Saturday, September 30, 2006 @ 3:24 PM
the 2nd round of 淘汰赛 is out i nv expected hiro to get out i mean i think that the time that he'll get out is like when 呱呱 is oso on the verge of getting kicked out haiz he's so fun haiz here's the vid abt him and 鬼鬼 nv fails to provide laughter. |
@ 1:26 PM
updates updates!
yea start frm thurs~ another boring day at sch last dance lesson of perhaps my whole life and we learnt the 扇子舞 and i got bruises on my hand and leg -.- i feel idiot and as per normal mr chiang provided the entertainment of the day =) i think he was too preoccupied in his mind that time or perhaps too many ppl were asking him questions when yuanhan told him one of the ans for revision paper was wrong he said this "u can cleck with chair" XD and he corrected himself "go check wif claire" hahahahahahahahaha where else can u find such a "cute" maths teacher XDDDDDDDDDDDDD friday~ last look at our class arrangement before we say byebye~ not bcos we are splitting class already [not until a month later] was taking photos around the class haiz im gonna miss it =) yuanhan's table hahahahaha the class packing up my table for this term bel 的背影 jiaqi bel and jo "bimbo" 三人组 XP patty and me waiyee and me jo and me me sitting on the tables at the front of class this is my leg white board, table and yiyan's back the class view frm top of tables an angle hardly seen things on class door luv 202 forever! will upload the class photo when i hav them |
Sunday, September 24, 2006 @ 5:06 PM
yesterday during pccg lesson
we talked abt blogging and we were asked y we blog hanjing answered that it was to note down our life and let us hav a look bac when we grow juz now yalun blogged a similar thing i agree to wat both of them say sumday we'll forgot things around us past or present a blog is a way to leave all these in words yet it does not fade away when we look bac we'll smile we'll laugh we'll cry that feeling is wat makes it all so worth while i wonder how i'd think when i look bac at this post sum day it's 2.00am now hah. stayed up late to search for tank's song and so happen to read yalun's blog. |
Thursday, September 21, 2006 @ 7:01 AM
their album was out on the 15 of sept in taiwan
but it only got to Singapore yesterday i had the chance to listen to it online and i can say the cd's not bad shall introduce some songs 出口 这首歌 是分手的歌 女生提分手 对男生很抱歉 男生感到很难过 喜欢这首歌 是因为他的旋律 令我非常喜欢 而且 这首歌大大听到了飞轮海的进步 以前常抒情歌时 没那种感动 还常让人想吐 不过这首歌真的诠释得很好 红着眼你轻轻碰我的手 对不起你喃喃地说 我的难过不只你又伤了我 还有你变得这样擅长认错 叹息沉默加泪水和疲倦 怎么会爱只剩这一些 是不是时间把人变得傻了点 明明有过快乐却忘了怀念 如果我可以不再迷恋 迷恋你在怀中幸福的香味 也许就能够不再有期待 期待你回来约好的未来 我听着你说爱我 感觉却如此寂寞 笑容只维持几秒就变酸了 此刻我只想找一个出口 逃离这混乱荒谬 爱不爱改天再说 我想你真的爱我 但我也真的很痛 不然不会连亲吻都苦苦的 哪里才会有离开你的出口 可是我离开以后 能往哪里走 听着你说好爱我 感觉却不是感动 这一次拥抱以后还有没有 谁能告诉我哪里有出口 能让我逃出这个 我快沉没的漩涡 就算真找到出口 第二首 如果只听旋律 很难知道也是一首分手的歌 它的旋律 很轻快 听起来是开开心心的 不过读了歌词 会觉得真得很感动 歌曲的名称 也很独特 2月30日见 2月怎么可能有30日呢? 读了歌词就会了了 电话那头传来你的问候 抬头外面说你怀念我的温柔 那时候 多少次你以同样理由 约我到外面漫游 好久不见说要和我叙旧 就约在去年分手那个街口 这时候 你的想法到底什么念头 是要我接受 还是笑着泪流 就约好2月30号见 来看我被你重伤之后是如何复原 让我们2月30号见 就如你所愿如果真的有那么一天 否则其他时间 无力回顾从前 用尽办法要把过去删掉 还有一点爱你差点被你动摇 心在跳 这一切冷不防的打扰 还好没乱了阵脚 回忆还欠这一笔才勾销 很抱歉伤口依然裹着石膏 想不到 不敢幻想我们再次遇到 要怎么拥抱才能表示友好 就约好2月30号见 来看我被你重伤之后是如何复原 让我们2月30号见 就如你所愿如果真的有那么一天 就约好2月30号见 来看我被你重伤之后是如何复原 让我们2月30号见 就如你所愿如果真的有那么一天 否则其他时间 无力回顾从前 请让我彻底和你划清界限 原来是我不想画下句号 原来包袱收在心里不想丢掉 我知道不管自己躲到天涯海角 这个世界那么小 总会遇到 下一首 我觉得是蛮有激励的一首歌 这是bleach的中文主题曲 Come on哼一光年十个光年 当我光速飞行时候时代被我跨越 守在一望无际的夜星空的边界 我是那只不死的天蠍 像一束光线悬挂在天边 我的一身火焰划破你的视野 别人的生命有限我偏偏活出无限 你的一生只是我一瞬间 冥王星转了一圈沧海变桑田 唯有我不休不眠轨迹不改变 如果你看得够远望远镜另一边 就会看见钻石陈列璀璨的画面 请跟著我闭上眼想像你心里面 求生的强烈意念都聚成一点 连成一线围成光圈 总有一天一定会实现 就如恒星永不熄灭 超越了生死界线 把光芒都倾泻向全世界撒野 我结局我来写 所谓的永远就出现 我创造我自己这不死之谜 我主宰我自己这不死之谜 我缔造一个奇迹这不死之谜 我是死神也是上帝 就算我燃烧我自己这不死之谜 也可以照亮我自己这不死之谜 我有无穷火力这不死之谜 足够让我无止境活下去 恒心不移意志不移 当我大声呼喊时候声音穿越世纪 藏在这颗发亮星体是永远勇气 银河流去古老的记忆 像一场宿命覆盖了天际 谁都无法解密这场不死之谜 别人的呼吸短暂我偏偏生生不息 轮回下去一口气不会停 太阳系当我背景衬托我身影 把天空当作白纸写我的传奇 如果你看得仔细放大所有的焦距 就会看见日光遮蔽 固执的晨星 足够我无止境活下去 其实谜底不须要揭晓 生命本来就需要不停思考 就因为有了问号 才能享受到悬疑中的美妙 |
Sunday, September 17, 2006 @ 12:41 PM
什么是开心的事 要改天想起来才知道吧
nobuta wo produce was so right was talking to jiaxin juz now sum how we talked to glitters i so miss glitters! all the rehearsals attended all the time spent all the backstage moments i wan it bac again! but it's impossible i miss the days chasing tank oso! it'll be bac soon i hope. |
@ 10:08 AM
我的华文够烂了 没想到 身为台湾人的棒棒堂型男 居然连 "幹gan4" 和 "荐jian4" 都不会念 他们上课用华语 说话用华语 在台湾土生土长 现在念高中 我 新加坡土生土长 说话利用英语还有华语 目前读国中 都会读 我不知道该说什么好 我觉得我班也有蛮多人会读的 台湾新鲜人 有失败的感觉 |
Saturday, September 16, 2006 @ 12:39 PM
this post is so not gonna make sense
but yea bear wif me Please remember to read the Instruction Carefully. Thanks! 1. Put your music player on shuffle. 2. Press forward for each question. 3. Use the song title as the answer to the question even if it doesnt make sense. NO CHEATING ! 4. Tag 5 people at their tagboard to ask them to do this! 1) How are you feeling today? 分裂 - 周杰伦 ok~ wat's that supposed to mean? 2)Will you get far in life? 撒哈拉沙漠 - 台风 hmm.. is that far? 3)How do your friends see you? 远远在一起 - 龚诗嘉 does it mean we'll be together for ever? 4)Will you get married? 小时候 - 南拳妈妈 ok~ that so doesnt ans the question 5)What is your bestfriends' theme song? 东海小王子 - 黄玉荣 ah? hu does it represent? 6)What is the story of your life? 我还能爱谁 - 谢维聪 yah. and then hu's the guy in the first place? 7)What was your primary school like? That's what friends are for - Singapore Idol Finalists ooh~ yea man. friends forever~~ 8)How can you get ahead of life? 圆梦的小熊 - 六甲乐团 hmm.. wif a dream like 圆梦的小熊? 9)What is the best thing abt your friends. 一眼万年 - S.H.E am i supposed to say like we'll be frens for a long time? hmm... 10)What is in store for this weekend? 拜金女孩 - 七朵花 ok.. that's not gonna happen cos i'm gonna stay at home. unless u consider buying lots of vanguard for choral nite as 拜金 11)What songs describe you? What Makes A Man - Westlife erm. ok~ but i'm not a man 12)To describe your grandparents. 我难过 - 5566 does that mean being sad over their death? but i nv even seen them b4... 13)How is your life going? Hidden Track - 吴克群 right... like a hidden track. it's that supposed to say sumthing? 14)What song will they play at your funeral? 狐狸精 - 罗志祥 that is so not wat i wan. i wan a tank song!! 15)How does the world see you? 狙击手 - tank ok~ that's cool. |
