Sunday, March 11, 2007 @ 2:18 AM
it was meant to be
we take nyaa form frm fishray then eat dinner and random stuff i thought i was fairly late [like half an hour] but yanxin called and said fishray's not there yet [wahbiang] so i reached and we went for dinner at the foodcourt at cine on the way we were like "navigating" hahahahaha yunghian says yanxin is a bad navigator cos she doesnt wait for the whole grp huifang was pacing me and siwei were crapping abt the direction we're supposed to walk chengxin was the sweeper we squeezed at 2 tables at the foodcourt i was like sticking to yanxin hahahahaha then they were like saying we wan er4 ren2 shi4 jie4 wateva loh and we totally could see that huifang misses fishray alot so at around 7plus to 8 we called fishray to see if he's coming any sooner no one wanted to talk to fishray we practically "threw" the phone around hahahaha we pushed the phone to huifang cos we knew she would definately wanna talk to fishray and she happily took it so after that all the calls she talk one hahaha and they said fishray sounded damn deep after dinner was window shopping in cine nothing much lah siwei bought the box set for hana kimi which was like.. $32plus? yah like that loh then we took neoprints 9ppl into 1 machine haha had fun! and 1 pic was the akira's "kon kon" thing i love that photo!!! kon kon! when we came called fishray again he said he would be late we were thinking of punishments for him like treating us to luxurious supper and such in the end we settled wif pumping the UG way 1min late = 5pumpings by the time he really reached us it accumulated to 1000odd 3hours plus we went hmv to listen listen walk walk then we set outside heeren to wait for fishray we got bored at the bac of heeren so we sang the purple light song then he said he was coming so we went to the traffic light to wait for him and we sang purple light like abt 3/4times? and we added a fourth verse "purple light in orchard road that is where cheng ho is wait for fishray very jialat wif my backpack and the chenghos and me~~" finally he came wif his gf huifang damn heartache can~ it's like she was like happy happy all the while then see the gf not smiling anymore aiyo but anyway the gf nv smile at all de loh face black black one we were like all commenting to each other that zippy is better =) but aiya not a choice we can make neway after we took the nyaa forms yunghian and yanxin went home fishray and gf said they we rushing but they strolled in the opposite direction of the parking lot [o.0] while yunghian and yanxin were walking away chengxin wanted to call them then in the end she called evelyn who was standing right in front of her they were like talking and responding in surround sound suddenly chengxin juz burst out laughing and squatted on the floor after she realised wat she did it was like the classic of the day afterwhich huifang went to take mrt chengxin and elizabeth stayed at ngee ann to wait for chengxin's father and me and siwei and evelyn went to the mos at shaw tower to drink milk tea we were planning the nxt chengho outing we wanted to get a date when everyone's free so that fishray would come the day which most ppl are free is wed but then huifang and nicole are not free so aiya i dunno leh but the plan was captain's ball at queenstown cc then dinner at marina square and then random after dinner stuff so yah we hope every chengho-ist would turn up at least majority lah dun wan like today so little ppl. that's abt it for now |
SEE Yihui. monkey. 28nov.
proudly Singaporean. chaolaoshu. lurenjia. huizz. nyav. tankfc. chengho. 7duohua. 黃城夜韻. Operation Smile. S-SIX-BEE. ♥ LOVES NEWS. Tamamori Yuta. 蘇打綠. Kis-My-Ft2. Kato Shigeaki. Nishikido Ryo *WISHES Trip to Japan/Taiwan. Work in Esplanade. Perform on stage. Currently watching Lady~Saigo no Hanzai Profiling. Control. My Princess. worth $1,212,030. |
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Sunday, March 11, 2007 @ 2:18 AM
it was meant to be
we take nyaa form frm fishray then eat dinner and random stuff i thought i was fairly late [like half an hour] but yanxin called and said fishray's not there yet [wahbiang] so i reached and we went for dinner at the foodcourt at cine on the way we were like "navigating" hahahahaha yunghian says yanxin is a bad navigator cos she doesnt wait for the whole grp huifang was pacing me and siwei were crapping abt the direction we're supposed to walk chengxin was the sweeper we squeezed at 2 tables at the foodcourt i was like sticking to yanxin hahahahaha then they were like saying we wan er4 ren2 shi4 jie4 wateva loh and we totally could see that huifang misses fishray alot so at around 7plus to 8 we called fishray to see if he's coming any sooner no one wanted to talk to fishray we practically "threw" the phone around hahahaha we pushed the phone to huifang cos we knew she would definately wanna talk to fishray and she happily took it so after that all the calls she talk one hahaha and they said fishray sounded damn deep after dinner was window shopping in cine nothing much lah siwei bought the box set for hana kimi which was like.. $32plus? yah like that loh then we took neoprints 9ppl into 1 machine haha had fun! and 1 pic was the akira's "kon kon" thing i love that photo!!! kon kon! when we came called fishray again he said he would be late we were thinking of punishments for him like treating us to luxurious supper and such in the end we settled wif pumping the UG way 1min late = 5pumpings by the time he really reached us it accumulated to 1000odd 3hours plus we went hmv to listen listen walk walk then we set outside heeren to wait for fishray we got bored at the bac of heeren so we sang the purple light song then he said he was coming so we went to the traffic light to wait for him and we sang purple light like abt 3/4times? and we added a fourth verse "purple light in orchard road that is where cheng ho is wait for fishray very jialat wif my backpack and the chenghos and me~~" finally he came wif his gf huifang damn heartache can~ it's like she was like happy happy all the while then see the gf not smiling anymore aiyo but anyway the gf nv smile at all de loh face black black one we were like all commenting to each other that zippy is better =) but aiya not a choice we can make neway after we took the nyaa forms yunghian and yanxin went home fishray and gf said they we rushing but they strolled in the opposite direction of the parking lot [o.0] while yunghian and yanxin were walking away chengxin wanted to call them then in the end she called evelyn who was standing right in front of her they were like talking and responding in surround sound suddenly chengxin juz burst out laughing and squatted on the floor after she realised wat she did it was like the classic of the day afterwhich huifang went to take mrt chengxin and elizabeth stayed at ngee ann to wait for chengxin's father and me and siwei and evelyn went to the mos at shaw tower to drink milk tea we were planning the nxt chengho outing we wanted to get a date when everyone's free so that fishray would come the day which most ppl are free is wed but then huifang and nicole are not free so aiya i dunno leh but the plan was captain's ball at queenstown cc then dinner at marina square and then random after dinner stuff so yah we hope every chengho-ist would turn up at least majority lah dun wan like today so little ppl. that's abt it for now |