understood the songs and i muz say johnny's songs do make alot of meaning theme song for the concert Summary 不要回头一直向前 朝着那遥远的未来 传运着宏大的梦想 我们是时间的旅人 承接着过往的历史 继承着先辈的热情 胸中涌淌的这份骄傲 我绝不会放手 Light 太阳正在升起 Shine 耀眼的燃烧着 所有的生命 此刻都光辉无比 Breakout Breakout 劈裂时代 创造属于我们的 New Story Go ahead Go ahead 没有时间迷惑 Don't be afraid Dream on Grow up Grow up 刻下我们生存与此的证明 Believe Yourself 无可替代的这个瞬间 Breakout Breakout 劈裂时代 New Age Go ahead Go ahead 继续我们遥远的旅程 Dream on -EDIT- felt so impacted after watching the backstage for summary reminded me so much of glitters the laughter backstage the fun wif the ppl the effort placed into making the show perfect glitters. -/EDIT- |
Saturday, November 11, 2006 @ 8:55 AM
bac frm chalet on wed
hmm.. 3days 2nights chalet day 1 we arrived late cos we were making sushi at bel's house after that the class had class games which involved pouring water so i din play then yuan han and i went to IMM and JEC lalala so fun haven touched pop and music for a long time now the machine's a 13 so sad so not nice to play lor i miss 3!!! after that went bac to the chalet and bathed and watched tv slept at around 4am day2 woke up at around... i forgot wat time but quite early cos of jo and bel they were shouting around the room for ppl to wake up oh pls they slept at like... 10 or 11? we slept at 4 lehs cant they think at all? haiz wake up liao then went out the room and walked had lunch at IMM after that went bac to the chalet had a nice chat wif pei and esther at the staircase haha got to noe esther a little more in the afternoon we had games one was the one on 周日八点党 the one where u hav to guess hu is really doing that action the other was 100秒 不NG of cos alot of ppl passed lah they should hav played 不说你我他 more challenging sure got ppl accidentally say it out one at night had bbq lots of not really cooked meat down the stomach bleaghs and the food were eaten up by the ppl happily sitting inside the chalet hu happily finished and didnt leave anything nor helped to clean up oh wells i m so speechless stayed up to watch 娱乐百分百 hahaha had the news abt 终极一家! love 禹哲 hahaha wanna watch the show!! 热情仲夏oso~~~ got 畅畅 and 禹哲 day3 woke up and had breakfast then slacked until the person came to check the room and we checked out and then... went to eat lunch then went home wif lijune slept all the way until 8plus at night lala neway few matters to say 1. happy bday to calvin!!!!! he should be in china now bah or maybe hongkong 2. hana kimi countdown 9days!!!!!!!! yadayadayadayda 禹哲禹哲禹哲禹哲!!!!!!!!! |
Monday, November 06, 2006 @ 1:41 PM
as some of u might noe
im dropping the matter of chasing tank for a while i've changed to like this fella!!!! evanyo!!!!! haha can i type in chi instead? it feels weird neway 这个小子 傻傻的~~ 很可爱~ 又很古灵精怪 呵呵呵 是超~~~~~~可爱的啦 台湾的人好幸运 能看到他 期待他来新加坡阿~~~~~ 还有还有 他有新加坡的后援会吗? 如果有的话 我会考虑加入哦! 我喜欢他的专辑介绍: 褪去了18的青涩 未满20的成熟 19岁的天真幻想 19岁的多变弹奏 好真实哦~ 18岁 上学的最后一年 20岁 大人生活的开始 19岁呢? 人生的过渡期 多变 不稳定 19岁的蔡旻佑 19岁的多元化 19岁的成长 19岁的探险 |
Thursday, November 02, 2006 @ 6:02 AM
总会不自觉地 思念 想念 怀念 或许 是季节的变换 或许 生活突然没了目标 或许 是新的学期到来了 但不管如何 同样的行为 在世界的各个角落发生 在电脑前打着这些字的自己 也不例外 还记得吗? 1年多前 大家坐进了这间教室 只有一两个同学陪伴着 被陌生人围着的教室 我们的脸上 是多么羞涩的表情 未经过时间的磨练 天真幼稚的我们 两年后 我们望着一年前的自己 感叹着我们是多么的幼稚 多么的无知 虽说如此 但我们的脸上始终卦着傻傻的微笑 仿佛天塌下来了也没关系 因为我们还有彼此 而在面临分别的那一刻 我们知道这一切将成为回忆 彼此的陪伴 彼此的加油声 彼此的拥抱 彼此的鼓励 都成为过去 泪流满面 像永远留住最后的那一刻 虽然我们都知道 我们没办法这么做 所以 我们要记得彼此 记得在危险 在受伤的那一刻 我们 还在 202'06 我们这一班 |
Wednesday, November 01, 2006 @ 7:13 AM
2 songs for 2o2!
垃圾车(朋友版) 虽然你脾气坏对待朋友又差凸槌又更爱牵拖 佳在你遇到我不爱计较的我算你坏人有好命 我走路你坐车你吃饭我洗碗你被欺负我拼命 若为了爽到你可以艰苦到我因为咱缘分不可散 有你我才未孤单 有你的陪伴我才有靠山 你若不爽我是你的垃圾车 每天听你的心声 有你我才未孤单 有你的陪伴我才有靠山 你若欢喜我是你的垃圾车 每天听你唱歌 感情若想要满杯底就要呼干这杯就爱饮呼干 这杯你饮呼干这杯我饮呼干 咱这箱拢饮呼干拢饮呼干 寂寞时我会看著你寫的信 这是让我努力走下去的原因 一点一滴隨信紙勾出回忆 请相信你的心我永远都会珍惜 Dear 我好想告诉你 在短短的时间里 能把我的一切说给你听 我渴望也希望作你生活的重心 因为有了你我才能支持下去 你知不知道 其实我也想了解你的一切 你的生日 你的兴趣还有你的新发型 我想说的我想做的都是为了你 每次见到你都是愉快的心情 彷彿广阔世界只剩了你我都可以 在这些日子里 有快乐也有哭泣 希望你从这一秒开始到永远都不会忘记 Energy 难过时你鼓励我继续往前行 在感动时你也会陪著我流泪 我们之间有一种奇妙的感应 请相信 我愿意陪著你不会离去 I'll Never Gonna Say Goodbye 就算我们曾经距离多么遙远 答应过 不会忘记这约定 I'll Never Gonna Say Goodbye 生命变的如此灿烂 因为你存在 只要有爱就有未来 总在离別前那一刻忍住哭泣 将这份美丽藏在心底 (哼著溫暖的旋律For You) click oso to piggy, tank, kai. |
@ 6:56 AM
yesterday was the last choral night for class 202
we spent lots of time and effort to make it a success we went for class lunch during the break this is the gruelsome creation of 2o2'o6 consist of ban mian, veggie, curry and others prep b4 show patty and bel putting on make up "singing session" jo me yan after the perf the brownie that patty gave me me pei me liqin me bel me waiyee me patty me jasmine me zhee me yuanhan me shumei me some ppl cried yesterday juz wanna tell 2o2 we'll always be there a call a sms we'll always be there it has a greater impact on jasmine and me cos this is the fifth we're classmates and we're gonna seperate but ya~ we'll be there for each other~ juz read yuhao's blog i agree wif him seperation or not it's all part of growing up without this all none of us would hav learnt anything none of us would hav grown up to be wat we are so dun be sad it's something to be happy abt |