@ 12:17 PM
好感人哦~~~ 鲔鱼说prince的部落格有一个文章 关于爱情的 我找到了~ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 柏拉圖有一天問老師蘇格拉底什麼是"愛情"? 老師叫他到麥田走一次~要不回頭的走 在途中要摘一顆最大最好的麥穗~但只能摘一顆 他覺得很容易~並充滿信心的去了 誰知道過了大半天他還沒回來 最後他垂頭喪氣的出現在老師面前 訴說空手而回的原因 他說:很難得見到一顆看似不錯的麥穗 卻不知道是不是最好的 不得已 因為只可以摘一顆 只好放棄 再看看有沒有更好的 到發現已經走到盡頭時才驚覺手中一顆麥穗也沒有 這時老師就告訴他:這就是愛情~!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 这故事要告诉我们的是 要珍惜现在所拥有的 这是鲔鱼说的啦 不过也没什么错 所以各位~ 要珍惜哦~ |
Friday, September 15, 2006 @ 7:35 AM
memes again~
hahaha i thought i might as well do them while waiting for 棒棒堂 to load youtube is lagging today ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Can you name 13 of ur classmates that you can think of right off the top of your head. Don’t read the questions underneath until you write the names of all 13 people. This is a lot funnier if you actually randomly list the names first. No cheating!!! 1) bel 2) pei 3) xinyan 4) jo 5) waiyee 6) yuanhan 7) zhee kor 8) shumei 9) guen 10) jiale jiejie 11) huiying 12) huiqing 13) pat How did you meet 10? - sec1 class What would you do if you had never met 1? - not be able to discuss so much stuff wif ppl around me What would you do if 6 and 2 dated? - i study in a girls' sch sia Have you ever seen 4 cry? - nope Do you think 10 is cute? - haha. she's more to the pretty side than cute. How did you get to know 8? - sec1 class Would you ever go on a date with number 12? - haha. not likely What’s 7’s Favorite color? - dunno. but i noe her favourite toy is gun gun. What would you do if 6 confessed he/she loves you? - *pukes blood* i'll slap her. Fact about 9: - webmaster of the av club. Who is 4 going out with? - hahahahaha. dunno leh Who is number 5 to you? - erm. more to the classmate side bah Would you ever live with 13? - haha. can arh. Is 2 single? - shld be What do you think about 3? - she seems 'cold' when u dunno her but she's a mad girl within What’s the best thing about number 8? - she is like da jie jie What do you like about number 11? - her attitude towards life. Favorite Memory with 6? - hahahahaha. nope. ==================================================================================== 1. Name: Yihui 2. Middle Name: 3. Location: Singapore 4. Place of Birth: Singapore 6. Male or Female: Female 7. Birth date: 28 nov 9. Occupation: Student 10. Horoscope: sag 11. Screen Name: eh? lurenjia arh? Your Appearance: 12. Hair Color: hmm... 13. Hair Length: a bit longer than shoulder 15. Best Features: -.- 16. Height: 160cm 18. Glasses: yup 19. Shoe size: 8 20. Weight: Your Firsts: 22. First best friend: Annelise 23. First Award: Best in Chinese 24. First Sport You Joined: swimming 25. First thing you did today: wake up 26: First thing you ate today: siewmai 27. First thing you said today: "嗯" [when my dad asked if i took my hp] 28. First Love: nope Favorites: 29. Movies: The Devil Wears Prada 30. TV Show: 我爱黑涩会,模范棒棒堂 31. Color: any colour that suits my mood 32. Rock Band: mayday 33. Place to get groceries: NTUC, wet market 34. Food: seafood burger[mos] 35. Season: winter 36. Candy: lakerol 37. Sport: bball 38. Restaurant: that chinese restaurant at westmall 42. Animal: fish? 43. Books: chinese novels 44. Magazines: PLAY Currently… 45. Doing before you started this survey: the one on top 46. Thinking of: tank and xiao an 47. Wearing: hongzi and pe shorts 48. Crying about: nothing 49. Eating: nothing 50. Drinking: nothing 51. Typing: u think leh? 53. Listening To: 五月天-我们(时时刻刻) 54. Thinking about: tank and xiao an 55. Wanting: a fc gathering wif tank 56. Watching: nothing Future: 57. Where do you see yourself in 5 years: in uni 58. Kids: dunno 59. Want to be Married: yup 60. Career in Mind: sumthing to do wif the media Which is Better with the Opposite Sex? 63. Hair color: slight dark brown + black 64. Hair length: short. like the 棒棒堂型男s 65. Eye color: natural 66. Measurements: taller than my dad? 67. Cute or sexy: cute. 68. Lips or Eyes: arh? 69. Hugs or Kisses: huggies~ 70. Short or Tall: tall 71. Easygoing or serious: easygoing 72. Romantic or Spontaneous: eh. half half 73. Good or Bad: good 74. Sensitive or spontaneous: both 75. Hook-up or Relationship: relationship 77. Trouble Maker or Hesitant One: hmm.. juz do the right thing at the right time lor Have You Ever… 78. Kissed a Stranger: nope 79. Had surgery: nope 80. Gone commando: nope 81. Ran Away From Home: nope 82. Broken a bone: nope 83. Got an X-ray: nope 84. Been on a cruise: nope 85. Got a car accident: nearly 86. Dumped someone: nope 87. Cried When Someone Died: yup 88. Cried At School: nope Do You Believe In… 89. God: probably 90. Miracles: yup 91. Love at First Sight: a bit 92. Ghosts: used to 93: Aliens: nope 94. Soul Mates: yup 95. Heaven: yup 96. Hell: yup 97. Answered prayers: not really 98. Kissing on The First Date: nope 99. Horoscopes: yup Answer Truthfully: 100. Is there someone you wish you had?: yup ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ that's the end for now =) |
Thursday, September 14, 2006 @ 1:26 PM
stole this frm jiale jiejie's blog!
