Wednesday, September 06, 2006 @ 11:59 AM
ppl!!! let's go take a photo wif our dear 2 notes higher laughing mr wong hahaha -EDIT- for today and yesterday i attend a photography course (wah~~~) no need to wah lah it's part of cca i thought it'll be k's kind of teaching u noe the i'll-hang-u-by-ur-last-finger kind of teaching? in simpler words horrible strict teaching the instructor was mr wong he is erm quite funny u can say yesterday was mainly technical stuff so not too much fun and laughter lah everytime mr wong would laugh at sumthing he says which he thinks is funny and then the whole class will laugh but the thing is we're not laughing at his words or anything we're laughing at his laughter when he laughs it sounds like 2 keys higher and causes it to be extremely hilarious hahaha today is the last day of the course and at the starting we reviewed the photos taken end of lesson yesterday 冷风and her dear fren took photos that were on the extreme sides some were too over exposed and hence mr wong said it looked like heaven thus it began the photo story there was one wif the caption "God is descending!" and then there was one wif the danger sign guen said the photo has the danger sign cos once u cross the border it's hell and there was one where 冷风 look as if she is thinking of her bf and thus began the romeo and juliet story [冷风 was waiting for romeo at the balcony. and then she is thinking of cleaning the toilet. or. romeo is in the toilet] this wasnt completely thought by us mr wong made some parts of it too hahaha so "too over exposed is heaven, too under exposed is hell, just right is earth and playing with white balance leads u to another dimension" --quoted frm guen. and then today was a trip to botanical gardens for photo trip when we reviewed our photos 冷风 kept laughing we din noe wat's so funny but we juz explain it ourselves and then laugh too hahaha and then the whole class kept going [好冷哦] cos we think wat 冷风 is doing is very 冷 then when she was going to leave the class she still stand there and laugh laugh luagh "Go home go home." was wat mrs tan said to 冷风 upon her words the whole class applauded hahahahahhaha and then when 冷风 finally stepped out of the room jessie dun a "kowtow" action actually is meant 谢天谢地 冷风走了 but guen miss intepreted it as she 磕头 to 冷风 hahaha when the whole class understood wat jessie was doing we all put our hands together in a prayer position and "拜" hahahaha wat an enjoyable day! i love the class!! i love the teachers!! i've agreed wif lijune to go sit in our seniors class [oso conducted by mr wong] before our maths remedial starts on thurs interested av members can tag at my blog!! hahaha i'm so gonna miss mr wong~ oh btw my works will be up once i get them!! |
SEE Yihui. monkey. 28nov.
proudly Singaporean. chaolaoshu. lurenjia. huizz. nyav. tankfc. chengho. 7duohua. 黃城夜韻. Operation Smile. S-SIX-BEE. ♥ LOVES NEWS. Tamamori Yuta. 蘇打綠. Kis-My-Ft2. Kato Shigeaki. Nishikido Ryo *WISHES Trip to Japan/Taiwan. Work in Esplanade. Perform on stage. Currently watching Lady~Saigo no Hanzai Profiling. Control. My Princess. worth $1,212,030. |
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Wednesday, September 06, 2006 @ 11:59 AM
ppl!!! let's go take a photo wif our dear 2 notes higher laughing mr wong hahaha -EDIT- for today and yesterday i attend a photography course (wah~~~) no need to wah lah it's part of cca i thought it'll be k's kind of teaching u noe the i'll-hang-u-by-ur-last-finger kind of teaching? in simpler words horrible strict teaching the instructor was mr wong he is erm quite funny u can say yesterday was mainly technical stuff so not too much fun and laughter lah everytime mr wong would laugh at sumthing he says which he thinks is funny and then the whole class will laugh but the thing is we're not laughing at his words or anything we're laughing at his laughter when he laughs it sounds like 2 keys higher and causes it to be extremely hilarious hahaha today is the last day of the course and at the starting we reviewed the photos taken end of lesson yesterday 冷风and her dear fren took photos that were on the extreme sides some were too over exposed and hence mr wong said it looked like heaven thus it began the photo story there was one wif the caption "God is descending!" and then there was one wif the danger sign guen said the photo has the danger sign cos once u cross the border it's hell and there was one where 冷风 look as if she is thinking of her bf and thus began the romeo and juliet story [冷风 was waiting for romeo at the balcony. and then she is thinking of cleaning the toilet. or. romeo is in the toilet] this wasnt completely thought by us mr wong made some parts of it too hahaha so "too over exposed is heaven, too under exposed is hell, just right is earth and playing with white balance leads u to another dimension" --quoted frm guen. and then today was a trip to botanical gardens for photo trip when we reviewed our photos 冷风 kept laughing we din noe wat's so funny but we juz explain it ourselves and then laugh too hahaha and then the whole class kept going [好冷哦] cos we think wat 冷风 is doing is very 冷 then when she was going to leave the class she still stand there and laugh laugh luagh "Go home go home." was wat mrs tan said to 冷风 upon her words the whole class applauded hahahahahhaha and then when 冷风 finally stepped out of the room jessie dun a "kowtow" action actually is meant 谢天谢地 冷风走了 but guen miss intepreted it as she 磕头 to 冷风 hahaha when the whole class understood wat jessie was doing we all put our hands together in a prayer position and "拜" hahahaha wat an enjoyable day! i love the class!! i love the teachers!! i've agreed wif lijune to go sit in our seniors class [oso conducted by mr wong] before our maths remedial starts on thurs interested av members can tag at my blog!! hahaha i'm so gonna miss mr wong~ oh btw my works will be up once i get them!! |