1) How old do you wish you were? 11 2) Where were you when 9/11 happened? my house? 3) What do you do when vending machines cheat your money? say "damn it." 4) Do you consider yourself kind? haha. u think leh. 5) If you had to get a tattoo, where would it be? the words 'tank'? 6) If you could be fluent in any other language, what would it be? jap! 7) Do you know your neighbors? not really 8) What do you consider a vacation? a trip to sum where nice 9) Do you follow your horoscope? ok ok bah 10) Would you move for the person you loved? ah? 11) Are you touchy feely? huh? 12) Do you believe that opposites attract? read up ur sci notes. they do. haha 13) Dream job? oh. sumthing to do wif media, like advertising co, mediacorp, music company and such. 14) Favorite channel(s)? eh erm. channel u? cos i dun hav cable. wahaha 15) Favorite place to go on weekends? mug at mac! hahaha. 16) Showers or Baths? showers 17) Do you paint your nails? nope 18) Do you trust people easily? depends on hu is the person 19) What are your phobias? insects [yucks] 20) Do you want kids? y not? 21) Do you keep a handwritten journal? used to. i was juz fliping through it the other day 22) Where would you rather be right now? sleeping and thinking of tank. 23) Who makes you feel warm and fuzzy? my bed~~~~~~ 24) Heavy or light sleeper heavy 25) Are you paranoid? not bah. 26) Are you impatient? yup. 27) Who can you relate to? pei? dunno leh. 28) How do you feel about interracial couples? y? got prob arh? 29) Have you been burned by love? u mean 'burnt' right? O.o 30) Whats your favorite pick-up line? ah? 31) Whats your main ring tone on your mobile? tank - bu xiang fang qi!!! 32) What were you doing at midnight last night? sending a birthday sms 33) What did the last text on your cellphone say? hmm. i've turned off my phone already. but it shld be sumthing saying abt tank's in the top 8 for newcomers for gcma. yah. it's frm wanfong. 34) Whose bed did you sleep in last night mine 35) What color shirt are you wearing white. 36) Most recent movie you watched? the devil wears prada. the nxt one shall be gigolo wannabe. 37) Name three things you have on you at all times? clothes, hp, specs 38.) What color are your bed sheets? white + green [i din choose it k?] 39) How much cash do you have on you right now? none. i dun hold money at home 40) What is your favorite part of the chicken? chicken breast made into erm. nuggets. haha 42) I cant wait: for the nxt time that i can see tank 43) What did you have for dinner last night? fried egg. soup. rice. curry chicken. 44) How tall are you barefoot? dunno. 160 still? 45) Do you own a gun? u think singapore govt allow arh? and then wat? use it to barge into IMF arh? 46) What do you prefer to drink in the morning? milo 47) Where do you think youll be in 10 yrs? still in singapore. haha 48) Last thing you ate? lakerol grape giants 49) What songs do you sing in the shower? erm. i dun. 50) Last thing that made you laugh? S.H.E on wo ai hei se hui 51) Worst injury youve ever had? let's see. erm. no big injury but lost of small ones. 52) Does someone have a crush on you? if u noe then i'll noe 53) Whats your favorite candy? lakerol. wahaha 54) What song do you want played at your funeral? tank's songs! hahaha |
@ 12:06 PM
詞:呂建忠"零" 曲:呂建忠"零" 編曲錄音:黃辛'舞裡頭 和聲編寫:黃辛'舞裡頭' 滿是玫瑰的花園的裡 發現你的微笑 我看不見你的驕傲 卻找到你的擁抱 再也不允許誰傷害你 讓你傷心難過 因為我保護著你 因為我守候著你 看著你的眼睛讓我感覺 些許的安心 再也我不用去擔心懷疑 誰能動搖 我相信在古耶路撒冷城古老的主上帝 會證明我們此刻的愛情 我感覺天使圍繞再左右的美麗 能證明我們心底的夢想 |
@ 11:58 AM
长大後你就会开始懂得这种话 哼 yup yup u'll all understand in the future. -- 周杰伦 听妈妈的话 |
@ 11:53 AM
a long time no post
haha i actually thought of wat i wanna blog during sch today but now i totally forgot abt it haiz my poor memory anyway it's his bday today~~ but he's still missing so ya we'll leave it this way until sumthing decides to occur haha ooh look~ anonymous leon tagged hu is that? O.o nvm that i shall leave it there i assume that it'll be there for quite a long time unless sum1 decides to flood my tagboard hahaha fahrenheit's album out on fri! and i think i'm gonna watch gigolo wannabe wif my sis on fri yea~~~ shun oguri~~ hahaha |
Sunday, September 10, 2006 @ 5:05 AM
went to the airport yesterday
supposingly to see shinhwa but then we were late and we missed them(stupid sis) but yea since i dun like shinhwa nothing lost right? juz that when i went to the departure hall of terminal 2 i thought of the day when we sent tank off all the memories bac to mind wanted to talk to sum1 abt it so i sms-ed jiaxin her 3rd sms actually came telling me she wanna sleep so i continued the night wif that depressed feeling surrounding me oh gosh i miss tank!!!! argh. endless thoughts and then laoxiong's guestbook reminded me of sum1 else hey. it's 4 days more. |
Friday, September 08, 2006 @ 9:10 AM
so everyone's dying one by one oh. but that's how life works right. first. steve irwin then. cancer boy another. RI reserve and. there's one funeral right at my block who's nxt? |
@ 9:05 AM
A - Age you first believed in love?
i hav short term memory B - Band listening to right now? eh. pan@sonic C - Dream Car a sports car would do fine D - Dad's name? hmm.. y u wanna noe? E - Easiest person to make u laugh? haha. eh erm. lao xiong? F - Food you miss most? jap curry don, aunt's spaghetti G - Any encounters with ghosts? nope H - Who is in your heart right now? my mum, tank, xiao an papa I- Interesting unknown fact about you? eh. unknown shld be left unknown =) J - Just tell me who's the last person who.. wat? K - Kissing with eyes open or closed? nv tried L - Last time you did fight? hmm. last yr? M - Most memorable moment you can think of in a minute? the days when the fc chased tank N - Nicknames? eh. lurenjiajia. hahaha. O - Open up! what's your most valuable possession? my handphone P - Place you are right now. in front of my com Q - Quote what you heard for the last two minutes? "在屋頂唱著你的歌" --屋頂by junyang and sinhui R - Remember the last time you cried? dunno. but i wanna do that right now. my head hurts. S - Song you sang last? 假裝 -- 蔡依林 T - Time you woke up? 7am U - Use love in a sentence. i would love a cup of drink V - Vegetable you hate most? almost all hahaha W - What are you most afraid of? failing X- X-rated love? ah? Y - Year you were born in? look there (points to sidebar) Z - Zodiac sign? refer to question above. [i thought i might as well do this b4 i drop dead.] |
Thursday, September 07, 2006 @ 4:31 PM
i actually din wanna blog today
cos i am very very very tired went to watch the devil wears prada just now it was fabulous! i love andrea hahaha miranda is nice at the bac if u've watched it the near-to-ending part was nice everyone is so clever and cunning in the movie it's a short and sweet movie the anger of andrea was potrayed really well unlike other movies which slowly shows everything short and sweet pls watch it if u can!!! the nxt movie on my list is gigolo wannabe it doesnt sound nice at all lah pls the jap title [waters] sounds so much better shun is in it! wahaha the basketball guy is hilarious lah he use the defense method in bball to stop customers hahahahaha 8 more days to fahrenheit's album 8 more days to end of gcma voting 6 more days to his bday haiz |
Wednesday, September 06, 2006 @ 11:59 AM
ppl!!! let's go take a photo wif our dear 2 notes higher laughing mr wong hahaha -EDIT- for today and yesterday i attend a photography course (wah~~~) no need to wah lah it's part of cca i thought it'll be k's kind of teaching u noe the i'll-hang-u-by-ur-last-finger kind of teaching? in simpler words horrible strict teaching the instructor was mr wong he is erm quite funny u can say yesterday was mainly technical stuff so not too much fun and laughter lah everytime mr wong would laugh at sumthing he says which he thinks is funny and then the whole class will laugh but the thing is we're not laughing at his words or anything we're laughing at his laughter when he laughs it sounds like 2 keys higher and causes it to be extremely hilarious hahaha today is the last day of the course and at the starting we reviewed the photos taken end of lesson yesterday 冷风and her dear fren took photos that were on the extreme sides some were too over exposed and hence mr wong said it looked like heaven thus it began the photo story there was one wif the caption "God is descending!" and then there was one wif the danger sign guen said the photo has the danger sign cos once u cross the border it's hell and there was one where 冷风 look as if she is thinking of her bf and thus began the romeo and juliet story [冷风 was waiting for romeo at the balcony. and then she is thinking of cleaning the toilet. or. romeo is in the toilet] this wasnt completely thought by us mr wong made some parts of it too hahaha so "too over exposed is heaven, too under exposed is hell, just right is earth and playing with white balance leads u to another dimension" --quoted frm guen. and then today was a trip to botanical gardens for photo trip when we reviewed our photos 冷风 kept laughing we din noe wat's so funny but we juz explain it ourselves and then laugh too hahaha and then the whole class kept going [好冷哦] cos we think wat 冷风 is doing is very 冷 then when she was going to leave the class she still stand there and laugh laugh luagh "Go home go home." was wat mrs tan said to 冷风 upon her words the whole class applauded hahahahahhaha and then when 冷风 finally stepped out of the room jessie dun a "kowtow" action actually is meant 谢天谢地 冷风走了 but guen miss intepreted it as she 磕头 to 冷风 hahaha when the whole class understood wat jessie was doing we all put our hands together in a prayer position and "拜" hahahaha wat an enjoyable day! i love the class!! i love the teachers!! i've agreed wif lijune to go sit in our seniors class [oso conducted by mr wong] before our maths remedial starts on thurs interested av members can tag at my blog!! hahaha i'm so gonna miss mr wong~ oh btw my works will be up once i get them!! |
Friday, September 01, 2006 @ 6:30 AM
this year's teachers' day celebration
can say it's erm different #1 2o2 performed in the teachers' day concert the grease lightning dance it's cute =) #2 mr seah is missing frm this yr's celebration!! rmb last yr go bac dls always first thing is to call him now go bac oso dunno look for hu everytime go bac we'll be like "let's go find xia tou" then this yr the security more tight lah cannot go 2nd floor so this chinese teacher asked hu we wanna meet we actually couldnt ans haiz 5m oso alot of ppl nv go bac sigh but anyway we talked to hong lao shi so yah at least sumthing done sms-ed mr seah while in dls asked whether could meet up but yah teachers' day teachers hav to listen to PM's speech so we said we'll meet another day =) aww man~~~~ i cant believe i'm feeling like that! i juz wanna say~ I MISS XIATOU!!!!!!!!! oh and i cant believe he types perfect english in his smses unbelievable. |
SEE Yihui. monkey. 28nov.
proudly Singaporean. chaolaoshu. lurenjia. huizz. nyav. tankfc. chengho. 7duohua. 黃城夜韻. Operation Smile. S-SIX-BEE. ♥ LOVES NEWS. Tamamori Yuta. 蘇打綠. Kis-My-Ft2. Kato Shigeaki. Nishikido Ryo *WISHES Trip to Japan/Taiwan. Work in Esplanade. Perform on stage. Currently watching Lady~Saigo no Hanzai Profiling. Control. My Princess. worth $1,212,030. |
Saturday, September 30, 2006 @ 3:24 PM
the 2nd round of 淘汰赛 is out i nv expected hiro to get out i mean i think that the time that he'll get out is like when 呱呱 is oso on the verge of getting kicked out haiz he's so fun haiz here's the vid abt him and 鬼鬼 nv fails to provide laughter. |
@ 1:26 PM
updates updates!
yea start frm thurs~ another boring day at sch last dance lesson of perhaps my whole life and we learnt the 扇子舞 and i got bruises on my hand and leg -.- i feel idiot and as per normal mr chiang provided the entertainment of the day =) i think he was too preoccupied in his mind that time or perhaps too many ppl were asking him questions when yuanhan told him one of the ans for revision paper was wrong he said this "u can cleck with chair" XD and he corrected himself "go check wif claire" hahahahahahahahaha where else can u find such a "cute" maths teacher XDDDDDDDDDDDDD friday~ last look at our class arrangement before we say byebye~ not bcos we are splitting class already [not until a month later] was taking photos around the class haiz im gonna miss it =) yuanhan's table hahahahaha the class packing up my table for this term bel 的背影 jiaqi bel and jo "bimbo" 三人组 XP patty and me waiyee and me jo and me me sitting on the tables at the front of class this is my leg white board, table and yiyan's back the class view frm top of tables an angle hardly seen things on class door luv 202 forever! will upload the class photo when i hav them |
Sunday, September 24, 2006 @ 5:06 PM
yesterday during pccg lesson
we talked abt blogging and we were asked y we blog hanjing answered that it was to note down our life and let us hav a look bac when we grow juz now yalun blogged a similar thing i agree to wat both of them say sumday we'll forgot things around us past or present a blog is a way to leave all these in words yet it does not fade away when we look bac we'll smile we'll laugh we'll cry that feeling is wat makes it all so worth while i wonder how i'd think when i look bac at this post sum day it's 2.00am now hah. stayed up late to search for tank's song and so happen to read yalun's blog. |
Thursday, September 21, 2006 @ 7:01 AM
their album was out on the 15 of sept in taiwan
but it only got to Singapore yesterday i had the chance to listen to it online and i can say the cd's not bad shall introduce some songs 出口 这首歌 是分手的歌 女生提分手 对男生很抱歉 男生感到很难过 喜欢这首歌 是因为他的旋律 令我非常喜欢 而且 这首歌大大听到了飞轮海的进步 以前常抒情歌时 没那种感动 还常让人想吐 不过这首歌真的诠释得很好 红着眼你轻轻碰我的手 对不起你喃喃地说 我的难过不只你又伤了我 还有你变得这样擅长认错 叹息沉默加泪水和疲倦 怎么会爱只剩这一些 是不是时间把人变得傻了点 明明有过快乐却忘了怀念 如果我可以不再迷恋 迷恋你在怀中幸福的香味 也许就能够不再有期待 期待你回来约好的未来 我听着你说爱我 感觉却如此寂寞 笑容只维持几秒就变酸了 此刻我只想找一个出口 逃离这混乱荒谬 爱不爱改天再说 我想你真的爱我 但我也真的很痛 不然不会连亲吻都苦苦的 哪里才会有离开你的出口 可是我离开以后 能往哪里走 听着你说好爱我 感觉却不是感动 这一次拥抱以后还有没有 谁能告诉我哪里有出口 能让我逃出这个 我快沉没的漩涡 就算真找到出口 第二首 如果只听旋律 很难知道也是一首分手的歌 它的旋律 很轻快 听起来是开开心心的 不过读了歌词 会觉得真得很感动 歌曲的名称 也很独特 2月30日见 2月怎么可能有30日呢? 读了歌词就会了了 电话那头传来你的问候 抬头外面说你怀念我的温柔 那时候 多少次你以同样理由 约我到外面漫游 好久不见说要和我叙旧 就约在去年分手那个街口 这时候 你的想法到底什么念头 是要我接受 还是笑着泪流 就约好2月30号见 来看我被你重伤之后是如何复原 让我们2月30号见 就如你所愿如果真的有那么一天 否则其他时间 无力回顾从前 用尽办法要把过去删掉 还有一点爱你差点被你动摇 心在跳 这一切冷不防的打扰 还好没乱了阵脚 回忆还欠这一笔才勾销 很抱歉伤口依然裹着石膏 想不到 不敢幻想我们再次遇到 要怎么拥抱才能表示友好 就约好2月30号见 来看我被你重伤之后是如何复原 让我们2月30号见 就如你所愿如果真的有那么一天 就约好2月30号见 来看我被你重伤之后是如何复原 让我们2月30号见 就如你所愿如果真的有那么一天 否则其他时间 无力回顾从前 请让我彻底和你划清界限 原来是我不想画下句号 原来包袱收在心里不想丢掉 我知道不管自己躲到天涯海角 这个世界那么小 总会遇到 下一首 我觉得是蛮有激励的一首歌 这是bleach的中文主题曲 Come on哼一光年十个光年 当我光速飞行时候时代被我跨越 守在一望无际的夜星空的边界 我是那只不死的天蠍 像一束光线悬挂在天边 我的一身火焰划破你的视野 别人的生命有限我偏偏活出无限 你的一生只是我一瞬间 冥王星转了一圈沧海变桑田 唯有我不休不眠轨迹不改变 如果你看得够远望远镜另一边 就会看见钻石陈列璀璨的画面 请跟著我闭上眼想像你心里面 求生的强烈意念都聚成一点 连成一线围成光圈 总有一天一定会实现 就如恒星永不熄灭 超越了生死界线 把光芒都倾泻向全世界撒野 我结局我来写 所谓的永远就出现 我创造我自己这不死之谜 我主宰我自己这不死之谜 我缔造一个奇迹这不死之谜 我是死神也是上帝 就算我燃烧我自己这不死之谜 也可以照亮我自己这不死之谜 我有无穷火力这不死之谜 足够让我无止境活下去 恒心不移意志不移 当我大声呼喊时候声音穿越世纪 藏在这颗发亮星体是永远勇气 银河流去古老的记忆 像一场宿命覆盖了天际 谁都无法解密这场不死之谜 别人的呼吸短暂我偏偏生生不息 轮回下去一口气不会停 太阳系当我背景衬托我身影 把天空当作白纸写我的传奇 如果你看得仔细放大所有的焦距 就会看见日光遮蔽 固执的晨星 足够我无止境活下去 其实谜底不须要揭晓 生命本来就需要不停思考 就因为有了问号 才能享受到悬疑中的美妙 |
Sunday, September 17, 2006 @ 12:41 PM
什么是开心的事 要改天想起来才知道吧
nobuta wo produce was so right was talking to jiaxin juz now sum how we talked to glitters i so miss glitters! all the rehearsals attended all the time spent all the backstage moments i wan it bac again! but it's impossible i miss the days chasing tank oso! it'll be bac soon i hope. |
@ 10:08 AM
我的华文够烂了 没想到 身为台湾人的棒棒堂型男 居然连 "幹gan4" 和 "荐jian4" 都不会念 他们上课用华语 说话用华语 在台湾土生土长 现在念高中 我 新加坡土生土长 说话利用英语还有华语 目前读国中 都会读 我不知道该说什么好 我觉得我班也有蛮多人会读的 台湾新鲜人 有失败的感觉 |
Saturday, September 16, 2006 @ 12:39 PM
this post is so not gonna make sense
but yea bear wif me Please remember to read the Instruction Carefully. Thanks! 1. Put your music player on shuffle. 2. Press forward for each question. 3. Use the song title as the answer to the question even if it doesnt make sense. NO CHEATING ! 4. Tag 5 people at their tagboard to ask them to do this! 1) How are you feeling today? 分裂 - 周杰伦 ok~ wat's that supposed to mean? 2)Will you get far in life? 撒哈拉沙漠 - 台风 hmm.. is that far? 3)How do your friends see you? 远远在一起 - 龚诗嘉 does it mean we'll be together for ever? 4)Will you get married? 小时候 - 南拳妈妈 ok~ that so doesnt ans the question 5)What is your bestfriends' theme song? 东海小王子 - 黄玉荣 ah? hu does it represent? 6)What is the story of your life? 我还能爱谁 - 谢维聪 yah. and then hu's the guy in the first place? 7)What was your primary school like? That's what friends are for - Singapore Idol Finalists ooh~ yea man. friends forever~~ 8)How can you get ahead of life? 圆梦的小熊 - 六甲乐团 hmm.. wif a dream like 圆梦的小熊? 9)What is the best thing abt your friends. 一眼万年 - S.H.E am i supposed to say like we'll be frens for a long time? hmm... 10)What is in store for this weekend? 拜金女孩 - 七朵花 ok.. that's not gonna happen cos i'm gonna stay at home. unless u consider buying lots of vanguard for choral nite as 拜金 11)What songs describe you? What Makes A Man - Westlife erm. ok~ but i'm not a man 12)To describe your grandparents. 我难过 - 5566 does that mean being sad over their death? but i nv even seen them b4... 13)How is your life going? Hidden Track - 吴克群 right... like a hidden track. it's that supposed to say sumthing? 14)What song will they play at your funeral? 狐狸精 - 罗志祥 that is so not wat i wan. i wan a tank song!! 15)How does the world see you? 狙击手 - tank ok~ that's cool. |
@ 12:17 PM
好感人哦~~~ 鲔鱼说prince的部落格有一个文章 关于爱情的 我找到了~ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 柏拉圖有一天問老師蘇格拉底什麼是"愛情"? 老師叫他到麥田走一次~要不回頭的走 在途中要摘一顆最大最好的麥穗~但只能摘一顆 他覺得很容易~並充滿信心的去了 誰知道過了大半天他還沒回來 最後他垂頭喪氣的出現在老師面前 訴說空手而回的原因 他說:很難得見到一顆看似不錯的麥穗 卻不知道是不是最好的 不得已 因為只可以摘一顆 只好放棄 再看看有沒有更好的 到發現已經走到盡頭時才驚覺手中一顆麥穗也沒有 這時老師就告訴他:這就是愛情~!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 这故事要告诉我们的是 要珍惜现在所拥有的 这是鲔鱼说的啦 不过也没什么错 所以各位~ 要珍惜哦~ |
Friday, September 15, 2006 @ 7:35 AM
memes again~
hahaha i thought i might as well do them while waiting for 棒棒堂 to load youtube is lagging today ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Can you name 13 of ur classmates that you can think of right off the top of your head. Don’t read the questions underneath until you write the names of all 13 people. This is a lot funnier if you actually randomly list the names first. No cheating!!! 1) bel 2) pei 3) xinyan 4) jo 5) waiyee 6) yuanhan 7) zhee kor 8) shumei 9) guen 10) jiale jiejie 11) huiying 12) huiqing 13) pat How did you meet 10? - sec1 class What would you do if you had never met 1? - not be able to discuss so much stuff wif ppl around me What would you do if 6 and 2 dated? - i study in a girls' sch sia Have you ever seen 4 cry? - nope Do you think 10 is cute? - haha. she's more to the pretty side than cute. How did you get to know 8? - sec1 class Would you ever go on a date with number 12? - haha. not likely What’s 7’s Favorite color? - dunno. but i noe her favourite toy is gun gun. What would you do if 6 confessed he/she loves you? - *pukes blood* i'll slap her. Fact about 9: - webmaster of the av club. Who is 4 going out with? - hahahahaha. dunno leh Who is number 5 to you? - erm. more to the classmate side bah Would you ever live with 13? - haha. can arh. Is 2 single? - shld be What do you think about 3? - she seems 'cold' when u dunno her but she's a mad girl within What’s the best thing about number 8? - she is like da jie jie What do you like about number 11? - her attitude towards life. Favorite Memory with 6? - hahahahaha. nope. ==================================================================================== 1. Name: Yihui 2. Middle Name: 3. Location: Singapore 4. Place of Birth: Singapore 6. Male or Female: Female 7. Birth date: 28 nov 9. Occupation: Student 10. Horoscope: sag 11. Screen Name: eh? lurenjia arh? Your Appearance: 12. Hair Color: hmm... 13. Hair Length: a bit longer than shoulder 15. Best Features: -.- 16. Height: 160cm 18. Glasses: yup 19. Shoe size: 8 20. Weight: Your Firsts: 22. First best friend: Annelise 23. First Award: Best in Chinese 24. First Sport You Joined: swimming 25. First thing you did today: wake up 26: First thing you ate today: siewmai 27. First thing you said today: "嗯" [when my dad asked if i took my hp] 28. First Love: nope Favorites: 29. Movies: The Devil Wears Prada 30. TV Show: 我爱黑涩会,模范棒棒堂 31. Color: any colour that suits my mood 32. Rock Band: mayday 33. Place to get groceries: NTUC, wet market 34. Food: seafood burger[mos] 35. Season: winter 36. Candy: lakerol 37. Sport: bball 38. Restaurant: that chinese restaurant at westmall 42. Animal: fish? 43. Books: chinese novels 44. Magazines: PLAY Currently… 45. Doing before you started this survey: the one on top 46. Thinking of: tank and xiao an 47. Wearing: hongzi and pe shorts 48. Crying about: nothing 49. Eating: nothing 50. Drinking: nothing 51. Typing: u think leh? 53. Listening To: 五月天-我们(时时刻刻) 54. Thinking about: tank and xiao an 55. Wanting: a fc gathering wif tank 56. Watching: nothing Future: 57. Where do you see yourself in 5 years: in uni 58. Kids: dunno 59. Want to be Married: yup 60. Career in Mind: sumthing to do wif the media Which is Better with the Opposite Sex? 63. Hair color: slight dark brown + black 64. Hair length: short. like the 棒棒堂型男s 65. Eye color: natural 66. Measurements: taller than my dad? 67. Cute or sexy: cute. 68. Lips or Eyes: arh? 69. Hugs or Kisses: huggies~ 70. Short or Tall: tall 71. Easygoing or serious: easygoing 72. Romantic or Spontaneous: eh. half half 73. Good or Bad: good 74. Sensitive or spontaneous: both 75. Hook-up or Relationship: relationship 77. Trouble Maker or Hesitant One: hmm.. juz do the right thing at the right time lor Have You Ever… 78. Kissed a Stranger: nope 79. Had surgery: nope 80. Gone commando: nope 81. Ran Away From Home: nope 82. Broken a bone: nope 83. Got an X-ray: nope 84. Been on a cruise: nope 85. Got a car accident: nearly 86. Dumped someone: nope 87. Cried When Someone Died: yup 88. Cried At School: nope Do You Believe In… 89. God: probably 90. Miracles: yup 91. Love at First Sight: a bit 92. Ghosts: used to 93: Aliens: nope 94. Soul Mates: yup 95. Heaven: yup 96. Hell: yup 97. Answered prayers: not really 98. Kissing on The First Date: nope 99. Horoscopes: yup Answer Truthfully: 100. Is there someone you wish you had?: yup ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ that's the end for now =) |
Thursday, September 14, 2006 @ 1:26 PM
stole this frm jiale jiejie's blog!
1) How old do you wish you were? 11 2) Where were you when 9/11 happened? my house? 3) What do you do when vending machines cheat your money? say "damn it." 4) Do you consider yourself kind? haha. u think leh. 5) If you had to get a tattoo, where would it be? the words 'tank'? 6) If you could be fluent in any other language, what would it be? jap! 7) Do you know your neighbors? not really 8) What do you consider a vacation? a trip to sum where nice 9) Do you follow your horoscope? ok ok bah 10) Would you move for the person you loved? ah? 11) Are you touchy feely? huh? 12) Do you believe that opposites attract? read up ur sci notes. they do. haha 13) Dream job? oh. sumthing to do wif media, like advertising co, mediacorp, music company and such. 14) Favorite channel(s)? eh erm. channel u? cos i dun hav cable. wahaha 15) Favorite place to go on weekends? mug at mac! hahaha. 16) Showers or Baths? showers 17) Do you paint your nails? nope 18) Do you trust people easily? depends on hu is the person 19) What are your phobias? insects [yucks] 20) Do you want kids? y not? 21) Do you keep a handwritten journal? used to. i was juz fliping through it the other day 22) Where would you rather be right now? sleeping and thinking of tank. 23) Who makes you feel warm and fuzzy? my bed~~~~~~ 24) Heavy or light sleeper heavy 25) Are you paranoid? not bah. 26) Are you impatient? yup. 27) Who can you relate to? pei? dunno leh. 28) How do you feel about interracial couples? y? got prob arh? 29) Have you been burned by love? u mean 'burnt' right? O.o 30) Whats your favorite pick-up line? ah? 31) Whats your main ring tone on your mobile? tank - bu xiang fang qi!!! 32) What were you doing at midnight last night? sending a birthday sms 33) What did the last text on your cellphone say? hmm. i've turned off my phone already. but it shld be sumthing saying abt tank's in the top 8 for newcomers for gcma. yah. it's frm wanfong. 34) Whose bed did you sleep in last night mine 35) What color shirt are you wearing white. 36) Most recent movie you watched? the devil wears prada. the nxt one shall be gigolo wannabe. 37) Name three things you have on you at all times? clothes, hp, specs 38.) What color are your bed sheets? white + green [i din choose it k?] 39) How much cash do you have on you right now? none. i dun hold money at home 40) What is your favorite part of the chicken? chicken breast made into erm. nuggets. haha 42) I cant wait: for the nxt time that i can see tank 43) What did you have for dinner last night? fried egg. soup. rice. curry chicken. 44) How tall are you barefoot? dunno. 160 still? 45) Do you own a gun? u think singapore govt allow arh? and then wat? use it to barge into IMF arh? 46) What do you prefer to drink in the morning? milo 47) Where do you think youll be in 10 yrs? still in singapore. haha 48) Last thing you ate? lakerol grape giants 49) What songs do you sing in the shower? erm. i dun. 50) Last thing that made you laugh? S.H.E on wo ai hei se hui 51) Worst injury youve ever had? let's see. erm. no big injury but lost of small ones. 52) Does someone have a crush on you? if u noe then i'll noe 53) Whats your favorite candy? lakerol. wahaha 54) What song do you want played at your funeral? tank's songs! hahaha |
@ 12:06 PM
詞:呂建忠"零" 曲:呂建忠"零" 編曲錄音:黃辛'舞裡頭 和聲編寫:黃辛'舞裡頭' 滿是玫瑰的花園的裡 發現你的微笑 我看不見你的驕傲 卻找到你的擁抱 再也不允許誰傷害你 讓你傷心難過 因為我保護著你 因為我守候著你 看著你的眼睛讓我感覺 些許的安心 再也我不用去擔心懷疑 誰能動搖 我相信在古耶路撒冷城古老的主上帝 會證明我們此刻的愛情 我感覺天使圍繞再左右的美麗 能證明我們心底的夢想 |
@ 11:58 AM
长大後你就会开始懂得这种话 哼 yup yup u'll all understand in the future. -- 周杰伦 听妈妈的话 |
@ 11:53 AM
a long time no post
haha i actually thought of wat i wanna blog during sch today but now i totally forgot abt it haiz my poor memory anyway it's his bday today~~ but he's still missing so ya we'll leave it this way until sumthing decides to occur haha ooh look~ anonymous leon tagged hu is that? O.o nvm that i shall leave it there i assume that it'll be there for quite a long time unless sum1 decides to flood my tagboard hahaha fahrenheit's album out on fri! and i think i'm gonna watch gigolo wannabe wif my sis on fri yea~~~ shun oguri~~ hahaha |
Sunday, September 10, 2006 @ 5:05 AM
went to the airport yesterday
supposingly to see shinhwa but then we were late and we missed them(stupid sis) but yea since i dun like shinhwa nothing lost right? juz that when i went to the departure hall of terminal 2 i thought of the day when we sent tank off all the memories bac to mind wanted to talk to sum1 abt it so i sms-ed jiaxin her 3rd sms actually came telling me she wanna sleep so i continued the night wif that depressed feeling surrounding me oh gosh i miss tank!!!! argh. endless thoughts and then laoxiong's guestbook reminded me of sum1 else hey. it's 4 days more. |
Friday, September 08, 2006 @ 9:10 AM
so everyone's dying one by one oh. but that's how life works right. first. steve irwin then. cancer boy another. RI reserve and. there's one funeral right at my block who's nxt? |
@ 9:05 AM
A - Age you first believed in love?
i hav short term memory B - Band listening to right now? eh. pan@sonic C - Dream Car a sports car would do fine D - Dad's name? hmm.. y u wanna noe? E - Easiest person to make u laugh? haha. eh erm. lao xiong? F - Food you miss most? jap curry don, aunt's spaghetti G - Any encounters with ghosts? nope H - Who is in your heart right now? my mum, tank, xiao an papa I- Interesting unknown fact about you? eh. unknown shld be left unknown =) J - Just tell me who's the last person who.. wat? K - Kissing with eyes open or closed? nv tried L - Last time you did fight? hmm. last yr? M - Most memorable moment you can think of in a minute? the days when the fc chased tank N - Nicknames? eh. lurenjiajia. hahaha. O - Open up! what's your most valuable possession? my handphone P - Place you are right now. in front of my com Q - Quote what you heard for the last two minutes? "在屋頂唱著你的歌" --屋頂by junyang and sinhui R - Remember the last time you cried? dunno. but i wanna do that right now. my head hurts. S - Song you sang last? 假裝 -- 蔡依林 T - Time you woke up? 7am U - Use love in a sentence. i would love a cup of drink V - Vegetable you hate most? almost all hahaha W - What are you most afraid of? failing X- X-rated love? ah? Y - Year you were born in? look there (points to sidebar) Z - Zodiac sign? refer to question above. [i thought i might as well do this b4 i drop dead.] |
Thursday, September 07, 2006 @ 4:31 PM
i actually din wanna blog today
cos i am very very very tired went to watch the devil wears prada just now it was fabulous! i love andrea hahaha miranda is nice at the bac if u've watched it the near-to-ending part was nice everyone is so clever and cunning in the movie it's a short and sweet movie the anger of andrea was potrayed really well unlike other movies which slowly shows everything short and sweet pls watch it if u can!!! the nxt movie on my list is gigolo wannabe it doesnt sound nice at all lah pls the jap title [waters] sounds so much better shun is in it! wahaha the basketball guy is hilarious lah he use the defense method in bball to stop customers hahahahaha 8 more days to fahrenheit's album 8 more days to end of gcma voting 6 more days to his bday haiz |
Wednesday, September 06, 2006 @ 11:59 AM
ppl!!! let's go take a photo wif our dear 2 notes higher laughing mr wong hahaha -EDIT- for today and yesterday i attend a photography course (wah~~~) no need to wah lah it's part of cca i thought it'll be k's kind of teaching u noe the i'll-hang-u-by-ur-last-finger kind of teaching? in simpler words horrible strict teaching the instructor was mr wong he is erm quite funny u can say yesterday was mainly technical stuff so not too much fun and laughter lah everytime mr wong would laugh at sumthing he says which he thinks is funny and then the whole class will laugh but the thing is we're not laughing at his words or anything we're laughing at his laughter when he laughs it sounds like 2 keys higher and causes it to be extremely hilarious hahaha today is the last day of the course and at the starting we reviewed the photos taken end of lesson yesterday 冷风and her dear fren took photos that were on the extreme sides some were too over exposed and hence mr wong said it looked like heaven thus it began the photo story there was one wif the caption "God is descending!" and then there was one wif the danger sign guen said the photo has the danger sign cos once u cross the border it's hell and there was one where 冷风 look as if she is thinking of her bf and thus began the romeo and juliet story [冷风 was waiting for romeo at the balcony. and then she is thinking of cleaning the toilet. or. romeo is in the toilet] this wasnt completely thought by us mr wong made some parts of it too hahaha so "too over exposed is heaven, too under exposed is hell, just right is earth and playing with white balance leads u to another dimension" --quoted frm guen. and then today was a trip to botanical gardens for photo trip when we reviewed our photos 冷风 kept laughing we din noe wat's so funny but we juz explain it ourselves and then laugh too hahaha and then the whole class kept going [好冷哦] cos we think wat 冷风 is doing is very 冷 then when she was going to leave the class she still stand there and laugh laugh luagh "Go home go home." was wat mrs tan said to 冷风 upon her words the whole class applauded hahahahahhaha and then when 冷风 finally stepped out of the room jessie dun a "kowtow" action actually is meant 谢天谢地 冷风走了 but guen miss intepreted it as she 磕头 to 冷风 hahaha when the whole class understood wat jessie was doing we all put our hands together in a prayer position and "拜" hahahaha wat an enjoyable day! i love the class!! i love the teachers!! i've agreed wif lijune to go sit in our seniors class [oso conducted by mr wong] before our maths remedial starts on thurs interested av members can tag at my blog!! hahaha i'm so gonna miss mr wong~ oh btw my works will be up once i get them!! |
Friday, September 01, 2006 @ 6:30 AM
this year's teachers' day celebration
can say it's erm different #1 2o2 performed in the teachers' day concert the grease lightning dance it's cute =) #2 mr seah is missing frm this yr's celebration!! rmb last yr go bac dls always first thing is to call him now go bac oso dunno look for hu everytime go bac we'll be like "let's go find xia tou" then this yr the security more tight lah cannot go 2nd floor so this chinese teacher asked hu we wanna meet we actually couldnt ans haiz 5m oso alot of ppl nv go bac sigh but anyway we talked to hong lao shi so yah at least sumthing done sms-ed mr seah while in dls asked whether could meet up but yah teachers' day teachers hav to listen to PM's speech so we said we'll meet another day =) aww man~~~~ i cant believe i'm feeling like that! i juz wanna say~ I MISS XIATOU!!!!!!!!! oh and i cant believe he types perfect english in his smses unbelievable. |